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Alvin Nelson

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Posts posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. Character models look much, much better than before. Looks like there might be some friendlies in combat. Nice that we'll be getting akimbo pistols / subguns. With the unlimited ammo it'll be like Rise of the Triad all over again. That last shot looks pretty good. Physics are nice.


    Can we get somebody in here to bitch about how it's not turn-based? Thanks.


    Also, Logo.


    That's me favorite screen also. Mostly because i had a part in it!

  2. I'm a bit skeptical of some of the features. Sounds a bit too good to be true, and very hard to implement. May be some examples are in order.


    Edit: Some similar claims were made about ME in their marketing campaign, and turned out to be highly misleading. Obsidian does seem to be quite a bit more forthcoming than Bioware, but still I'm wary.


    What seems too good to be true?

  3. If you count the times you've played a game and thought "Damn, this game has way too many features, it would have been so much better if only THIS and THAT would have been removed" versus the number of times you've played a game and thought "Damn, this game lacks a few features, it would have been so much better if only THIS and THAT had been added", I think you'll see a pattern emerging.


    Sure, but then the question becomes "why are we taking time to implement a feature that makes no sense in our game?" That time spent on an anomalous feature could be better used somewhere else.

  4. I should be able to go into more depth of head tracking when the systems are more finalized. Yes, it's much more sophisticated than what's in Oblivion & Neverwinter Nights 1. A part of me feels sad that we never got simple head tracking into NWN2. We tried, but it didn't make the cut.


    *Gives Adam a cookie*


    Brennecke for the win.


    It's always Brennecke FTW.

  5. This turned out to be longer than I thought... :p


    I thought "Wow, if by following these instructions, I can play this cool game, what if I follow better instructions? I could play better games!"


    Wow, i NEVER would have thought of it that way. My thought would have been "how can we find a way to sell this and make some money for candy?"


    Thanks for your reply and thanks to everyone at Obsidian for taking their time to post on here. It's very much appreciated and it really does help out people like myself who are interested in infiltrating the games industry. -_-


    NP! I sent it out to the company so that more peeps will write, so we shall see!

  6. Your determination is admirable, Joshua. It is truly a pleasure working with you.


    And now it's my turn:


    I grew up in Fresno, a poor town in northern California, with my siblings and mother. My auntie, God rest her soul, knew that Fresberg was a horrible place to live, and that no one really ever makes it out of there. When the opportunity arrived, she moved me and my siblings down to Southern California to get a better education and good jobs with hopes of moving our mother as well, once we could afford it. We packed some of our things and moved to Orange County, the land of opportunity.


    Being young and extremely stubborn(I was going into my junior year of High School at the time) I did not want to move, and (of course) I thought I knew everything, so for my first few years in Orange County I was antisocial. Despite my best attempts to make things difficult, my auntie never lost faith in her favorite nephew. She would always tell me that we could do whatever we wanted with our futures and that she was proud of us. Another favor she did for us was never accepting anything but our best efforts; the word "slacker" was not in her vocabulary, especially not where we were concerned. None of it made sense at the time, but in the end it all paid off.


    Senior year came around, and I guess you could say I grew up. With the realization that high school was at an end and whether I liked it or not, I no longer lived in Fresno, I opened my eyes to the opportunities available. I understood that if I tried hard enough I could attain one of my childhood dreams: working in the gaming industry.


    I got buy pulling shifts at a number of restaurants and went to school for awhile. During that time I would search the internet to find a place that was hiring for testers. I knew that being a tester was my ticket in, seeing as I had no formal training to enter the world of games. I didn

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