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Everything posted by nitropowah

  1. Okay I'll be posting a new one then.... It is the guy from the other picture, wondering whether his actions were good or not, while his evil Master glances at him with mischief. The planet is the one from the speeder bike pic I posted, Emynus.
  2. Oh yeah, It did Ok this topic is officially dying... Don't double post please, edit is your best friend... -Battlewookiee
  3. Oh yeah as I said, that was the ultimate evil touch to show his personality.
  4. Yeah.... Maul is the Sith that has devoted himself to the Dark Side, he lives for it and has no other desire than to please his Master and the Sith. His tattoos are an addition to that concept of "subordination". I think Maul also looked cool because he was left in the shadows, he appeared in screen for only 2 minutes in total I think... Lucas thought that by doing this, Maul would appear more mystical.
  5. Okay.... This is a JEDI (no Sith or weird thing this time) who is amazed at a new power he has learned... I did put some expression and feeling this time..
  6. Cmon guys post your art!
  7. Better than you ----- > Metallica
  8. Devil's Dance --> Metallica
  9. This is a new sketch... It is a Fallen Jedi, victim of the Will of the Force ( and of a very persuasive Master, like always =P) Name: Miilos Sheridan.
  10. Yeah me too, I like the whole Grim Reaper concept. Vader comes second, and Revan third.
  11. Bounce!! ---> System of a Down
  12. Clandestino ---> Manu Chao Desaparecido ---> Manu Chao
  13. I like speeder bikes, so I made one sketch about a Jedi riding one in a desert.. So here it goes: Uncolored version: Colored version:
  14. Most likely, another piece of cut content.
  15. ATWA --> System of a Down
  16. Sounds like a must get I'll definetly look into it.
  17. That sounds pretty cool !
  18. Figure.09 ---> Linkin'Park
  19. Kreia must be a member of your party when you enter the Enclave, and anyways, the moment when she drains you and the dialogue is after a cutscene, so she'll be loaded there anyways...
  20. Currently I'm playing NSF U2
  21. Where the wild things are --> Metallica UnforgivenII -> Metallica
  22. ORION ----> Metallica Battery ---> Metallica
  23. I guess I do prefer KOTOR for the replayability it had, and I know I would have enjoyed it more if the surprise had not been revealed to me early (the Databank talks about you being Revan undirectly). I think it was a great game, an excellent storyline done with much imagination, and very enjoyable. KOTOR 2 disappointed me at the end, as it did us all I think. But the second time I played it, I kinda understood more the storyline, I went deeper with each character, and explored every world with more enthusiasm. I like the "dark" tone the game had, with all the "hidden" Sith and the betrayer. I guess I'm a fan of plot twists like in K1 and the Traya thing in K2, and I still like a lot that part when you are talking to the Jedi Council, and the dialogue alternates between them and Kreia... Well I guess it depends on each person's own opinion and likes. I did enjoy K2, and still enjoy it a lot, as I did K1. Of course K2 could have been A LOT better... but those hopes remain in the hands of TSL Restoration Project (thx 4 that).
  24. I vote for this one: New planet discovered, with ten orbiting tennis ball moons
  25. Yeah they're always finding 10th planets..but maybe this one will be considered official...I guess it will depend upon the mass, the size and if the comparison with Pluto. Personally, I vote MIMAS for 10th planet: That's no moon...
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