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Everything posted by PermTrouble

  1. Seeing as how kickstarter was essential to the game even being created, in this case I do think such a thing holds merit as part of its artistic vision. I should probably also note that I think the limerick is stupid. I just think it has every right to exist in the game as is.
  2. Actually I believe trans is humanities third gender. I don't believe this opinion dehumanizes trans persons, nor means I have any hatred towards them, it simply means I think they are different. It is because of this difference that I believe it is deceitful for one such person to not disclose (in this instance) that they weren't born female. I believe if a person wholeheartedly believes they were born with the wrong genitals, then they have every right (and I applaud their decision) to transition towards what makes them happy and healthy. It just also means I may disagree with what their new gender is.
  3. I wouldn't knowingly sleep with someone who was pro-life, anti-gun control, politically conservative, etc. Does that mean everyone who sleeps with me has an ethical requirement to give me the laundry list of their political views before we get it on? Or does it mean that if these are such dealbreakers for me, it's my responsibility to ask first about the things that'd bother me, and theirs to respond honestly if asked? Yeah, that'd basically mean never getting in a relationship with anyone, ever. You can't just magically tell who's going to turn out to be violent or abusive before you get in a relationship with them, and it's victim blamey as hell to suggest otherwise, buddy. If you aren't comfortable enough disclosing your birth gender with someone you want to start a relationship with, that is NOT the other persons fault. It is not up to anyone else for you be open and honest with the person you want to get close to. While I agree that it's possible for someone to turn violent later on, I think it's just as possible that person wouldn't. I think the fundamental disagreement you and I won't get past is that I believe the straight man in this case is in fact a victim, and I consider the notion of leaving the responsibility up to him for the other person to disclose their birth gender is also victim blaming.
  4. Bear in mind that a trans woman disclosing the fact that she's trans to a male partner runs the risk of assault or murder regardless of when she says something. I don't think that people have an obligation to tell their partners any personal information they don't want to unless it's something that could affect their partner, like an STI; that goes double if they'd be putting themselves at risk by so doing. Personally, if I slept with a woman who turned out to be trans and hadn't told me, I... well, I wouldn't care for one, because trans women are women and it's no reflection on my orientation if I'm attracted to one, but I certainly wouldn't blame her for being scared to say something earlier and just wanting to have a relationship like anyone else. I disagree because I DO believe that such a thing should be disclosed. By not disclosing you are disregarding your sexual partners ability to consent to the act, and I think having sex with someone without consent is pretty awful. While I don't think a trans person should have to disclose such a thing to every person they meet. I think their sexual partner has every right to know, and perhaps a little more discretion be applied with people they want to lay with if they even THINK there's a CHANCE of violence.
  5. So if it was "black" not "a man", you'd think the limerick was totally okay? I understand the point you're trying to make, but I disagree with the logic. Where my opinion is coming from is my belief that sex between two people is something that's very personal and deserves mutual respect. Much like I expect people to respect the choice of two gay men to be able to have an open loving relationship, because that is what they are looking for, I expect people to respect the fact that a man may not want to have sex with someone who wasn't born a female. The reason I disagree with your logic is because I think it's also ok to not be attracted to a black person without hating black people. The difference would be the deception. The person did not sleep with a white person, and then suddenly find the person was someone who was black afterwards. I guess the main disagreement I have is what should actually be considered hatred. I don't believe not wanting to have sex with another human being is automatically derived from a hatred of that person. People should respect the fact that others can have sex with other consenting adults regardless of race/gender/whatever. The straight guy was not allowed to consent because of deception. Edited for clarity
  6. There's a difference between feeling freaked out and unnecessarily questioning your sexual orientation after unknowingly sleeping with a trans person and killing yourself from shame afterwards. I believe that killing yourself from shame falls under what I consider "Freaking out", I suppose I could have used "had a mental breakdown", but my point remains the same. I believe a straight guy has every right to be outraged after a sexual partner does this to him. Note that I still wouldn't condone violence towards the trans person after this, but I don't blame the straight guy for feeling absolutely overwhelmed either. Again, I do not believe this in any way supports hatred of trans persons.
  7. I just find it really confusing that people think it would be wrong for a straight dude to freak out after finding he bedded someone who misrepresented their gender. It's not like the joke is "so he killed {insert pronoun here}" Not wanting to sleep with someone who wasn't born female doesn't mean you hate trans persons.
  8. When the mob crowd control and aoe starts stacking up hard, you're gonna be real glad Durance is around to spam
  9. What race did you pick ? Aurama? I can't remember the name off the top of my head. Big ol fish folks
  10. I was able to change this by ending another fight while having the "Suppress" priest spell going. The - Conc still stays on my profile, but now shows "suppressed" like when you have conflicting stat buffing items
  11. Yeah, fights got a lot better after running with a full party. You'll probably find some trouble messing with Caed Nua too.
  12. I'm rolling a 2H barbarian with the self HoT. Might/Con/Dex having just running through cleaving (carnage) trash mobs. I wish I had named him Cleave
  13. I didn't have trouble in Raedric's Hold.I have the steam version. Is it possible to host a copy of a working file in a public cloud or something? I'm not opposed to loading it after work if someone could walk me through it.
  14. I didn't see it at my stronghold. Do they increase in inventory after you advance in acts?
  15. Fighting the Ogres by Twin Elms (Elmshores?). When the druids toss bees at you the duration seems to be infinite. Save/quit/continue seems to kill the damage, but not the debuff/animation.
  16. I didn't know there was a perception enchant. Is this a recipe you have to find? I ask because I didn't see in my menu before, but it's totes possible I just overlooked it.
  17. I believe that's the 13th floor, as I managed to spot the 9th floor one with a 19 Perception rogue, but I was unable to stack Perception high enough to detect the vault on the 13th floor. The hidden door he's looking for is level 9. I'm on the same one, and haven't been to level 13 yet. Now I'm wondering if I can get my Perception stacked up with a scroll. Think I topped out at 13 or 14
  18. Howdy pals. I was trying to find the name of and possibly a vendor for a scroll that increases Mechanics skill. I had 1 at a lower level, but haven't ran across another random one and didn't see it in the crafting section (though I could have just over looked it). I remember it had gears on it as the symbol. Thanks!
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