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Alvin Nelson

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Posts posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. It's all over the place in the UK (our own version though). You can hardly turn on the TV or pick up a magazine without seeing it around.


    They also, somehow, managed to find the most annoying girl on the face of the planet, and put her in.


    The best way to fix that problem? MUTE



  2. I thought that it was a very good interview. With any position you should never think that your product is perfect. Whenever I am playing a game that I enjoy or reading a good book, even though i enjoy the book/game i always think to myself "This was good, but how can I make this better?" I feel that once you stop critiquing yourself then you stop learning.


    Never settling for average and always working to make things better is why working with Josh is so much fun!

  3. Also, since you're young, I'd recommend taking some beginning programming classes in high school. Knowing at least basic coding would no doubt come in handy in a lot of design positions.


    You may also want to learn about modelling and art creation at some point as well. I think, perhaps even moreso than programmers and artists, designers benefit from having a holistic grasp of game development.


    QFT. One of the best things for a designer i think is the ability to look at all sides of development, so that their view is rational. Knowing some programming languages goes a long way.


    Also, you probably want to study LOTS of games. Even the crappy games have the ONE concept that made the publisher and developer think that the game would be a good idea.


    I would also say read a lot. Maybe even a lot of history. A lot of good designers i have met originally majored in history, and a lot of the games that people think are new and inventive are old mythological stories or events of the past. It adds a sense of realism to every story.


    If you more into just making the areas and building the levels, i agree with Schazzwozzer that building levels for NWN, NWN 2, or Oblivion is a good idea. But those are more for RPG's. You can build levels for Half-Life/Half-Life 2, Call of Duty, etc if you are into the FPS genre. Its good that you are young and are actively attempting to learn as much as possible.


    *Note - this is stuff that i learned while working with the fine folks at Obsidian. My info is nowhere near as valuable as J.E. Sawyer or Chris Avellone's, but i like to believe that I've learned a thing or two! :)

  4. So... If I stop buying Obsidian games you have more time for the Art Blog, right? I just might do that. :teehee:


    Of course, if you and everyone else stops buying the games, we still won't have any Art Blog. In fact, we wouldn't have this forum either! :):o

  5. When i first started playing i really liked Khelgar. His "kill everything and ask questions later" style suited me just fine. As i continued to play i really began to like Neeshka, and then Bishop. Really, the only characters i didn't play with that often were Zhjaeve, Construct, and Jerro.

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