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About MasterBLB

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Don't lower resolve below 10.You can lower dex without much risk,as you can dual-wield fast weapons and take Dual Hand Combat perk to get +20% attack speed,so you won't notice much difference.
  2. Thank you very much Matt51,it worked
  3. Thanks.Any details how to use the mod to get desired result?Checked the mod's page http://rien-ici.com/iemod/ but found no instruction about exchanging invocations there.
  4. Hello mates During levelup I've chosen Puppet Master for my cipher,but in fact I don't enjoy it - it's too slow to cast. I'd like to exchange it for Soul Ignition,and here is my question to you - do know a way to do it? I've tried console commands,but these didn't worked.
  5. So I'm going to build my monk. Fire Godlike to get damage reduction and fire retaliation (an oh so cool look).Fire retaliation is scaled by might and character level,it starts with 3-4,now it is raised to 7(base 6) on 3rd level. Stats: Mig - 14 for some increased damage. Con - 14 because monk requires to be wounded to kick his abilities in,and endure close range fight. Dex - 18 to interrupt foes monk needs to attack.The quicker the better... Per - 13 ...and that speed is utilized here.The design of the character is to flood enemy with so many punches that enemy is either killed,or most of his actions are interrupted. Int and Res - 10 I didn't wanted negative modifiers,but if you find comfortable to lower these stats you can increase Per of Mig Abilities I have - Swift Strikes are awesome,Torment's Reach as well So far so good,the character is very fun and potent to play;and what happens once Swift Strikes are activates is just ungodly.
  6. The increased AOE for cipher spells from INT works,but there is graphical bug which does not show extended range for the spells.Check the abilities like Cruicible of Souls/Speaker to the Restless to actually see that INT extending range works. Another example is to cast Mental Binding on a group of enemies and ensure few of are close to red aiming circle - after cast you'll see them affected as well. But the bug is annoying,as it prevents tactical use of many cipher's spells.
  7. Sadly,not even it didn't worked for me,but I was unable to choose old 1024x768x85kHz resolution;I had to do it via registry setting.
  8. Hello Description: Some of game screens have not fit to screen size,causing them to extend beyond monitor edges,or waste some space which could be used,with a result of very small buttons and font like in intro or in character creation. Another related issue is microscopic size number of sung chants or focus amount on characters portraits. Check the screens. And nope,adjusting screen size by monitor settings didn't solved the issue. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Occurs every time.If possible,check the issue on a CRT type monitor. Stuff to download: DxDiag + screenshots - http://sendfile.pl/pokaz/298780---4HDS.html No save and output log as there are no specific conditions for the issue to occur. Screenshots: http://i61.tinypic.com/1zwf1h2.png http://i57.tinypic.com/33ct1fd.png http://i58.tinypic.com/j8ftdz.png http://i60.tinypic.com/316594z.png http://i62.tinypic.com/13zzxvr.png http://i62.tinypic.com/xqj6t1.png http://i61.tinypic.com/30dgwe9.png
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