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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Without Norris you are lost!
  2. hey since we are so off topic, has anbody got the Chuck Norris mod for battlefront 2?
  3. Who are you to deny the splendour of Chuck Norris? Chuck is greater than kotor, only via the righteous path of Norris can kotor 3 be great.
  4. Good call KQD, this isn't necroposting... Lost is returning!! The next ep will focus on Mistah Eko.
  5. Low-level prejudice against race/gender/sexual preference/whatever is pretty prevalent everywhere. I dont think it will ever die out so it'll be along time before "coming out" isn't considered news.
  6. Fools. Chuck Norris invented the lightsaber. He originally created it because he needed a cutting tool sharp enough to trim his lustrous manly chest hair. However he soon discarded as the density and high tensile strength of his chest hair actually broke the lightsaber. From that day on Chuck vowed never to trim any body hair so as to maintian his ruggedness.
  7. I suppose its ok given it occurs in the fantasy world where Sulu wants to get nasty with you.
  8. So would you attack Takei with a crowbar?
  9. I especially like the Jesus jedi and Mira Magdalene! *ba-dum bom-tshh*
  10. He is a fraud!
  11. Fools, in 1972 Chuck Norris was famously beaten at the Colosseum in Rome.
  12. Gene Shallit was on Family Guy yesterday, he robbed Peter, it was funny.
  13. So you don't think the gay son somewhat exonerates the critic?
  14. Diablerie is feeding on a vampire older than you, you gain its powers.
  15. What if, by accident you beat the gay into him harder?
  16. Eldar's reports do seem quite informed. Schmarth isn't a wallflower either so there is little danger of Schmarth being misrepresented (unless eldar goes mad again). If i were to do a report on Schmarth i'd base it on that mental one where he became trapped in the computer.
  17. That old guy is a cradle robber.
  18. This thread is getting personal, it is our duty to use T.O.M.B.S. reports as jokes not weapons.
  19. You can give Eldar minus points if you want... for being a tease but because its pretty vague I wouldn't penalise him harshly. +20 T.O.M.B.S to Schmarth for asking for help in assigning points. oh yeah, +100 points to CoF for recognising that i am awesome. +50 points to Julianw for standing up to the system, the system being me. You have balls, i like that. :angry:
  20. Wait, you pay and then give the return?
  21. Since you are going off of other people's opinion did you see the Shalit review? Most likely through selective editing they portray Gylenhaal as being the pursuer, the initiator after their initial tryst.
  22. If you haven't seen the film, then how does the observation you made about Ledger's character seem it "seem pretty evident"?
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