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Alvin Nelson

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Posts posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. Fun things to point out in the trailer (Yes, I'm a jerk and love to burst people's hopes :) )


    -All of the weapons the people are carrying in-game are without magazines


    -No bullet cases ejected when guns are fired


    -Mike's arms are weirdly twisted inwards when gliding downward the ropeline


    Just fixed those issues.

  2. Graphically this game is very hit and miss, sometimes it looks very nice, other times... not so much.


    I'm not someone that cares much for graphics, but realistically graphics need to be pretty damn good to sell a game these days, even an RPG.


    I hope this game is pushed back if it needs to be for graphical touch ups.


    Tis all optimization, good sir. It'll all work out in the end.

  3. Hmm, I've recently been turned on to a TV series called "The Unit," which is actually pretty spy despite being about a special forces team. I have to cringe my way through the housewife subplots most of the time, but otherwise an awesome show. If you liked the movie "Redbelt," The Unit is written/directed by the same guy.


    The Unit=Good Show. :ermm:

  4. haha, trying to get some info out of us?


    Come on, would I resort to such underhanded tactics?


    And the expansion/DLC is a good question. I can see several perks to building the franchise off expansions and DLC rather than sequels.


    1) More frequent releases, combined with cash flow allowing continued support for patches (and eventually modding?).

    2) New gameplay features and gear could be retroactively used in the original story.

    3) More justified in focusing on content creation in expansions; since sequels are usually expected to make significant refinements to the core gameplay.


    Then again, there are also reasons why a straight-up sequel might be better.


    1) Longer dev cycle.

    2) More time to refine gameplay and fix things that didn't' quite work right.

    3) Obs is already pretty awesome at creating good core content, often polish is more the issue the mainstream complains about.


    Not that I'm claiming to answer Pop's question in any way, but it's interesting to consider given that the basic AP package seems like it will be a fairly focused bit of storytelling.


    I think both have their quality points. I guess the major difference is that with DLC you get the content faster. :p

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