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Alvin Nelson

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Posts posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. Creating a mod team or starting out in another position in the gaming industry are both very good ways to get your foot in the door. As for schooling, management and things of that nature are good things to study. Like Joe said earlier, some of the best producers started out in other positions and moved their way up. Starting from the bottom and being involved in different areas of the development process really gives you a grasp of what is involved in making a game. It really opens your eyes to things you just wouldn't know if you, say, only knew art or only knew design. A good producer knows a couple of the different departments, while a great producer knows everything!


    Being very outgoing and understanding also makes for a great producer, in addition to having good problem-solving skills. It's hard to find people that are good at all of these things, and i'm pretty privileged to be working with some of the best.

  2. Dear Xbox LIVE Members:


    During this past holiday season you helped us break a number of Xbox LIVE records. This included our largest sign-up of new members to Xbox LIVE in our 5 year history and just yesterday you broke the record for the single biggest day of concurrent members ever on the service.


    As a result of this massive increase in usage we know that some of you experienced intermittent Xbox LIVE issues over the holiday break. While the service was not completely offline at any given time, we are disappointed in our performance. I would like to take this moment to thank you each and every one of you for your patience and understanding as our team has worked around the clock to return the service to a stable state.




    At the same time we would like to offer a token of our appreciation to all of you in celebration of record success for the service. And as a thank you for your loyalty during this holiday period, we will be offering all of our Xbox LIVE members around the world access to a full Xbox LIVE Arcade game that will be available to download free of charge. In the coming weeks we will be sharing the specific details of this offer with you.


    Thank you again for helping make Xbox LIVE everything that it is today!




    Marc Whitten

    General Manager, Xbox LIVE


    Free full version of an XBL arcade game for the Live outlets. I guess that's pretty cool.

    Awesome. Hope it's something good! BTW, Spiffer2021 is my Gamertag.

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