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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Krookie


    Semin and Crosby have a thing against each other now too...Can't remember the exact quote but something along the lines of "Crosby isn't anything special"...This is getting interesting.
  2. Krookie


    Since I saw this on Espn: http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=3830831 I wonder what's going on between those two. It would be devastating for their Olympic team if they can't play together. I don't know what sparked it but I'm loving it...When Malkin sent Ovechkin FLYING into the boards last year I went nuts. It's fun to see two superstars go at it like that that
  3. not sure if you guys have seen this or if it's been posted in this thread but... http://www.survivetheoutbreak.com/
  4. Hopefully they'll continue with the Be A Pro mode, flesh it out a little more. I want to deal with the press and develop a reputation in the league.
  5. Left 4 Dead. Easily one of my favorite games of all time. Limited storyline (OMG ZOMBIES, GO GO GO!) and not much else to do other than kill them all on the way to the chopper. It's simple, and it's fun. Pump Action Shotgun + Pipe bombs = awesome
  6. -Left 4 Dead <3 -NHL 09 -Castle Crashers <3 -Gears of War 2 -Dead Space Still haven't gotten around to Fallout 3 or Fable 2, but I'll get there evenutally.
  7. The world record for rocking non-stop in a rocking chair is 480 hours held by Dennis Easterling, of Atlanta, Georgia.
  8. woke up at 2. played video games all day. tried to play Gears with Llyranor and Nick but I was lagging. Now hockey time.
  9. Really? I hated Noveria. It just seemed tedious compared to the rest of the game. And tech failures nlike that don't really mesh with the rest of the epic technology in the game, IMO. Noveria is the snow planet right? I hated that that planet.
  10. I got Left 4 Dead yesterday. Played through all 4 campaigns with some friends, only survived 3 of them though.
  11. Krookie


    yay the outdoor game!
  12. Today I asked this girl out. The word "girlfriend" bothers me but I really like her so I guess it's gotta be that way. We got Dunkin Donuts and then watched a movie. It was sweet.
  13. Krookie


    Really stepping out of Crosby's shadow
  14. I read somewhere when the game was still being developed that Redwood Shores (developer) wanted the player to feel as if they were actually there. Nothing's really handed to you in Dead Space (story wise). It's an investigative game, you gotta be willing to look around a little if you want to find out whats going on. If you keep playing, even without finding/reading logs, you'll still get the story. If the curiosity isn't there I could see why you'd want to stop.
  15. Yeah, bought it tonight with some left over points from when I got Castle Crashers. Pretty solid maps, only played Flood and Gold Rush. I don't know how'd they pan out for Horde though
  16. Good idea, you really won't want to replay it again after you finish the story. Sort of like Bioshock, great the first time through but not much left to do after that.
  17. Krookie


    Dallas announced Avery WON'T be returning to their lineup. Huge mistake by the organization but I guess they'd rather not deal with the distractions.
  18. No no, he's doing that with his LittleBigPlanet friends!
  19. Yeah, I was considering getting a subscription for Christmas. Only problem is my 360 is connected to a TV I'd rather not watch movies on...Can you save the movies to your harddrive?
  20. have you guys been playing it a lot? I've got two other friends who are looking at it too, but that still leaves us a man short
  21. yeah, i'm getting L4D for Xmas probably. And World at War if possible.
  22. Schools off from the 23rd till January 5th, which is a good deal
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