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Everything posted by DreamWayfarer

  1. If it helps, orlans have a reputation (which my come prtially from racism, but...) of being naturally sttubborn, something that can be associated with boars. And Boreal dwarves are very powerful, so go either way.
  2. Maybe it would work better if instead of x attacks per turn there were action points, DEX gave more action points per turn and interrupts subtracted action points from the target's next turn action point pool.
  3. They totally should name an important and powerful character after you in PoE2, Boeroer. Maybe an Archmage.
  4. I don't think it is necessary. i mean, it is so zoomed in you can imagine him holding a bow and havimg his quiver on a lower position, like slightly above his waist and turned sideways instead of along his back facing upwards (like how it is positioned in Dark Souls, for example)
  5. Magran gives accuracy to Swords, not maces. Berath, however, favors maces, greatswords and is said to pay surprise visits to those who try to cheat death.
  6. Maybe you should open with a gun and switch to a pike? Bows are better for sustained damage.
  7. You could make a longbow or pike/staff using cipher of you want less micro.
  8. It was said as the game was still under development, I think. I believe a Rogue's invisibility is a more direct demonstration of "soul power".
  9. All casters can tank if built for it. It is just more natural to Chanters.
  10. Hey, don't let the post above dissuade you from making your bow-mage. Although Ciphers with warbows/guns make much better supernatural marksmen.
  11. While a Cipher with a longbow fits the concept better than both, the idea is viable and looks more interesting than a wand-user IMO.
  12. It may not be a choice ypur character makes, but I think someone already linked to souls of others, living or dead, would be more ready to accept it, and maybe even more likely to develop the condition.
  13. I think you may be talking about me . And I agree that Chanters fit a Watcher as much as ciphers, because their unique type of necromancy and tradition of remembering the past mean that a chanter would be the first to embrace the gift of being a Watcher. Not only that, but both Watchers and Chanters are much closer to the original meaning of the term "Necromancer" than what you usually see on fantasy, being bridges between the living and the dead, the present and the past. It is only natural to have both in one character. EDIT: not really my favorite class however. I don't love extreme micromanagement, but chanters take it too far in the other direction before late-game.
  14. I would say that for a melee wizard who focuses on damage with conjured weapons DEX is slightly more important, even if so little it is more of a matter of tastes, as weapon accuracy is straighforward enough to buff to the point of few misses and critting is not a Wizard's main strenght, while attacking, casting and chaining buffs faster can be helpful (and even if buffs are all fast, sometimes you just need to empty your grimmorie at once to survive. For a tank Wizard however, PER is the only way.
  15. Druids can be great protectors. They are not great buffers, but when they have healing on par with priests and CC on par with Wizards that doesn't matter that much: weakening a foe is not so different from strenghtening an ally. And your build will work best with hide armor anyway, since you only need to tank as long as your spells are charging, so you will still look like a druid. Spears are nice weapons too, even tough hatchets nay be better. BTW, have you considered swords? There is an early nice looking black sword that makes you sturdier, and if you choose the Knights of The Crucible faction at Act 2 one of your rewards is a shining sword that buffs the accuracy of allies targeting the same foe, fitting the idea of a leader, guardian and blesser.
  16. If you give it a quality enchantment it loses its unique terribleness. I don't think the ingredients for Accurate 1 are hard to find, BTW.
  17. The Escape skill does not break stealth and increases deflection, which makes it a good take if you wish to pick the Backstab talent or specialize in killing the enemy backline.
  18. Hey! Many Pale Elves remove their beards. That is why they have ice and fire resistance, centuries of adaptation to cold winds and boiling wax.
  19. I say you should pick a Pale Elf. After all elves come from escandinavian and germanic folklore. Better yet, if you take the Seven Nights invocation and wield either the Rimecutter axe (very hard to get, depends ob RNG) or the White Spire estoc you can have an ice theme as well. The second weapon also increases the accuracy of allies targeting the same foe, which fits the rallying part. To go with the theme, use the low level chants most of the time (the defense buffs and fear aura fit well your concept), and have fun with your invocations (calling vengefull spirits, paralysing people with a terrifying scream, summoning blades of glacial ice, ressurecting your allies or empowering yourself with an warcry). For stats, I'd suggest average physical attributes and high mental ones if the chanter is supposed to be your main character, with an emphasis on INT. If not, increase CON and MIG instead of RES and PER, but don't dump anything either way. Skills should be lore first and survival second. Which also heppen to be the skills that give the most dialogue options.
  20. Well, to be fair with PoE I believe the search for balance didn't make the classes less unique at all, even if some nerfs were undeserved. The problem was mostly that the game mechanics are too byzanthine, so it takes a lot of trial and error to discover the great potential for originality, something people who attach themselves too much to OP builds don't really like to do again after having found and lost their "holy grail". And the initial lack of respecing didn't help.
  21. Wasn't that removed loong ago? BTW, I think it may still be good at endgame for a kill-stealer Kind Wayfarer Paladin.
  22. Pale Elf is my favorite race . And yes, its passive will prove useful. BTW, the scientist background is not available for those from The White That Wends, but on the other hand mystic is unique to the location.
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