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Everything posted by Synaesthesia

  1. Poor Krezack. Always under attack from some weirdo troll/flamer.
  2. Uh, because you can't catch the clap from computer games?
  3. Will we get 1337 particle effects on the tentacles though? More to the point, if I'm playing a female character, can I have a d00dle?
  4. Me? *picture Icon of Innocence here* Why, never! The idea that a grown woman could achieve something in life besides being a bored housewife and somebody's mama is rather quaint, though; so I thought I'd offer another side of the story. Pssst... I was just kidding about being able to beat everyone at every game. I hear Rayt the Uber-Mage is unstoppable in Dungeon Siege. If you're pimp gear was a 1337's as Rayts, you'd pwn in DS too.
  5. I'm really a female ghoul. Yup, that's me.
  6. We should play a game of "Hangman" to announce the project! _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .2 ___ ! . ! ! . O ! >8< ! ____ Bad Guesses: Z, Q, X, J Cats Eats: Cheeses at new dog Shopping?
  7. That would be nice too. :whyisn'tthereathumbsupsmiley:
  8. In addition to that, I think that guards should 'do the rounds' of shops and houses as well as individuals employing guards.
  9. That reminds me of Daggerfall. Stand in the shop till the shopkeeper disapeared then rob him blind. You would obviously have to eject the character prior to closing unless they were employing some sort of stealth. Even then such things are HUGELY determental to game balance. Of course, I wouldn't expect a character to just be able to stand around until Mr Hooper goes to bed.
  10. It does, after you've played through Gothic/Gothic 2 about ten times for each game and fallen in love with that style. After that it's really hard to go back to isometric games.. Deus Ex didn't exactly help with my love for the isometric style either. Like Hell Kitty, I think that isometric is more appropriate for party based games. I wouldn't want to deal with any 'rear vision mirror' type do-hickey to see my party members.
  11. I don't think having nightshift staff in necessary. Besides, having a shopkeeper asleep would give the PC a perfect opportunity to pick up some wares '5 finger discount'.
  12. Women over 40 are responsible for the popularity of Real-Time with Pause games.
  13. Will, or should, NPCs in Project X have schedules? I find it kind of annoying that NPCs in Ultima VI (and V, from memory) have schedules, yet most modern CRPGs seem to lack theme.
  14. kitty, your form of "love sharing" usually involves a knife and stabbing. taks Silence! My secrets shall not be revealed! *"loves" taks* Should that not be: You hurt the one you love? No, it should not be.
  15. I dunno. I kind of miss the 'good old days' of CRPG's where you'd have a FP view for most of the game, but iso for combat. Or not, I prefer isometric in general, I think. It certainly doesn't seem to detract from the immersion factor.
  16. Evolution reminded me of Ghostbusters, but with less Bill Murray and Harrold Ramis.
  17. No. Why not play a game designed for level 1-3 with level 15 characters? Some of the items were fun too. One of my characters weilded a + 5 Bronze Ioun Stone as a weapon. Kicked arse, he did.
  18. I miss using 'Secret of the Silver Blades' characters in 'Pool of Radiance'.
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