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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. You're welcome. Best to give mechanics to another char than a priest anyway because your seals would replace the traps you set up.
  2. Barb with Shod-in-Faith boots (plus moon godlike) gives you a char that can dive into battle, doing lots of damage and withstand even heavy punishment. He will be lots oft fun. I recommend either Tidefall (draining and wounding works with carnage) or a disabling weapon with a high acc bonus like Tall Grass or Hours of St. Rumbalt since these also work with carnage. Despite your comment I would also recommend a godlike monk with Force of Anguish. In my opinion there's no class that's more fun in melee. My melee dream team always includes a barb and a monk.
  3. It's like this: Fine>Accurate>Damaging. Same with the other levels of quality. Since more accuracy results in more damage because you hit/crit more often it's better than a pure damage bonus of the same level. And example for a weapon that you probably shouldn't enchant to fine or exceptional is Hours of St. Rumbalt. It's a very powerful weapon since it comes with Accurate 3 and prones on crit plus 0.5 crit damage modifier. You don't want to lose acc on that one since you want to crit with it as much as possible. They only way to raise it's damage without loosing acc is to apply a lash or superb quality. Since you need 2 sky dragon eyes just for adding some damage to this sword you better use these for some other unique weapon that has a very nice special enchantment but has no bonus to acc and damage (e.g. Lawran's Stick or March Steel Dagger or Cladhailath and so on). Your sky dragon eye(s) will be a better investment that way.
  4. Turning Wheel is a passive ability that doesn't consume wounds. It works best if you don't spend all your wounds at once all the time. So in theory you would get a +50% burn damage bonus if you accumulated 10 wounds and didn't spend them. But in reality you will always spend wounds if you don't plan to use your monk as a pure auto attacker. But the other extreme: spending all your wounds at once all the time also doesn't happen very often because that requires a ton of micromanagement. So you will end up having an average of 3 to 5 wounds all the time, which results in +15% to +25% burn damage, which is still decent, cause it stacks with lightning strikes (+25% shock, works now) and an elemental lash on weapons (+25%). I would recommend it if you don't plan to babysit your monk all the time and especially if you have some other chars in the party that require some micro like casters or melee rogues etc.
  5. Other question: can anybody register and edit the official wiki or do you need to get invited or something like that? Because I would love to update some stuff - like item and ability descriptions that are superoutdated... or just wrong or missing.
  6. First and second weapon slot for me - so that's no pattern. But my paladins are also island aumaua with three weapon slots. Maybe it has something to do with "Armed to the Teeth"?
  7. Hi, what exactly do you mean? You can't leave the map (no compass symbol, no traveling) but you can roam the map itself - or you can't even move away from the lair and get stuck somehow?
  8. Somebody tested this recently and reported that the mechanics skill doesn't affect seals. You can test it by console-leveling a priest in a tavern, cast a seal and then attack the guests. The combat log will show the accuracy of the seal when it's triggered. Seals are considered hazards - like traps these have a huge acc bonus and will hit very often, even high defense enemies like dragons.
  9. Hi, the weapons I can remember: a fine arbalest, a fine crossbow and finally the Forgotten Tear of the Beloved (flail). Every time it was one of my two paladins who was lacking a weapon after reloading. Maybe it also occured after traveling. I don't care about achievements but I also don't like to even touch the console. I didn't plan to use the flail a lot, so good riddance, but now I'm always in fear that a really essential weapon will go missing. If this happens I will use the console.
  10. I also experience disappearing weapons. When I load a save game, often the main weapon slot is empty. Happens all the time with different kinds oft weapons. This is superannoying! It's not too bad when generic weapons are affected, but now I lost a unique weapon after quicksaving because I didn't notice something was missing.
  11. Yep, ciphers really make it easy and comfortable. And after you pick 5x Ectopsychic Echo, cast it on your Paladin who has Boots of Speed (Landslide in Russetwood) and/or Zealous Charge and let him run behind the enemy lines nearly all encounters become trivial. You can exchange the pally with a chanter who sings the lvl-2-phrase that drops frost traps - because then you can hobble the enemy (=lower reflex and -move speed) quite effordlessly while running away before you turn your chanter and run around them with 5 beams on your tail. Or you use one of his summons that pops up behind them. But a speedy char is better since he can run zickzack at ermormous speeds which results in more hits. A monk with Long Stride and Boots of Speed also works fine: just let him take aggro to get some wounds while casting Echo on him and then use Flagellant's Path to dive through with the beams, then zigzag. End of encounter. Not so much micro. Later on just spam Amplified Wave - nearly no micro. 6 Priests are also pretty nice with all the seals and a bunch of Iconic Projections that can be spammed after lvl 11. That Party not only kills mobs very quickly but also works great against dragons: Repulsing Seal plus 5 damaging seals really... seal the deal.
