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Everything posted by Mebrilia

  1. I am just smiling until some other details will be revealed then there will be interesting how people will react.
  2. Eh everyone is entitled to his opinion... And my opinion is.. I trust Chris since he never gave reason to doubt about him in past... Unlike Obsidian. And the moderators answers pretty much confirm my standing on it. About the fanboysm comment read back and see how some people just bashed Chris and his Work.
  3. Anybody badmouthing anything without a whole lot in the way of evidence is bad by default, pretty much. I mean, I know for a fact you, Mebrilian, murder goats and run about smashing female butts with their severed heads, but I'm not going to spread that stuff around without photos, am I? Wrong analogy on so many level the fact that Chris had problems with the upper managment of the Obsidian was not mistery he never went in detail about it before. But then i been following Chris from a long time and also Obsidian and yes i have to say upper managment in Obsidian had a good track of bad decisions and say what you want but when a talent like Chris Avellone leave a company and then after year comes out explaining why is indicative something went terribly wrong. Losing a talent like Chris is a sign of not so much good competency and beside Chris is still actively working on the industry this should be an indication that other companies are wise enough to bet on him. In the other hand i also have a company like Obsidian that created Pillars of Eternity with the promise to bring back the good old days of classic isometric rpg.. Same company that is splitting now on it declaring Rpg must evolve and who fails to see that is just because is afraid of change. That is an already seen pattern.. Bioware used to declare that when it went down and stopped to do RPG moving in to action games with rpg elements. So i have at a side a person that is coherent and have a great talent to believe in... And in the other hand a Company that is splitting on his fanbase thinking they are close minded and too much traditionalist. Guess who i chose to believe?
  4. I am more concerned about those people that think a former worker speaking bad of who was used to work is bad and is wrong by default but if a company speak bad about one of his former worker is prefectly acceptable. Or the people that thinks some not ethic things are perfectly acceptable because "Business". What sort of slave mentality is that? Also all this people doing sarcastic comments about Chris work. Yes go on with that he just produced a rpg with one of the best written story even created at the point that all the time when it comes about story planescape torment always pop up at the top. But hey go on with the delusional fanboysm. Chris is not the kind of guy that do this sort of declaration of course it happened now but i am inclined to believe a single with a great talent such as him is more safe and sane to believe on him than a corporation political office agenda.
  5. And so what is your point?.. The fact somebody likes someone else job doesn't mean some idea can't be disliked....
  6. So i wonder why Chris Avellone is not allowed to post here? Sorry Obsidian i supported you in past.. Pillars of Eternity, Fallout New Vegas,Neverwinter nights 2 and so on... But this is sad and is even petty i am sorry for Chris but more important i am sorry for you. Chris Avellone is a rare quality writer and is sad when a company he used to trust was unable to see this and managed to damage him in this level. Is also interesting how Obsidian is in total damage control and avoid to public details that could shread light on this pityful situation. I am not supporting this... I won't buy Pillars of Eternity dead fire or future Obsidian product since i don't feel Obsidian is ethic anymore. Good luck out there.
  7. There is Evil and Evil... Many people tend to associate evil with nonsense over the top cruel action but the game per se give you the opportunity to make morally bad and evil choice... I think one of the most evil like character in this game is Durance of course not lunatic evil but him was one,,, well no spoilers here.... Allignment was the worst thing invented in D&D
  8. I am going to do a little feedback here but before that i say i love the game... Since i am going to point some critical flaw of the system someone can be confused about it.. Class System: I like it so far reminds me a lot of D&D but with nice variation is a shame we can't cross class but maybe in future we will have some specialization? Engagement System: To me is just simply broken... I think D&D handled it very well with the attack of opportunity mechanic.. I don't see the reason why a character moving back must being interrupted from running... The attack is ok.. But this create situation where maybe i want one of my companion to back off a little to permit to the other character to flank him to aid... And most of the time the character don't move and instead take hits and hits losing a lot of health.. To me this mechanic must be improved... Resistence System: Is ok... Pretty much is it... but there is a huge flaw in it.. The lack of immunity.. I don't know what reason forced the devs to scrap immunity.. But see a Skeleton (that have no eyes) that can be blinded.. Or a fire creature triggering a oil trap that is just... Well... Not logic... not logic at all... Creature with the lack of eyes should not be blinded... Creature that don't have shape like Oozes should not be affected by knockback or blindness.. Fire Aspect creature should not be damaged by fire... This is not only not tactical.. But make the fight play all the same... I will love to see some Obsidian Developers answering this points.. Also the players..
  9. Well it simple if you dislike reading this is not the game of you.. We have enough of streamlined dumbed down lite cinematic RPG... Pillars of eternity is like fresh air for people like me not interested in micheal bay cinematic rpg crap we have enough of rpg like this... If you dislike so much reading is ok... But is a your problem opening post after post whining about the lack of voice acting is silly... This game is text based rpg deal with it
  10. In the end i don't think blaming someone will be usefull i love the game but clearly some issue are created by design decision... Wrong one apparently... Now i am not a game designer but i expect consistency on some things... The immunity lack argument is a strong flaw of this game some people can find it arguably more tactical but i don't agree at all.. Tactics means also change your approach if is not effective... Some creature should be Immune to some effect also by logic...Maybe divinity original sin is not top notch in fact of narration.. But as gameplay it have strong tactics elements.... The game should punish not so briliant decision... Attacking a fire made creature with fire attack? No matter how excuse you use but if the creature will be damaged will result to be stupid and terribile lacking on logic and consistency.... But this is only a issue... When we talk about creature that have no eyes that can be blinded... Now that is almost game breaking.... And not is not tactics if ennemy have only resistance but can be harmed even on things that should not affect them... I hope Obsidian will see this and will fix it properly.. Adding immunity will add challenge on the game but also will make the setting more believable... Flying creature should not affected by oil traps.... No eyes creature should not affected by blindness
  11. My problems with POE (i love the game) are some gameplay decisions.... Like the no immunity policy... Resulting on thing not so believable like creature with no eyes affected by blindness... Flying creatures triggering oil trap.... Those things have no sense to me..
