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Everything posted by Deim

  1. yy intresting to check
  2. Big thank!
  3. This sub forum only for 1.0.4 beta. Post it on Tech support.
  4. y if u buy it u need check stronghold treasury chest
  5. Thank u for u answer. I make same tests. Its work when u receive crit but not always or if u receive crit from melee attacks. Corrosive damage not trigger it. Or mb spell holding effect have any global culdown? In first fight i have proc after crit, but no1 in second. U can see on screen no procs from all sources. http://i.imgur.com/cQnkrQ6.jpg
  6. Not working correctly in this patch aswell. Screenshots http://imgur.com/a/t9Yb5. If need i can link save aswell.
  7. Where we can send any reports?) i mean when testing beta version.
  8. I see only 1 minus in this game. BUGS. But it will be nerfed in next patches.
  9. m8 ITS NOT BUG change weapon set on range fs
  10. About blade u need 4 parts last 1 on lvl 12 Od Nua. If u have not 4parts u have not dialog aswell.
  11. its bugged only in old safes if u start new game this bug is terminated.
  12. its not work in second patch, but we must understand developers have a lot of work this other content and fix this item later.
  13. I am test it on mobs a lot of time. Same times its proc nearly battle end and work after battle end) Same times its never proc but u character can die. Mehanic is easy here. If u check this priest spell its healing u on 7 endurance every second (without any armour). If u equip Lether armour its -30% activation speed u receive 7 endurance every 1,3 seconds for 20 sec (its base). O new patch comming let me test.
  14. its only active when game want)) but if i understand right its must hold full battle.
  15. amazing bug if active -14 Deflection, but must only -3. http://i.imgur.com/oUnLjKZ.jpg
  16. Patch not fix it. I make test after patch.
  17. Aswell if u comming defend stronghold and kill attackers loot after win disappears.
  18. Hey all. This item is bugged like hell. Here screens with combats log. http://imgur.com/a/zANLU If needed here link on safe file https://yadi.sk/d/P97l6lnBfiVRC U can test it and see how its work. I hope u can fix this bug, item is amazing for doing this game solo)
  19. I loading my safe and going on Od Nua lvl 9 for test. My Rogue fight vs Beatle its work nice in first battle after loading. On next pack no procs for FULL battle.
  20. Thank for u help i send link on my save game. https://yadi.sk/d/i0sQoZbdfgeUp. My Main Character Rogue have equiped this item. I test it on same packs of mobs. And same times it work but same times no proc for full battle. 1 character (who equip it) fight vs same mobs and no 1 proc. But it must be work all the time. Prob like priest spell.
  21. its not bug, its for melee. For range u have +5 acc and faster reload.
  22. Item name Shod-in-Faith effect spell: holding Consecrated Ground: Grants Consecrated Ground. Rly rare when work but in combat must work all the time like a spell every 1 or 2 seconds.
  23. Hey Guys big thank for awesome game. Found 1 bug with feet. This feet have effect named as Saint Earth. Its work same times like a machine guna and same times not work for full long battle. Fix it pls.Thanking in advance.
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