  12. Just tested it: I also can't reproduce this bug. I'm on 2.02 Linux.
  13. It was a bug and didn't stack before. So it was not very clever to take both abilities. Now it's supereffective.
  14. The bests potd-party for me so far was the one with a paladin tank, monk, barbarian, priest and two ciphers. And with "best" I mean it was the perfect balance between fun and effectivity while doing not too much micro. Paladin's Zealous Focus plus Coorinated Attacks plus Priest's Repulsing Seal, Inspiring Radiance plus Painful Interdiction plus Barb's Threatening Presence plus Monk's Enervating Blows plus Ciphers' Mental Binding, Ectopsychic Echo and Amplified Wave made the playthrough supereasy. Adra Dragon died at first try without much planning, so did Alpine Dragon. Thaos was not even worth a laugh. That's because you can stack ridiculous amounts of ACC (more than +60) on one char and a good amount on all others while lowering the Fortitude and Will defenses of enemies by ~40 when stacking sickened and weakened. After debuffing the enemy the Barb (with stunning or overbearing items) will stunlock whole groups while the ciphers will cast Tactical Meld before combat and then (after debuffing) Amplified Wave. The monk I used was an autoattacker and prone-machine with enervating blows and Force of Anguish. He and Mr. Barb ran around and proned the ones that were left over after two amplified waves. Paladin just stood around and shot Flames of Devotion into faces (if needed) and then switched back to his marking weapon and small shield and turned on Sacred Immolation. All this didn't require too much micro after the first seconds of combat. You just set up your buffs and debuffs, let the paladin take aggro, cast 2x amp. wave, pick your remaining melee/ranged targets and that's it. The fact that I only had 2 ranged (cipher) squishies - the rest was relelatively heavy armored melee - helped immensely against foes' AI. Nobody rushed to my ciphers because all these fat bastards stood in the way. Just be sure to equip some reach weapons as backup on monk and barb. As primary weapons I would prefer dual wielding with heavy armor since the recovery time while dual wielding is very short - and +50% of 20 frames is not so much as +50% of 30 frames. The monk can use light to no armor if you took Iron Wheel and can then use the Staff of Lawran (speed) and lightning strikes = awesome speed (+45%) with great auto-damage (Turning Wheel, Blood Testament). Barb can use the quick switch belt and Spelltongue to get long lasting +15% attack speed at first, then switch to main weapons and turn on frenzy. That will stack to +48% attack speed. If you don't want to use a cccweapon but want to go for full speed: I would either recommend Sword of Daenysis plus March Steel Dagger (both +20% speed) plus 20% speed two handed style - resulting in +88% attack speed without buffs from others. Or use a two-handed weapon with speed like the Blade of the Endless Paths. The damage output will be bigger because the two handers' longer recovery time profits more from +speed modifiers and the Blade has DR bypass and high base damage - but it's just so much fun to watch this barb when he's going crazy with his speedy toothpicks. And don't forget to stack all the spell binging gear in your monk when he gets his duplicates. Unlimited Firebrand, Alacrity, Spreading plague and so on is just too good. It's like having two additional powerful meele caster - summons in the party.
  15. Paladin's Coordinated Attacks and items' Marking enchantment stack by the way. I gave my cipher + 60 ACC against the Dragons with Coordinated Attacks (+10) and a marking weapon (+10) on my tank, then Tactical Meld plus Borrowed Instinct (both +20). So marking weapons can be a good choice when you need to stack a lot of ACC on one char.
  16. It's even more easy than using the "official" companions because you can built exactly the party that fits your playstyle. And you can profit from great synergy effects like a barb with Brute Force + Threatening Presence (causes Sickened debuff) and another char that does an aoe Weakened debuff (priest, wizard and so on) plus a cipher with Amplified Wave (targets fortitude) or a monk (Torment's Reach and Force of Anguish target fortitude). Sickened plus Weakened will lower fortitude by nearly 40 - letting the barb crit most of the time even with carnage. The Amplified Wave will crit and the monk's special attacks too. Plus: you can build characters around special unique items like Tall Grass, Forgemaster gloves and so on. Just be sure to collect as much money at the beginning of the game (sell everything to Heodan as long as you can- his prices are hilarious) so you can buy 5 hirelings as soon as possible. Then the XP-gap won't be so huge. Companions have your lvl, but hirelings start with one lvl less than yours, that's why. So... long story short: is's easier.
  17. Whooha. That must be a new bug. Could be related to the fact that it does crush damage - maybe it's considered a physical attack and not a spell attack - which would be wrong of course.
  18. Agreed! Nice idea. Also that would give all the companions a proper use (besides being sacrificed in the blood pool) since I always park them in the stronghold and do "adventures" with them. Would also be nice if they had some impact on prestige/security and would help defending the stronghold. Kana for example would give +1 prestige, eder +1 security and so on. And while adventuring, these bonuses don't apply of course. It should also be said which type of adventure it is and the outcome should be better if you chose a companion that fits the task - class- and skillwise. So - the guarding of a noblewoman should be perfect for a defensive melee char, findig an artifact would be easier with high lore, stealing something from a nobleman -> high stealth and so on. Would also be very nice if these adventures would reward you with a unique item or something very rare like sky dragon eyes and the like. Or a pet that has some cool effect like concelhaut's skull. Doesn't have to be superpowerful. I'm so disappointed that the ethereal piggy does nothing. A weak form of silver tide would have been great vor some form of recovery. Or a bonus to one of your skills. Some pets could discover traps, others could place drop traps now and then, distract, lower your resolve but raise perception... Also: armor and collars for your animal companions. Now how cool would it look if your bear would be wearing a scale mail? Very cool? You're right!
  19. Well - I think the +3 resting bonuses that last for 3 rests are pretty good now.
  20. Thanks - spilled my wasabi nuts all over the keyboard. I guess that's what the squirrel does - creating drop traps in a nutshell.
  21. Again: Novice's Suffering doesn't work on spiritshifted druids and never will.
  22. Spelltongue together with another speedy weapon like Sword of Daenysis (speed, rending) is indeed nice.
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