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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Imagine the look on Kotick's face if the founders regained the Modern Warfare rights His shareholders would burn him at the stake. Less than he deserves Indeed, being tied to a piece of dead tree and burned alive is not nearly a bad enough punishment for being a bit of a douche and disrespecting people's creative control. Obviously, the death penalty is required. The man is, after all, obviously on a level with mass murderers and war criminals. tl;dr version: RAAAAARGH NERD RAGE STOODPID!
  2. Wow. Looking into this matter some more, it might turn out that Activision had a perfectly legit reason for this, but I honestly don't care if they did because any bad press about this Kotick fella is good press.
  3. Just out of curiosity, what were these supposed breaches of contract?
  4. This wouldn't work unless you had a special mechanic. Because the character might not remember what he did, but the player will.
  5. Also, why would you put heavy metal behind a game that consists mostly out of dialogue?
  6. And the rock he fell on shall henceforth be known as Bane, the rock who broke Batman's back!
  7. Ouch, better go in and do some damage control.
  8. Somehow it's better if you let it sink in and watch it again later. I don't know why.
  9. Hahaha, I loved that movie. A gargantuan shark eating a plane out of the air and Lorenzo Lamas as a racist army commander, everything that could be hilariously wrong with a movie was right there.
  10. Feeling a bit under the weather, thankfully I have next week off from school. Funny that, I always get sick when I've got free time.
  11. I wasn't trying to get you to bash Die Hard. I just far prefer Die Hard to Con Air. I saw Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, which was surprisingly funny for such an obvious kids movie. With guest starring voice roles for Mr. T AND Bruce Campbell. And people say The Expendables will be the manliest movie ever...
  12. Oh man, that is just a whole bundle of suck. My sympathies go out to him and his family. I hope he makes it through without permanent damage.
  13. Did people ever figure out what causes the dialogue skipping? I keep getting it if the game runs too long and it annoys me. I did a google search and trawled through the archive on this board but no answers were forthcoming.
  14. Yeah, the man who has been trying to push the E.U. and Russia together for years is so very pro-West. With all due respect, sir*, you have no idea what you're talking about. *I added that so you wouldn't shake your report stick at me.
  15. I disagree, Con Air is pretty fun as an action movie, but it has nothing on Die Hard.
  16. That depends on whether we're including Russia or not. Putin definitely counts. Please don't misquote me without pointing that out, or I'll report you. And Berlusconi is far from being a fascist, you don't even know what a fascist is. Look, the person who just insulted every European male on the board with a discriminatory remark is waving his report stick at you. Funny that.
  17. I saw Percy Jackson & The Olympians - The Lightning Thief yesterday. I suspect I would have liked it better if I was younger. It was entertaining but seemed to make a point of insulting the intelligence of any adult in the audience repeatedly.
  18. This is a pretty cool show. Not smart, but a lot of fun to watch.
  19. Sorry, but this strikes me as really unfair. Blizzard didn't set a release date. Blizzard never sets release dates. Occasionally they will give a rough estimate of their current target always with the disclaimer that it's subject to change added to it, and when they don't make that, people make a fuss and say it was delayed again. It wasn't. It didn't meet an in-house target, but it wasn't delayed because it was never set to be released. This is just people who took an estimate far too seriously and have an enormous sense of self-entitlement. I was obviously being sarcastic, I don't have any illusions about Blizzard ever releasing games on time and I don't fault them for that. Fair enough. I had actually recognized it as sarcasm, but I thought it to be the more bitter, biting type. Apologies then!
  20. No two wrongs don't make a right, but smokers are just an easy target and a great way to shift the blame. I see this (third hand smoking) as having become nothing more than society wanting to feel better about themselves by "making a difference" and "saving the kids", while real, much more serious and a lot harder problems are ignored out of complacency. I don't blame the cars, industry or the rampant consumerism, mostly because that would be hypocritical, but I get a little pissed when people start blaming me. I make sure that my impact is as small as possible and that even with cigarettes I have a lesser impact on air pollution than the majority. Just because you find my habit gross what right do you have to pollute more than I do, when you have an alternative too? How is my addiction worse than what you are doing? And coal plants are serious polluters and pose very serious health problems, look it up some time - here is one article from a random search. Now, I have no problem with smokers, but starting a post consisting entirely of shifting blame with accusations that the other shifts the blame is just poor form. Because, you know what? Both are problems that need to fixed. "But yours is worse!" is a ****ty argument. It's like standing over someone you just murdered and saying "Why are you pissed at me? It's not like I killed as many people as Ted Bundy!"
  21. Is that Boxer as in the king of Terran players? Sorry, but this strikes me as really unfair. Blizzard didn't set a release date. Blizzard never sets release dates. Occasionally they will give a rough estimate of their current target always with the disclaimer that it's subject to change added to it, and when they don't make that, people make a fuss and say it was delayed again. It wasn't. It didn't meet an in-house target, but it wasn't delayed because it was never set to be released. This is just people who took an estimate far too seriously and have an enormous sense of self-entitlement.
  22. Smokers can do what they want as far as I'm concerned. I have asthma, and smokers don't bother me in the least. I think people who complain about smoking are just whining. However, that doesn't mean I GET smokers. In my eyes, it's pretty much the same as people who enjoy cutting themselves, except cutters only do it to themselves. In fact, now that I think about it, how's this for an anti-smoking tagline: A smoker is the ultimate emo.
  23. No. It won't even start. Anyone have any ideas? KotOR 1 doesn't work for me on Windows 7 when I just install it and play it, but if I run the setup in compatibility mode and as administrator and do the same thing with running the .exe, it works like a charm.
  24. Wow! I'm glad I haven't dated any women you have, then, because that is totally not my experience.
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