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Matsu Kurisu

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Everything posted by Matsu Kurisu

  1. I too have Bigger Ransack and it stopped working with the latest update. Will being stopping playing until the next bug fix ( Really hate how each new version breaks stuff that used to work fine. Guys, regression testing is a good thing!!
  2. Just completed the Valerios path on normal. Was awarded the final 250, however not awarded the 5000gp for Adventure path completion. Party: (All goblin skins) bard, sorcerer, paladin and fighter Playing on iPad mini 4, ios 10.3.3
  3. I just reproduced the same error. Same location User Matsu Kurisu #2721 Party = G.Seoni, G.Kyra, G.Harsk, G.Amri G.Harsk went +1 Ally, G.Amri went +1 Blessing G.Amri not able to get a blessing from Collection. G.Harsk can get Ally from Collection
  4. Latest version Playing scenario G1.1 Successfully defeat both checks on Eat bag of Slugs. Text says on defeated, recharge a random card from discard pile. Have 3 cards in discard, none is recharged
  5. Thanks,so nothing meaningful:-) Must admit I have been enjoying the goblins )
  6. I installed iOS version VER-1017-20170807 two days ago. On the App store, it said the release notes were in the Announcements forum. None have been posted Has anyone been able to work out what was actually fixed? Thanks
  7. Additional variation on this bug Playing the Goblin path, with G.Mieserial, G.Lini, G.Ezren, G.Seelah. iPad mini iOS 10.3.2 App version VER-1017-20170807 Pass & Play = Off Permadeath = Off Scenario Goblin 1.2 G.Ezren encountered the Longshanks Barrier. Evaded one Longshank, defeated two. G.Seelah was at a closed location, so did not face. G.Ezren then explored again, encountering a Bunyip. Failed the BYA check so difficulty should be +1 = 10. Actual difficulty = 18 (+1 Bunyip BYA, +4 Lonshanks error#1, +4 Lonshanks error#2) Every other time I have had the +4 Lonshanks error I have not explored again with the same character, so not sure if the carry over bug is only because the Bunyip had a BYA Difficulty check or if it would have happened if it was any other monster EDIT: Confirmed the carryover difficulty increase is occurring with monsters without BYA check
  8. If you are tossing up between Characters or Adventures, buy the Adventures first. More content = More fun ) More characters on same content, gives variety but not as much fun
  9. Playing the Goblin path, with Poog, Raznak, G.Ezren, G.Valeros. iPad mini iOS 10.3.2 App version VER-1017-20170807 Pass & Play = Off Permadeath = Off Scenario Goblin 1.5 - Longshank difficulty to defeat increases by 1 for each long shank defeated I found the same bug. Active Character encountered the Longshanks Barrier - all characters encounter a Longshanks. First character encounters a Longshank, random roll = Difficulty increases by 4. D=14. Kills the longshank Next character encounters a Longshank, no random roll (not sure if this is a bug or as designed). D=19. Expected it to by 15. Kills the longshank Next character encounters a Longshank, no random roll (not sure if this is a bug or as designed). D=24. Expected it to by 15. Gave up at this point
  10. So managed to get things working! Trick is you have to have moved some cards from the character to Stash and have a card type selected on the character BEFORE you go the collection. Time to restart Goblins with the propper basic cards e.g. Lightning for Ezren, Bludgioning for Valeros etc )
  11. Playing the Goblin path, with Poog, Raznak, G.Ezren, G.Valeros. iPad mini iOS 10.3.2 App version VER-1017-20170802 Pass & Play = Off Permadeath = Off Improved Find Traps * Only works on own checks. Should be playable on anyones check vs barrier Blessing of Zongal / Dance of Sneally Zord * Does not provide 2d on check vs Sneally. Should do as Sneally has animal trait Raznak evade * Raznak evade sometimes evades to himself. Power wording is any other character Raznak evade vs Sherriff Hemlock * Raznak and G.Valeros are together. Raznak encounters Sherriff Hemlock and successfully evades before Sherriff Hemlock's Before You Act check. Valeros encounters Sherriff Hemlock and goes directly to combat skipping Sherriff Hemlock's Before You Act check. There are others I found, will add more as I remember them, find them again
  12. Thanks for responding. How can I sell from stash? If I select a card in stash it expands however there is no option to salvage ( Do I have to drag the card somewhere? Have you tried selling a card in the latest version? I think there might be a bug
  13. I have played since the start. I stopped with the removal of quest mode.. I wanted to start a goblins arc game. When I start a new game and press the deck list I see stash, unclaimed and collection. Stash and collection are blank. I want to throw out crap cards and get BASIC replacements as per earlier versions. How do I do this? Related question: How do I remove cards from unclaimed as I don't want them Thanks for the assist
  14. I also echo that Quest mode should be kept. This is all that kept me going with the game.
  15. I had the same problem. Have emailed support
  16. Wait till you get your hands on an Ebon Thorn... Ebon Thorn doesnt add to Charisma, and that is the trait that makes the skin so good. Adds to all Seelahs divine checks. I am sticking with the skin
  17. The first alt I shelled gold for was Seelah and I have been absolutely loving her! the hidden gem is the light armor d.... skin? (reveal for+2 diplomacy/charisma) I did a complete play through to 6-2 and I still have this in my deck PS. Geat analysis. The only ones I am considering are on your list
  18. Actually there was a period in AD5 where it was working fine for me
  19. I uninstalled. Resolved Harpy bug. Lost a couple of weeks of playthrough settings
  20. I have had this happen at least twice. Ezen has wand, Lini as active player. Definately card from Ezren. Not sure if it is hand or deck as it was late at night
  21. Daily challenges are working fine for me
  22. You have to defeat Iesha with magic. Pretty much only Kyra can get magic on a non combat undead check
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