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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. If there is another, that might be ok* - but if there is not another option then, no, he should be required to prescribe the medication. *Although I would still disagree with that decision and fight against it.
  2. Yeah, this thread needs more bigotry. All religions are simply large cults... Edit:
  3. No more so than the doctor who denied two lesbians his services because of a cult's two-thousand-year-old book.
  4. A CD-check, but you could always rip the discs to an ISO and play from that.
  5. No, real-time turn-based combat is the way to go.
  6. You know, I never realized how much the RRoD looked like HAL until this moment...
  7. Yeah, and they ended up losing their job over the issue.
  8. Fine, that is why there are abortion clinics, but what about prescribing birth-control pills or treating alcohol-related diseases? Those are just two of the infinite number of things "doctors" could withhold for "moral" reasons. What about this, would you support someone who believed that Canadians were evil and deserved no care? If not, how is that any different?
  9. Fryda Wolff is better, and has a great name.
  10. LOL... I've never had an issue with UAC and I play games other then "the very latest generic Microsoft own-brand fluff."
  11. Or anything else they feel is against their "religious or moral beliefs" - the title of the piece is misleading in that respect.
  12. I believe so, although I stopped paying attention once I discovered that it's using ME's DRM scam once again.
  13. Three days until I can pick up my copy of Clear Sky, unless it turns out to have DRM problems that is...
  14. Yeah, even in my un-upgraded state -something that will soon change- I meet and beat the minimum.
  15. Is there an upcoming event in either place that you both might enjoy (such as a lecture, film opening, or travailing exhibit)? That might be a good way to break the ice without seeming too forward.
  16. TIME - Special Issue: The Republicans, Page 15 I'll write more about this, and try to post an on-line article or a better picture, tomorrow.
  17. I'll post a link later, but I just heard on NPR that her daughter is pregnant again!
  18. Found it, the game was called Obsidian and has nothing to do with Obsidian Entertainment.
  19. Yeah, I guess I will - but that does not mean anything in my case as I already avoid purchasing games that use excessive data rights management scams (id est Spore, the DRM version of Bioshock, and Mass Effect).
  20. I cannot find any information about the set either, odd...
  21. Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead - fun movies, I wouldn't mind more of them.
  22. I don't think many of us would mind that....
  23. i think he was in deadly earenst. after all, the voice acting for Aribeth in the original NWN was the stuff of legend. i hope she got more work after that.
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