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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. I'd like to know where Fardragon discovered that the Handmaiden and Visas Marr come from Onderon, but it seems to add a bit more support to Atris being the Queen of Onderon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is informed speculation, as I said at the start of the thread, in this case based mostly on the costume style, which espicially in the case Visas Marr resembles very closely the costumes worn by Onderon natives in TotJ. Looks like Atris can be crossed of the list anyway, and the wookiee isn't a jedi.
  2. He helps Obi Wan pursue Grevious I think.
  3. Yep, he is right, the character has been discussed extensively on theforce.net. It's possible, of course that the organic part of Grevious is a relative or at least the same species as Tion.
  4. Thanks Akari (but if you keep answering all the questions what will we have left to speculate about?) :D Now all we need is someone with a copy of D20 to post the stats. "
  5. So why is there a wookiee jedi in the NJO novel series? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because NJO is abunch of CRAP! So are MOST of the novels that take place after the Old Trilogy......KOTOR is one of the rarely well done EU from Star Wars <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I never said the novels where any good, but they are officially part of the Star Wars EU, as is KotOR, therefore in the EU wookiees can be jedi. The Force flows through all living things, therfore and sentient organic being could have the potential to be a jedi (unless cut off from the Living Force by deliberate intervention like the Yuzan Vong). On Zalibaar, I'm sure wookiees produce week willed, indicisive and over-emotional individuals just as other races do. It doesn't mean I have to like them.
  6. So why is there a wookiee jedi in the NJO novel series?
  7. Cool, I didn't know about the second class thing. Is that true for all the NPCs or just the Jedi apprentices? I hope they start out as Jedi anyway so you can choose a prestige class for them instead of non-Jedi class to Jedi. Maybe best way is to have them always two levels below the PC. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Akari said he had been asked to program it so that it was possible for NPCs to aquire a second class, but he din't know (at the time) if it had been used or not.
  8. It said in the original Mira profile that she was a Bounty Hunter Scout. The stuff about Atris being from Onderon and the Wookiee jedi was just guesswork. There is no reason for wookiees not to be jedi though.
  9. A couple of questions about these apprentices occur to me. Why are they unnamed? Maybe you get to name them, in which case you might be able to choose other things about them, such as there class. Akari said he had programed it so that an NPC could aquire a second class. Maybe the apprentice begins with a non force class like the PC in KotOR1 and you get to choise wether they become Consular, Guardian or Sentinal. This would avoid the problem of your apprentice being to low level to be useful. How does the game decide which you get? I think there are 4 options: LS or DS points when you meet them (unlikely) Your choice of Jedi or Sith PrC Your gender free choice There may be 4 options for the apprentice slot: Male or female Sith, Male or Female Jedi. In this case the 9 other characters would be fixed. What relationship do Visas Marr and Atris have to your apprentice slot?
  10. The original Mira preview said she was a scout.
  11. Visas Marr already mentioned. It is confirmed that there are 10 slots and 13 characters. There are 2 ways this could work: 8 fixed characters and 2 slots with 2 choices or 9 fixed slots and 1 slot with 4 choices.
  12. I thought I would reserect my old topic in light of new data. 1) Atton Rand: human male scoundrel 2) Kreia: human female jedi consular 3) Mira: human female scout 4) T3: utility droid 5) HK: protocol/assassin droid 6) Atris: human female jedi guardian from Onderon or Visas Marr: human female Krath from Onderon 7) Mandalore (AKA Canderous Odo): Human Soldier Bao Dur: Male Zabrek Droid Building Cyborg 9) Male Wookiee Jedi Sentinal 10) Your Handmaiden or Diciple
  13. Akari said he thought Bao Dur had a new class. What do you think it is?
  14. Kriea's Drawback: Spends most of the game as a Force Ghost! She can probably cause hostile Force powers directed against you to affect her instead, and this is how she will die.
  15. where was that said? did I miss something? can you provide a link please. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I speculated that this was the case, but I don't think it was ever officially verified. I am inclined to think that Diciple and Handmaiden are apprentices. I think Visas and Atris may be different people, one joins you if LS, the other DS. I think Mandalore is THE Mandalore, who is after all just the leader of the Mandalorians (since the death of the original). Because of this Mandalore could also be Canderous Odo.
  16. That may not be surprising, since if you read someones speculation and agree with it you will probably not be tempted to reply, but if you can see holes in someones ideas you are likely to tell them, with some glee! Of course the posts Akari was talking about where mine! :cool:
  17. What's wrong with the floor? It looks fine to me. I've seen lots of floors like that.
  18. Like he said. Or a perhaps a jedi master like Vandar if you finish DS.
  19. And beards, right? :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I already have a beard, and a coat with a hood that goes up and down.
  20. I'm pretty sure that's the list. I have read a developer caying that Peragus counts. Dxun and Onderon have always been refered to as seperate worlds. There is no reliable source for Kashyyyk, I think it was just someone becoming confused with Republic Comando. There are also 3 non-world locations that we know of: Harbinger (Republic Cruiser) Citidel Station A giant alien vessel
  21. The Sith lords are independant, but relate in this way: Sion is allied to the Dark Queen. You get to replace him (if you are evil). The Dark Queen is allied with Sion and opposed to Nihilis (MSG). You get the option to ally with her. Nihilis is the final boss and is opposed by both the jedi and the other Sith Lords (hence you have to fight him if LS or DS).
  22. I've just looked on Amazon UK and they are listing April 29th 2005 for PC version and March 4th 2005 for x-box!!
  23. Nothing official. It's possible the character who was queen at the end of TotJ (forgotten name) is still queen. In which case she would be in her 60's, good aligned, and probably Force sensitive. If she has been deposed she could even be in hiding and calling herself Kriea. There could be a userper on the throne who is the female Sith lord, but as I said, nothing has been mentioned.
  24. Nothing has been said yet. Although it can be deduced that you meet her after you leeve Peragus, and her role must be significant.
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