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Everything posted by nitropowah

  1. Nostradamus Mucho ----> Molotov Puto -----> Molotov Not Falling ----> Mudvayne
  2. Okay, as promised I updated the concept, into a more human shape. It is no longer 90% droid, but a merely 50% I'd say. I finally achieved a mask design that I liked... yeah this is my final Darth Vengar :D Hope u guys like it
  3. Papercut ----> LinKin PaRk A.D.I.D.A.S. ----> KoRn
  4. All I want --- > Offspring Nitro ----> Offspring
  5. Hmmm.... what about Van Damme as Candy? I think he could pull it off quite well, they got even same haircut.
  6. Yeah guess things will have to go step by step... personally, if these patches are gonna fix the bugs, I want then to be well made instead of rushed...so I'd rather wait and see a good thing than make Obsidian rush again with things
  7. My player is currently playing: Fuel --> Metallica :cool: BYOB --> System of a Down :D
  8. Disciple: Hi Mira, can we talk? Mira: Talk? About what? About how that little mandalorian girl left you for a gizka? Disciple: *snif* Don't bring the Sasha thing again... Disciple: I just wanted to know your opinion on me. Mira: Yeah, well I don't have any time for you. Don't you see? I've got THE attitude. I've got the cool. And I've got the kick-@ss outfit. Get it? Disciple: And I've got the teeth, the hair and the cute fa... *interrupted* HK-47: Statement: The word "cute" is unnacceptable in this corner of the ship, genderly confused meatbag. HK-47:Threat: It will require that I take you to med-bay, and punish you with six hundred sixty-six hair pulls. Disciple: Nooooooooo *cries* Mira won't you help me? I'm nice and cute don't let him hurt me!! Mira: Nah I think I'll watch you suffer while sipping juma juice. If I needed a teddy bear I'd pick up Hanharr, anyways.
  9. I think this should go to the Spoilers section... Some people don't know that he is Mandy... "
  10. Well.... I guess 'cause Vader is an icon, a symbol of evil , for the whole world. His name is in movies, parodies, etc. He's BIG and FAMOUS...and prolly the most known bad guy... And he just looks cool in that armor....and the breathing...yeah :cool:
  11. Hope this is enough stimulation to convince them to make KotOR III the best of the K saga!! :D And get that beauty for doin' it!!!
  12. Disciple: Hey Atton, I wanted to settle this thing with Exile and us. Atton: Exile? What Exile? Disciple: The Exile. Her. Atton: I know no Exile. Disciple: OKAY, so you admit you don't admire her as well? Atton: Yeah, I don't admire. I take. You can go admire your Bastila dolls. Disciple: What?! That's it. You want a piece of me????!! Atton: *Pulls Disciple's hair* Disciple: Ouuuuuch!!!! Not my pretty hair!!! You mean!!! Disciple: Hey Bao-Dur...I need to feel useful. Need help with the repairs? Bao-Dur: Repair? You?! *laughs* No thanks, I don't want you to turn the ship into a beauty saloon. Disciple: Hey, I can be useful! I could hold your wrench while you... Bao-Dur: HOLD MY WRENCH?! G*A*Y !!! Disciple: T_T Disciple: Hey Visas. Visas: I see through the Force... Disciple: I know that already. Visas: I can see through your robes... Disciple: Yeah, so? Visas: So unless you want me to LAUGH OUT LOUD at what I'm seeing, just leave. Disciple: T_T Disciple: Handmaiden, do you have any advise for me? Handmaiden: With the Exile? No. Disciple: But at least you could help me out? Handmaiden: Well actually... Now that I have left Atris, I bet she's looking for a new handmaiden. With a haircut, you could fit... Disciple: T_T Disciple: Mandalore, can you give me some advise to be duro-macho like you? Mandalore: Heh...I have some idea. Disciple: Yeah??? What??? Mandalore: Kelborn and I want to make a dancing company, "Mandy & Kelby's Group". We were thinking on hiring female, but we could use you... Disciple: T_T Kreia: Ah, it is Micaela. Disciple: Kreia, use your wisdom and tell me why Exile won't love me!! Kreia: It could be because women like men, not Barbies. Disciple: But I'm nice, cute, blond. and I have shiny teeth!! Kreia: You have all that, yet you lack of something. Disciple: What? Tell me! Kreia: Testosterone. Disciple: T_T !!!! Kreia: However, I know of someone you could have a chance with. Disciple: Yay!!!! Who?? *Mushu shaka paka* Disciple: Hi there, Sasha. ---Yeah it's a bit cruel, but isn't Disciple there for that?
  13. LOL finally .... I thought my taste for the Veyron was of a forgotten race or something like dat....
  14. Now THAT's a woman... :D . . . . *(hides)*
  15. Disciple: Exile, I admire you, your walk, your stance... F Exile: Great, another fanGIRL. Why don't you go admire Atton? Disciple: He said he'd rather talk to his pazaak cards... *snif* F Exile: *draws her lightsaber, looks at it* Hey lightsaber! How you doin'? Nah I wasn't talking to nobody... Disciple: *goes away, crying* Atton: Maybe another time, Daisy. Time out at med-bay! :"> Yeah...not funny...but w/e
  16. Ill give it that my tastes seem to differ from you guys.... "
  17. I vote for Kate as Bastila ... they are like same face, same lips... (especially the lips) As for Carth, anyone thought about Ron Carth????? Leave him unshaved for a few days and you'll see they look alike a little...
  18. Nice topic! :D Guess as a new here...i'll have to add my 2 cents too--- So it is: And also... & :cool: As for male actors, I think Robson Green does a convincing role at Wire in the blood...
  19. The game makes it so that you always get your lightsaber in the 1st planet, whether it is Dantooine or not. It doesn't matter if you're DS or LS, you'll always get the parts somehow, from someone. (I think that you get a part when you kill the Master we all hate..) So don't worry, you'll get the parts..somehow..
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