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Alvin Nelson

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Posts posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. Sorries, we've been pretty busy round here. I've got some books that both the animators have bought on their own, and we have in our library here.


    The Animator's Survival Kit

    Action Anatomy: For Gamers, Animators, and Digital Artists

    Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right

    Human Anatomy for Artists: The Elements of Form

    Body Language: Advanced 3D Character Rigging


    And let's say you have tons of money...Then these are also recommended:


    Rhino House

    The Animator's Survival Kit Animated

    Jason Ryan Animation



    I'll try to get some animators to post some more help too.

  2. RPGFan E3 preview


    Obsidian showed us first one of the passive skills players gain when they toss some of their points into the pistol skill. While the targeting reticule is normally a large circle that provides a general area of fire, when Thorton's pistol skill is high enough, a cross shaped reticule will appear inside and slowly shrink so that players can make pinpoint shots, even while under cover. Players will also have active abilities that they'll have to pause and activate. Obsidian demonstrated two of these abilities - Chain Shot for the pistol and Bullet Storm for SMGs. Chain Shot allows players to pause the game, select targets for up to three shots, then watch Thorton take down the targets with amazing accuracy. Bullet Storm, on the other hand, makes Thorton seem more like Chow Yun Fat in a John Woo film, having infinite ammo with his SMG for a short amount of time as he mows down a wealth of enemies.


    Players will also have quite a bit of freedom when they choose their path, but the game won't feature a good/evil option system like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Rather, Thorton, as a spy, sometimes must use different tactics to survive, and sometimes those might be thought of as evil. The game doesn't track good and evil like KotOR, but players will be able to gain favor with different factions based on their actions and this will affect story and options down the line. In Obsidian's demo, Thorton comes across a weapons dealer whom he has been ordered to arrest. Players will have the ability to arrest him as ordered, extort him, or simply murder him. Instead of seeing a screen informing them they've done good or evil, however, players will simply see how the action unfolds and will deal with the consequences later. Players can expect to see some great dialogue, as well, as Chris Avalon [sic], the writer of Planescape: Torment is on board, as well.


    yay! I did this interview!

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