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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Computer and Console...
  2. Kotor II and Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition (although both of these are better on the PC due to mods)...
  3. Yep, they suck him dry and toss away the bones...
  4. I just beat the "Hidden" HL2 Mod...
  5. I wonder if Valve will get HL2: Episode Three out in 08...
  6. I just finished Episode Two, and now I'm wondering how long the wait will be for the final installment...
  7. You should stop leaving notes on my profile...

  8. Goddess - Threat Level 5
  9. But will they be good games?
  10. I'll believe that when I download it...
  11. You forgot The Orange Box....
  12. Go troll somewhere else, Owner...

  13. I envy you, although I should, hopefully, be able to upgrade soon - I'm going to probably wait until the 9xxx series is out...
  14. I got quite a few people copies of The Orange Box while it was on sale, but that might not be a good gift for your mum...
  15. Oh noes, the donkey is an "enemy of freedom!"
  16. Damn... I hope you're correct about his being able to write more...
  17. Good spot... And one Google Image Search later:
  18. Maybe people would like you more if you spammed less...
  19. Oh boy, this is going to be entertaining to watch. It is unfortunate that I am too busy to get involved at the moment, but maybe he will not be banned until later this week...
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7137615.stm
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