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Everything posted by peko

  1. That was the figure I saw mentioned, I guess that would require 21 might. I was more interested in if reapplying Deep Wounds will cause the next damage tick to be applied directly after or if the tick rate is unaffected and it's just duration that's extended?
  2. Weapon Specialization + Mastery only gives you +25%, where does the last +20% come from?
  3. Regarding OP the distribution is the latter of the two. I don't know about graze/hit always being possible at the extreme ends of the spectrum though, haven't seen it happen but I don't pay that close attention to the log. @Blindmanwalking Are you trying to heal endurance outside of combat? That's not going to do much. Try replaying the tutorial and pay close attention.
  4. Int seems to affect linger of phrases. The tooltips are a bit weird though. Let's look at Kana's "At the Sight of their Comrades, their Hearts grew Bold" with 18 Int (+40% duration). This is what it looks like to me: Duration: 4.0 sec Linger: 2.8 sec Friendly Aura: +10 Fortitude, +10 Will for 8.4 sec Here the linger time has been modified by Int, it also looks like the total time in the end of the tooltip has been modified by Int ( (4+2)*1,4)=8.4 ). Now we have three possible outcomes that are easily distinguished, 6 second if Int has no effect on duration, 6,8 seconds if Int only modifies Linger duration, and 8.4 seconds if it modifies both Duration+Linger. When I tried it the phrase is applied for 6.8 seconds so Int only affects Linger time. Whether this is intended behaviour or not I don't know (though I think this is how it's supposed to work) but the tooltip needs to be cleaned up regardless.
  5. I wouldn't say that, they're good at so different things that they can't really be judged side by side. For most builds it's going to be pretty obvious which one is going to be better. I suppose it could be a harder choice for melee spellcaster who could get some use out of both.
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