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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. ^ Then, under what standard do you define a good fantasy setting?
  2. Seems like a contradiction to me. Wouldn't something as fantastic as Planescape be the quintessential fantasy setting?
  3. You are insane. Planescape is one of the most interesting settings i ever played...
  4. No, there wasn't, it's a lie, i tell you, a lie... :ph34r:
  5. What personal stake do you have in any of the things you enjoy? Propably nothing, but i'm sure you would propably be up-set if somebody took a dump on your favored movie, or favored game. A lot of gamers have been hoping for a good game to movie translation forever now. They care because they enjoy those games and they would enjoy those films, and here comes Uwe Boll taking bad video game movie making to a new zenith of suckage, and all because of a little tax scheme that it's propably not that profitable to begin with. I don't, but i think that's bound to piss off a couple of fans. Just saying...
  6. Well, i can run F.E.A.R. with perfect framerate so i doubt this game will pose any problem. Didn't know there was an official patch, i though Troika went belly up before getting the chance to fix the game. Very well then, i think i'll just go with the 1.2 on my first run...
  7. Any recommendation on what i should install in the game (unofficial patches and the like) before beginning?
  8. What if Shalit considers DiCaprio's character to be a sexual predator as well? What the heck is a sexual predator anyway?
  9. The guy obviously has issues, but sadly i find myself agreeing with the points he makes more then i'd like to...
  10. Make up your mind, is it a choise or what?
  11. Has anybody noticed the more effords are made to raise awarness for homosexuality, the more homophobic people become?
  12. Haven't you heard? The universal meter in which to judge a game's inherent interactivity is if you can kill all the NPCs or not.
  13. Because Diablo sucks as an RPG, though it had it's qualities as an action game...
  14. http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110007760
  15. NWN's combat is the worst in any RPG i ever played. KOTOR's combat was much more fun, that much must be said...
  16. Both KOTORs were dumped down to gather to the console n00bs.
  17. Brahms - Op. Posth, Piano Trio in A Brahms is the man... :cool:
  18. It's because some of us have monitors that are bigger then 17"...
  19. I like AA a lot, it makes even older games look pretty by giving them a sort of visual cleansiness, making them look more like animated cartoons then video games. That said, frames rates are still king, no matter what. BTW, has anybody ever played Tron 2.0? That games makes the best case for AA i ever seen...
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