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Everything posted by Rayth

  1. It's the neato Xel'lotath avatar. That and being a wraith!
  2. So that's where all the amateur porn on the internet comes from!
  3. More like Man date. Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right? Zing!
  4. f.....acts? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Better?
  5. TEH MARK OF TEH BEAST!!!11!!111!!!eleven1!!
  6. They're too busy Bush bashing to think logically man. I hate the guy as much as anyone, but at least keep your complaints based on facts people.
  7. No Barbie Horse Adventure expansion?!!
  8. Basically. Kinda hard to get UK gaming rags in California, but I'm sure someone here will know. PotentPaladin3.0
  9. Probably, but then they'll all buy the game anyway like the little consumer whores they are. Yay capitalism!
  10. Good thing you're only .000000000000000000000000000000001% of the customer base then!
  11. Full nudity is the kiss of death for pretty much any game sales wise. Unless it's Hentai.
  12. Well, uh, they made those Matrix games and, uh...R.I.P. MDK!
  13. You thrive on others misery.
  14. Poor Shiny. :'(
  15. IGN has reported on this before, as have other game sources. Last reports said it was dead in the water, this is new, and the date on it is today. Too new for anything to have popped up anywhere I suppose. Wait and see...
  16. Can one of you Brits confirm or deny this? I stumbled upon it by chance just now, and I've been itching for another Metroid side-scroller for quite some time now. Not really finding anything on Google.
  17. I'll bring the car battery and jumper cables, you bring the pliers!
  18. Because it's true?
  19. I'd like to see them bring the other Chris Taylor that used to work at Interplay and was last the lead on the middle earth online game before the licence changed hands. I Spoke to this Chris many times and he reminds me of Ferret a lot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He's ah...he's been busy making Dungeon Siege games....
  20. The subject of this review is thepixiesrock Pix is a pretty awesome dude, despite ticking Gabrielle and Hades off at him a number of times, and being 'witty and topical' (an unabashed spammer) he never ceases to be a riot. If something shady (in a good way, I swear) is going down, you can bet Pixies is in on it. He continues to call him like he sees them, to the detriment of his warning level, and Lou Gutman will never quit his ceaseless trail to uncover internet conspiracy. His Supermarket Hijinx threads have been a hit, despite, you know, pissing Gabrielle and Hades off, and, you know, the moderators. But still, funny dude. I'm tapped out guys!
  21. Plizzayed! Also!
  22. Fancy clothes look like rugs.
  23. I heard you can get cancer from pretty much anything fun.
  24. Dude, I thought you weren't gonna reveal your secret super villain name. Way to let vital information slip while gloating.
  25. I can't believe you forgot Trask and Carth Bok. For shame.
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