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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. You can get some nice wireless controllers (including X-box and 360 ones if you want one of those) if you want to lay back and relax while playing. :)

  2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - after enabling shadows, look at my last posting this topic, the game is kicking my arse again as I adjust to the change. Still, night-vision has become necessary and fighting in darkness is cool.
  3. You must play on the PC - you must... Now watch the pendulum...

  4. Yeah, DA sounds like it is going to be good - better come with a toolset though.
  5. Depends on the female - I know several who would be more interested after finding out it was multi-grand gaming PC. Of course they would also be, in the literal sense, more than happen to have you connect LAN cables to their ports - not so keen on the figurative meaning of the aforementioned action.
  6. Also, I would question the fact that you have full dynamic lighting enabled - it looks like the DX8 static to me, and, believe me, I know what that looks like as I had been using it without meaning to for the first ten-plus hours of play.
  7. I disagree on both the pointlessness of the games mentioned and the importance of the toolset. Without a toolset The Elder Scrolls would have been nothing in my eyes, nor would have either of the Neverwinter Nights games attained a place of honor on my drive. In fact, I have had more fun modding and using mods than I could have ever could have had without the toolset - strange, maybe, but I do love mods and their availability automatically makes a game look a little-bit better. This may be because modders do not have the same restraints developers do, and thus can target a very small market without the fear of loosing money.
  8. You can tweak the ini to get rid of the biggest problems that arise with mid-grade laptops, what are your specs?
  9. You can use an X-box controller with the PC...
  10. Amaranth - Nightwish
  11. Is not the X-box wonderful?
  12. You should get it for the PC, mods can solve most of the problems.
  13. Because Crysis' main selling point is its amazing visuals -something that will quickly become dated-, while the other games make use of something else.
  14. I run BG and BG II without compatibility mode and they work fine on 32-bit Vista - so, yeah, they should work.
  15. Full Moon - Bloody Irish Boys
  16. Yeah, it's not my favorite - but it's not the worst.
  17. Nymphetamine - Cradle of Filth Edit: Why do I hate pigeonholing when it comes to music? Because you can never group things like that together in a single category and definitively say who, or what, is, without a doubt better. Personally I like "Rock," "Celtic Rock," "Celtic," "Goth Rock," "Alternative Rock," "Classical," "Punk Rock," "New Age," and many other genres that I won't bother to mention, for I have already proved my point. That is to say, I believe that you cannot say something like "I like Rock," and expect that statement to truly communicate anything meaningful to your listener. For instance, I really abhor almost all rap and hip-hop - but there is a few artists (id est Greydon Square) that I tolerate due to their material being interesting. If I had said "I loath Rap and Hip-Hop," would that have been true? Maybe, but not completely.
  18. Oh noes, one small error - and not even that if you use the KSE or some mods...
  19. But we are not talking about your magical run, are we.
  20. You could kill her during the second fight instead of reconverting her to the lightside or taking her as your appearance.
  21. Yeah, well - when I used the mod that restored this I always lost (on purpose), sorry I forgot the other ending.
  22. That is the main reason, they will gladly carry a game that is M - but if it were to be labeled "AO" it would be pulled off the shelves.
  23. That's interesting - as I had more problems with ATI's drivers than I have ever had with Nvidia's.
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