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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Ok, as a teacher, that's absolutely ridiculous. Students and parents would lynch me if I had that mentality, and rightly so. If a student turns in a great essay with minimal errors, they get a perfect score. Again, why have the number 10 if it's never used? I know plenty of teachers who'd disagree with you. Then again, they use a grading system that's got a margin of uncertainty less than 10% (i.e. out of 20 or 100). You certainly can't just assign the maximum mark to the best student in the class. That makes the grading system relative, which is a very bad idea. Why is a grading curve bad? Because sometimes the difference in grades is like 40% and 100%, and giving someone like a 25 point curve isn't fair to the person who worked/studied hard for the 100% grade.
  2. When did I wish injury on someone? And you keep bringing up Brodeur as if I'm a Devils fan, which I don't really understand.
  3. No **** karma isn't real. The point is Avery got what he deserved, play like a sh**head, get your spleen lacerated. To bad he's not out for next season, then the Rangers might be somewhat classy.
  4. cod4 has been dead for like 3 months
  5. I don't understand what that has to do with anything
  6. And what do you consider "****ing things up" exactly? Sex education is different in many cultures.
  7. Because some will take the opportunity to spread harmful misinformation and dogma. And you don't think that some schools won't? No - but the chance of that happening is less. So we shouldn't let parents educate their own children because there is a "chance" that they could be educated with the wrong information?
  8. Because some will take the opportunity to spread harmful misinformation and dogma. And you don't think that some schools won't?
  9. Nah chill, Avery got what was coming to him, he deserved it.
  10. Well at least the Sharks aren't going to get swept now. Rangers are pretty much done for now, especially now that STAR PLAYER SEAN THE BOMB AVERY has been injured (HAHAHAH karma)
  11. Only thing I really don't agree with is the graphics, I thought the world looked extremely solid especially considering there is practically no load times.
  12. Cause I'll be all over Llyranor's mom.
  13. How do you expect to balance the gangster lifestyle with laundry, cooking, cleaning, and the kids?
  14. Uh, the Rangers as a whole (minus Jagr, really) had a pretty miserable post-season.
  15. Maybe you're to ignorant to realize how great of a penalty killer he is. Maybe you're to ignorant to realize how important faceoffs are. Maybe you should stop watching hockey because you obviously the type of Ranger fan everyone complains about. Also, for the record: Drury was third on the team in points, followed closely by Shannahan. Drury also led the team in game winning goals. The untalented hack that Avery is was 8th on team in points. 154 penalty minutes.
  16. Drury is probably one of the Rangers MVPs.
  17. hahahaha, when was the last time the Rangers won a game?
  18. everyone here is like 5 years older than me though

  19. I bought it after school today. No problems.
  20. So, are you getting it off-line, with a false ID, with an older friend, or with one of your your parents? There's a 42% chance he won't get IDed. Anyway, I decided to wait till morning. It may only cost me a dollar to get their via bus but it would be another $15 to get back via cab. Not really worth it. I havne't had trouble buying M Rated games since I was 11.
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