  12. Obsidian should take his time and release nice fully featured expansion i would love to see more of the Obsidian made World... I am am also curious to see if there are more supernatural creature besides vampire like undead, godlike and stuff like that... Obsidian have crafted a nice world i want to see it expanded..
  13. Oh well... I am sure there are a lot of "lite" RPG around for you.....
  14. And yes i think this can be a nice solution for who loves in that manner voice acting... A team of modders can set a project for it Skywind is a prof however many people thinks also voice acting in Skywind is not necessary...But they want to voice it all and i am fine with it since i spoken to this guys.. And they are really working hard on all front but most important... They are working it for free and this is the main reason why skywind will be total voice acted... But if you develop a game you have costs to face... And voice acting usually end to be really really expensive... This is the main reason why we have extremely short game or number of dialogues heavily reduced... Now i am not a developer but as a gamer i can see this thing with my own eyes...And Justin post pretty much confirmed it..
  15. Implementing voice acting means only cut content in order to meet the cost of voice actor... So in the end less dialogue... Less Narrative... Less living breathing in depth RPG.... I say no...again
  16. This and also consider voice acting will take up time and resources but more than that... Money... When a game will go total voice acted will result with dialog lines reduced by a lot due to face the cost of it... I like voice acting too but i tend to face reality and in modern day is not possible make a game with the numbers of dialogues line like pillars of eternity and avoid to cut dialogue lines.... So in the end yes... will be a huge step in the wrong direction because to have all voiced dialogues roleplay elements will be cut... This mean less dialogues this also lead to... Less Quest...Less events... There are also newer RPG that proof this things... There is a mainquest and a lot of fillers Take and Fetch mmo style quest to avoid the content problem... And most of this problems is for the creator of the game all the dialogues lines must be totally voice acted... I don't want to see it with this ip... is just plain wrong.. We don't need another Dragon age
  17. 1) Add logical immunites to creature things like flying creature affected by oil slime that can be blinded are just plain stupid. 2)Overall Optimization and fix to the pathfinding that are my two major concerns
  18. Well obsidian instead of trow out logic like that can just make some harder creature with immunity appear in middle level high level places.... Because right now not only feel not logic at all but this system indeed make feel the ennemy all the same..
  19. Then all you have to do is try different spells... and also this is part of tactics immunity should exist no way you can blind a creature with no eyes... Slime have no eyes...Say otherwise or find justification is just apologysm and make it every attack can do damage even a creature of the same element.. total fire creature damaged by fare.. it just fails hard in logic..
  20. Please... So you find logical creature with no eyes can be blinded?.. Or total fire composed creature can burn....This is lazy....And kinda stupid...Some ennemy must have some immunity don't doing so means go in the realm of nonsense...and see a creature with no eyes blinded no matter how you turn the table but sound Lame and stupid.. This things is what add to gameplay strategy and depth.. Deny them is just a lazy decision no excuses... That was a bad choice... And not logic at all..
  21. Never understimate the power of a game not balanced... Take morrowind for example at the beginning is harsh even a simple bandit can kill you...But is you crawl in pain and end to finish an hard dungeon most likely you will find an artifact on it and later your character can become strong like a god... and that pays when you invest hours and hours of time adventuring and exploring... And when i say an artifact i say a strong powerful magic items... That added to the game a depth some games never can hope to have.. When it comes the world balance...i am always skeptical... First of all the heavily balanced games are the most boring to me... Because yes.. i can chose to play a weak class just for the sake of roleplay.. and this is a RPG right?...Is also a challenge take a weak class and finish the campaign with it...but no today we are going to listen cries... Oh my good those druids killed me in a instant this game is so unbalanced! This class is too much stronger this game is so unbalanced!.. All this balance and complaint and we end to have the plague most rpg today suffer... Featuring not so much classes and all of them play the same...
  22. That's true, but what if you could hear a sample of what you download first and decide if you like it? I applaud your effort to make up a team to make this game voice acted.. But many of us included me don't feel the need to character to be voice acted to understand their emotion or to get feeling.. Assuming there is this need is assuming that books are useless... Instead there are book that can make you feel deep emotion when you read them...Is just a matter of dreaming while reading... When i read something like a dialogue i imagine the people conversing and i imagine their voice based on how the character talk in the books...Is just a matter of approach and i realize some can do that some can't... But statements like "i Dislike to read" always make me feel so sad...But i think is just a matter of approach on the reading
  23. I don't get all this fuss about Race conflict in fantasy universe... I see people claiming racism is bad.. and i agree but if in a fictional world you potray only fairy and hello kitty attitude in the end will be not believable and not in depth... Conflict exist in our world and even in fictional ones avoid to potray some argument for the sake of the politically correct folk will end to deliver a weak fictional world.. If i want a fictional world whitout conflict i watch the smurfs movies and cartoon... Most of the most beautiful fictional artwork are the ones with complex society and huge conflict... Take Dune as example...The native folk of this planed was generally know as savages and treated and persecuted from the Harkonnen colinist... But Fremen adapted their society is complexy and simple at the same time.. And they are formidable warriors able to survive in open desert in a world that is almost all sand and rocks.... See? Those things give depth...
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