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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. Good I didn't sell unique items huh :D
  2. I think I figured it out. In enchanting weapons there is only 3 categories of weapon properties - Quality, Slaying and Secondary Damage. You can have only one of each. In enchanting armors there is also 3 categories - Proofing, Quality and Attribute Bonuses. Likewise you can hold only one per category. And there's no removing properties, so you're stuck with what you got.
  3. It would've been smarter to let it blow over and ask the backer nothing. Work instead on the patch and deliver it one day earlier.
  4. Quoted for truth. Having an online DM while adventuring on a NWN persistent world has been truly amazing.
  5. You could've just asked. But its more comfortable to bask in oneself I know. Current happenings clearly show that democracy tends to get more liberal over time. Which would further imply democracy is unsustainable in the long term. It's due to heeding to everyone's demands in a compulsive manner, just for the sake of it, completely disregarding any logic, proportion or priorities. Especially favoring minorities and social fringe. Eventually democracy is bound to overload and implode. True as well. Its not like alternatives are prerequisites to criticize something. Its always good to communicate and criticize. Maybe in your twisted logic.
  6. K just checking whether I messed something up.
  7. Ahhhh I see. Those are the "basic" enchants right?
  8. Yeah but I tried it on a "fine weapon" and its all the same. I thought the only restriction to enchanting (besides having the gold, materials and lvl) is the 0/12 thingie.
  9. I'm trying to further enchant Justice, the unique two-handed sword. It has 4/12 enchantment capability. I have all the materials and gold. I fulfill the level requirement. It still says "cannot enchant". What gives?
  10. This is how my journal log looks like after all that. Btw its greyed out in the journal incase you cant tell due to the cursor and greenish hue obscuring it. Is yours the same sparklecat?
  11. Had the warden give you any EXP? I received none after talking with him. And my quest is greyed out in the journal i.e. completed. Just checking if that's normal.
  12. Ok, this is the one that did it for me. If you are wondering why there are patients around (they are supposed to flee the scene) its because I have already completed the quest without the upper floor going hostile, and I left some flesh golems alive. That's weird. Well, I hope this will at least help *some* people regardless
  13. I think I figured it out. I went through the dialogue with Uscgrim. Killed the flesh golems and patients in the North Ward. Went outside. Killed two more which were in the hallway. Went to Azo and killed him too. At this point I made a save game. Then I went to the upper floor. No one was hostile, everything was normal, and I was able to talk with the Head warden. Out of curiosity, I reloaded. I cleared the rest of the basement. Had 2 more flesh golems to kill near the room holding the wights. Then I went back up and everyone was hostile. This leads me to believe one of those flesh golems in the western quadrant is responsible for this. Im not 100% sure but Im gonna test it again and take screenshots. PS alternative solution. Make a save at the staircase. If they are hostile upstairs, reload and delete the .fog and .lvl files of the Sanitarium main floor. Those is compressed inside your savegame. This will restart the upper floor which includes any loot, NPCs and the fog of war. But it shouldn't mess up any quest triggers. Its how I bypassed the Raedric's Hold issue (i.e. kitchen crash). Haven't tried it myself but its worth a shot. Cheers.
  14. Ah, I think you may be right. Thanks, I will see what I can do and report back ! Splash screens are next on my list btw ! :D
  15. I think you are correct. Democracy is for trivial decisions. I don't think it's good as a type of community government, at all.
  16. Cant wait for that mod to become more polished :D Amen. Fuc**** field triage...
  17. Ed and Ted ! :DDDD My library. So I'm afraid not. But google is your friend Ah, but the idea of democracy *is* that *any* idiot i.e. pleb can vote. Houston we have a problem.
  18. In original D&D and AD&D, clerics were forbidden from using all edged or pointed weapons. Good point. Though I'm basing this off 3.5 which is IMO the optimal edition and a personal favorite. In 3.5 the so-called "undead hunters" were clerics who favored crossbows in addition to blunt weapons like maces.
  19. You have no clue. Send a PM to Firedorn and ask him. In this age of liberalism and so-called political correctness it aint no joke for big companies, unfortunately. Especially in the west.
  20. Obsidian didn't change the poem. Backer wanted to change it to spare Obsidian of this PR nonsense. EDIT: A wise decision worthy of serious respect.
  21. It is. But w/e. We live in the age of so-called political correctness. As our democracy gets ever more liberal , everyone has something he wants. You ask and you receive. The only requirement is that you're perceived as a minority. Democracy shall do the rest. While ordinary people will eventually become those who are discriminated. The goal of this thing is to come full circle.
  22. Anyone got any ideas? I really like the music in PoE, I just want to change the main title theme (got a little too boring). I've only found music files in two places, mus_global and mus_temp, replaced the track in both of those locations, but the game is still pulling the old tracks from somewhere. I have no idea from where. I have the GoG version. Cheers
  23. Yup. Should've been a mace and a crossbow.
  24. Inspired by the recent Firedorn memorial proceedings I opened up my dusty Dialogues... ... Socrates: "Democracy shall fall due to attempting to please everybody. The poor shall desire wealth of the rich. And democracy shall grant them wealth. The young shall desire respect of the elders. And democracy shall grant them respect. The foreigners shall desire privileges of the natives. And democracy shall grant them privileges. The women shall desire to be equal to men. And democracy shall grant them equality. The crook and the wicked shall desire to rule. And democracy shall grant them important positions within the Republic. And when finally the crook and the wicked are elected democratically, there shall be worse tyranny than has been during any monarchy or oligarchy. ... There's more but this is the essence. Amazing that 2400 years ago Socrates had clearly seen what is happening right now. Translated manually by me. EDIT: Worth noting is the Athenian democrats executed Socrates not long after, by making him drink Cicuta poison (i.e. poison hemlock), on the premise that he's spoiling Athenian youth. Lol.
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