I think the idea of Dog having additional talents on the console build was experimented with, but ultimately not implemented. I remember seeing a version where he had warrior talents too, but the most recent version I played, he did not.
Flow control refers to, specifically, the actual level up process. It's difficult to click on the little plus beside your character on the console. You don't level up more frequently in terms of experience acquired. Though the game is easier on the console.
EDIT: I haven't read Nathan's post, it's possible that the warrior talents are still there. The primary difference is that on the consoles the flow control required that the player allocate points. If they had nothing they could allocate a talent point to, you couldn't proceed through the level up. I have since moved on to other projects, but I thought that we had changed Dog's level up so that he wouldn't run into situations where he had no place to put his points. I'll take a look on Monday