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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. Guys I recently discovered Post-Yugoslav cinema and I absolutely love it. Its like Tarantino but on steroids. Anyone else into really obscure fringes of cinema?
  2. I cant believe it either. DA is maybe a crap franchise now, but DAO was the best one by far. PoE's combat is just a bizzare awkward mess.
  3. If passionate people with modest budgets make better games than AAA developers, how about passionate people with big budgets? Good question. Generally it doesn't work that way (wherever there is huge money involved there is a deficit of passion and love) but there is one exception I know of called CD Projekt Red.
  4. The only original thing in the setting/story is blowing a living god with a bomb. All this soul crap is so cliché. Godlikes are just like tieflings and other planar races from DnD. Theyre also implemented very weakly, as I did get like 2 reaction to my Death Godlike the whole game. So yeah I know they wanted to spice it up with godlikes and whatnot, but PoE 's world is still 99% generic epic fantasy
  5. Skyrim is alright with 239481048120 mods. Vanilla was a disaster in every sense
  6. Albeit comparing Skyrim to DAI is like comparing crap to diarhea
  7. Pray tell, what is the "right amount"? four people in a basement with 20k = better game than PoE
  8. I agree with everything you said OP. But this forum is 80% bleeding hearts who will defend Obsidian at all costs. I call them Obsidrones. The setting is mediocre. And the whole game is shallow. 7/10 is realistic for PoE
  9. the more money they raise, the more shallow it'll be if they put the Obsidian B team behind the sequel , expect another small RPG
  10. stats need way more impact 3% ? really? try 10%
  11. I don't see what's so exciting about wasting points in dump stats once and then never doing so again once you realize they're dump stats. Dump stats are simply bad design. Certain character have dump stats. Its normal. Its impossible to have every stat matter for everybody. PoE is a good example why this cant work
  12. I think dump stats should exist to make character building exciting
  13. I'd say JSE took it too far actually. He put balance before fun and still didn't make it perfectly balanced Yes I prefer attributes with more impact too. +3% per point ? I am more of a +10% person
  14. People who have replayed classics multiple times. Do you need a clarification on what are classics too?
  15. For every bug they fix, two new ones take its place xD
  16. I think there should be dump stats but w/e I like Might being important for Mages and Int being important for Barbarians but maybe they should have stopped there. Sawyer tried to mess with it too much (make every stat important for everybody which just isn't possible), so eventually he killed all the fun of char building due to focusing on convenience and balance at all costs Ironically, he still couldn't escape dump stats haha
  17. Like DA:I is hard to crush lmao. And PoE is way overrated. Its a fun small game but nothing special for senior RPG players. So reviews like 90/100 are cringe-worthy
  18. Or all three.....
  19. You should be thankful RPG veterans like ourselves have exposed this trash game so you don't have to waste your money and time on this inferior product.
  20. It's still useless and only dumbs everyone down
  21. Yeah I know. He doesn't like Sodenbergh's Solaris either. He said both directors focused on "erotica in space" instead of actually showing the living planet of Solaris. Both versions of Solaris and Stalker are only loosely based on the books anyway. What is interesting for me, is the three people who have died as a consequence of filming Stalker in a toxic environment (director included)
  22. Really? Source. Neverwinter Nights had several character portraits which were very obviously based on photos of famous actors. They've subsequently been patched out of the game though. Also there was a controversy with the Red Cross who demanded its symbol be removed from the Healing kits in game. from the NwN1 wiki... There was also a Vin Diesel in BG im sure you know of Likewise im positive this could very well be Rihanna
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