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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Given that it was his Birthday I assume the blackout was due to the consumption of copious amounts of alchohol rather than fatigue.
  2. Based on the stratagy guide exerpt it is possible to deduce that the non-consualr type classes all get greater prestiege sense. It also mentions that marauders get increased damage, however it is unclear if this is the same as weapon master increased melee damage or if it applies to ranged weapons also.
  3. Maybe Kreia just likes to wear her old robe over the top of whatever you give her? These old codgers feel he cold you know. :D
  4. Even though it's not Obsidian's decision it doesn't mean we can't discuss the issue here. Intrestingly there was a poll about games on DVD on the Lucasarts site about a month ago, so I guess the issue is under consideration.
  5. I would imagine that even if the maximum level is uncaped there is a level beyond which you will cease to gain new Feats and Force powers.
  6. Yes and no. They have changed the combat animations of the feats as you level. Mine went from normal, to a kind of spin attack, to a, quicker looking frount muilt slash. It's accually kind of cool, adds a feeling of progression. but as for me, i do my old, cast BoS and Flurry combo, and i'm distroyying everything in my path. :cool: I like what they've done to flurry. KingSnake. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I just don't seem to be doing the damage to opponents that I should be. I had to equip blasters to do any damage and I never play with blasters (I am strictly a melee machine --- USUALLY) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Try looking at the detailed combat log. That should tell you what is going on.
  7. My take on it: I can figure out all puzzles. Given time, I understand everyone in the game. I've bought one strategy guide in my life(for the PC game Riven). However, Im going to buy this one, not b/c I need help with figuring things out but to look at game mechanics and so forth since it won't be in the manual. (Trying to plot out my character and thigns like that.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> From what I hear detailed class level tables aint in the stratagy guide either.
  8. It might be worth adding that in the UK PC games usually ship in DVD style boxes like XBox games. We usually get badly short changed in the manual and map department.
  9. I'm in the UK and I am currently on my 2nd PC with a DVD-ROM (I upgrade about every 2.5 years).
  10. It will be a bigger suprise if Mandalore isn't Candrous.
  11. Just to be different LS male consular (with the "obi-wan" head) S 8 D 14 Co 14 I 14 W 14 Ca 14
  12. My guesses for Tech Specialist in TSL: 5 skill points and 6 hp per level, Feat progression between Soldier and Scout, BAB as scout, Light armour proficiency, melee, pistol and rifle proficency, Bonus Feats: Gear Head & Implant automatically upgraded at the appropiate level.
  13. I think the references to battle scars was in the context of returning characters from the first game. Since Kriea's xp bonus gains an upgrade at 7th level it seems likely that she starts off at less than 7th level. Since she doesn't join the PC when first encontered, but a little bit later she is probably about 4th-5th level at the start (Carth began at 4th level). Atton is probably 2nd-3rd level at the start. Loosing a hand later in the game could be a way of making her a bit less uber and encoraging the PC to take a non-Force character instead.
  14. The PC knows who he is and what he's been up to. He just doesn't remember how he ended up on the ebon hawk. And we as the gamers will find out more about the PC when the stroy progresses. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This may be the result of the PC being unconcious when he was taken from the Harbringer, rather than another case of amnesia.
  15. Early on is was said that your battle meditation could effect the outcome of large scale battles too.
  16. There may be planets missing from that sequence and not mentioned, e.g. Onderon before Duxn. The order may also be optional for some or all of the worlds after Peragus. At least it is unabiguous conformation of Nar Shaddaa for the doubters.
  17. Ite IGN preview says you learn Force Crush in Freedon Nadd's tomb. Battle Meditation is not a DS power so it is probably learned in another way, e.g. by compleating Kreia's "influance" quest.
  18. Well we know that Kriea has the power to channel Force powers from other characters. Maybe she can channel missing body parts as well?
  19. Interesting thing I noticed in the screenshot about Bao Dur's arm. It replaces the sleeve of whatever armour he is wearing.
  20. I would imagine it will take more than a SOD OFF to crush the spirits of most companions. You will have to shatter their illusions, dispel thier hopes and dismiss thier dreams. Just the sort of thing a Sith Lord enjoys.
  21. Those chrystals change the effect of all the other chrystals. I made a table, but I expect there is one on the net somewhere.
  22. He could have built another after the events in KotOR, or maybe Malek built one and sent it after Revan as his revenge for being called meatbag. ***** Possible spoiler ****** Maybe you need to salvage parts form 50 and 51 in order to repair 47?
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