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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Has anyone tried being a playmaker? I think you've got to get like 59 assists which seems ridiculous considering I only have 12 in 38 games, unless your linemates are more likely to score when you're playing as one.
  2. I didn't want to play a whole season with the sucky first line Devils
  3. ahahhahaha 1978 Lady Crimson ftw
  4. Started a new game because the Devil's offense is TERRIBLE. 30 games and my center had 40 goals and only 10 assists because Elias and Roloston can't finish for their lives. Not to mention that I had played half the games the other centers had but they still only combined for 8 goals. Now I'm on the Sharks AHL team but I haven't played my first game yet.
  5. don't worry we'll get back together when Gears of War 2 comes out And by back together I mean I'm going to shotgun your face off
  6. A girl who I liked in 2nd grade and then had a bit of a thing with freshman year of high school, we went out for like a few months or something. She admitted to liking me in 2nd grade also.
  7. This is what I expected. After playing the demo on XBL I didn't plan on paying $60 for it, it's a rental game at best.
  8. I haven't even touched the online yet, save for trying to get in a game with Hurlshot. Be a Pro will last me long enough until they get a title update out to fix the major bugs.
  9. I just got off, I've got a (real) hockey game around 4 so I'll be on later tonight maybe.
  10. Yeah I always use the skill stick.
  11. Pro. I thought it'd be more fun to play as a forward on Pro and dominate and then play a defenseman on All-star for a challenge
  12. Called up to the NHL after my 12th game (with 30 points, 20 goals 10 assists) Pretty awesome, playing for the Devils on the fourth line.
  13. A defensive defenseman wouldn't be to hard. Your main job would be to smash into other players and pass to the forwards, and clear the puck out from our end.
  14. I'm playing as a sniper center. 13 goals in my first 8 games is just ridiculous but I'm sure it'll fix itself once I hit the NHL. Sounds like we'll need some defensemen for our online league. btw, I've been using the default controls since 08 and man, does it make a difference.
  15. Hockey is in full swing. 3 practices + 3 games a week, and this is all before the second team starts up. It's going to be a long winter!
  16. Picking it up tommorow or Friday, depending on when I have some free time. Don't start the online team without me!
  17. Yeah my store won't have it till tommorow which means I probably won't pick it up to Thursday (real hockey practice after school tommorow)
  18. Got a small game store right near my house, gonna stop in there after school and see if they've got it yet.
  19. That just might be crazy enough to work! To the lab!
  20. woke up. played hockey. scored goal. came home. went to sleep. woke up. watched football. ate dinner. good sunday.
  21. Yeah 360 sucks. When's NHL 09 out?
  22. Oh hey there. Edit: I do have one though. ahahaha I was kidding but still Xbox > PC that's not going to start a fight and derail this thread right? right?
  23. Poison is awesome. And Rammy is by far the greatest pet.
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