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Alvin Nelson

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Posts posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. I'm quite the nub when it comes to D&D, but after playing with NWN 2 for awhile and briefly checking out NX1, i can build a pretty good character. One of my favorite parts is actually seeing what build works with what kind of character i like to play.


    All nubs aside, NX1 is a great game for all who know what they are doing. With the great music, design, graphics, and gameplay, its definitely something to check out. Heck, i've been trying to play it again ever since i got a taste of it on our Obsidian NX1 Play Day!

  2. So, did you notice anything like that? I'm not expecting or wanting DnD geek hardcore experience, but vanilla NWN2 was horribly easy for most of the time.


    I'll tell you one thing. My Cleric/Frenzied Berserker/Warpriest still has a difficult time, and i had some pretty good equipment.



    Could I draw the conclusion from this that my Warlock/Rogue/Assassin will get his tuckus handed to him?


    Run. Fast.

  3. So, did you notice anything like that? I'm not expecting or wanting DnD geek hardcore experience, but vanilla NWN2 was horribly easy for most of the time.


    I'll tell you one thing. My Cleric/Frenzied Berserker/Warpriest still has a difficult time, and i had some pretty good equipment.

  4. I'm pretty psyched about the movie, and also about the new Hulk and Iron Man. I don't know, it all sounds like a good time to me! I really hope they make a JL (Justice League) movie too!

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