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About evilcat

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  1. Humble Bundle Europa Universalis 4, buying PDX games as bundles is second best sane aproach to their DLC plethora.
  2. Humble Bundle Ukraine Package https://www.humblebundle.com/stand-with-ukraine-bundle?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_2_layout_index_2_layout_type_carousel_tile_index_1_c_ukrainecharitybundle_bundle Interesting games: Metro Exodus, Max Payne 3, Back 4 Blood, Satisfactory, Metro Exodus, & Fable Anniversary, Quantum Brake, Endless Space 2, Tooth and Tails. And some more. Individuals could be more exited with 112 than any of it, sometimes simple games are more exiting than best sellers. Cost 37€
  3. I still have Stellaris with some dlc. The first dose of PDX games is free.
  4. Slipways, simple game about connecting dots. But it has some debth and replayability, since you can connect dots in different ways and there are upgrades and perks allowing connecting even more.
  5. I finished Chimera squad. Got it for free (thx Oner) so totally worth it for me. It is fast, furious and simple and the plot is light enought to not distract. It has some cool features, like each squadmate is unique with own skills, and the battles are generally quick.
  6. This war of mine from GOG. To support red cross of course. Also Slipways also from GOG, it should go for Red Cross, unfortunetly it last only till 3rd march
  7. Civilization 6 There is a humble bundle with all Sid Mayer games, which includes all civilizations and some other games. Civilization 6 is more streamline which suits me.
  8. Finally a trailer which is 100% true and honest. And the title... nailed it. It is so good that OW2 is coming.
  9. Patchfinder Bugmaker +DLC, since the new version is up, the old one will not get any better, so might as well check it out.
  10. I think that Outer Worlds is a serie to experiment and fulfill Fallout needs. Can experiment with the form, and add new elements piece by piece, do not add more than can chew. (ME: Andromeda flashbacks)
  11. Star Wars Bundle, mostly for Force Unleashed, but on the occasion some old Dark Forces. At least with Jedi Outcast the force if still strong.
  12. Shadowrun 3 tripack (return, dragonfall, honk kong) on GOG as freebie. Dragonfall is an interesting tactical crpg. The other two had less magic in my opinnion, or just miss the combination of freshness and refinement.
  13. Wake up Commander, You have anomalies to research.
  14. XCOM Chimera Squad, xcom but we can use aliens in our team and subdue some terrorists. A bit faster paced than previous (it is more spinoff). Also the mood is lighter, like cop action movie. The drawback is that only few encounters are epic or very interesting.
  15. Nexus the Jupiter Incident... that was fun game, spaceship combat RTS is rare genre, they do not do such in recent years.
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