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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. oh also, does anyone know anything about Beau Bennett other than that he's apparently made of glass?
  2. Sweat on the way to the subway. Sweat on the subway. Sweat on the way to work. Sweat again on walk back to the subway. Sweat again on the subway. Sweat on the walk back to my apartment. I am looking forward to not-Summer in New York City. I just want it to be 15 degrees out so I can justify playing the remastered Skyrim for 6 hours a day after work.
  3. 3/4 points for the Devils in the home and home series against the best team in hockey. not bad.
  4. Thanks for picking up that fat bastard from us! haha come on, you know I'm a Devils fan. I would have loved to have Kessel on this team though. Hynes' whole system is built on speed. Kessel would be a monster.
  5. I think hockey should be played 4-4 during regular time. Opens up the ice and allows skill players room to actually you know, stickhandle and pass. I'd probably prefer an international ice surface myself. 3v3 has been ridiculously exciting but I'm not sure I would want to see the NHL change anything in terms of regulation. How do you guys feel about them potentially making the nets bigger? I can't get behind that.
  6. how the leafs are doing is irrelevant, i wasn't saying kessel made a bad decision by approving a trade to pitt, he's obviously better off there. and LOL if you thjink that a team with crosby, malkin, kessel, letang should have less goals 1/4 of the way through the season than the Devils, Blue Jackets, and because you brought them up, the MAPLE LEAFS just LOL.
  7. Penguins are looking pretty ugly since the Kessel acquisition.
  8. i dont even know who you're referencing? can't be hossa
  9. yes but expectations for the devils right now isn't to make the the playoffs, so the playoffs would be a victory in itself. we made most of our best years. 3 cups from 95-2003. rangers have been one of the best teams in the league for the last 5 years and dont have a single cup to show for it. if you dont think the rangers have been a "great team" since 2011 you're mistaken. they're pissing away Lundqvists best years without anyhting to show for it, and they thinl playoff noshows like Nash will fix their problems lol in other news the devils have now swept their season series with the Blackhawks. wildcard here we come
  10. ask henrik lundqvist or any other player on the rangers if they are content "being one of the best teams the past few years" no cup = might as well not have been in the playoffs
  11. nah kinda like the rangers have thrown garbage teams in front of lundquist for his entire career
  12. I don't know how long the Devils can keep up this pace but I'm actually starting to be convinced that they may be in the running for a wildcard spot come March.
  13. i dont think anyone would argue against the fact that NJ's success was largely because they had one of the best goaltenders and two of the best defensemen of all time. i also don't think anyone said they were going to win a cup this year. *shrug*
  14. we're 10 games in to the season and the devils are in a playoff spot what the hell is happening
  15. today, I'm moving from an unafforable apartment in NYC to a different unafforable apartment in NYC! hoooooooooray (second) most expensive real estate in the world!
  16. That's a good point. I'm definitely pulling for the Panthers. If anyone can appreciate small market teams and their success it's Jersey.
  17. Jagr is still one of the most talented players in the league. I don't think he's very far off from when he put up 67 points for the Devils 2 seasons ago. Use him correctly, keep him healthy, and I think he could match those totals this year.
  18. yeah, rangers are dumb as rocks for not locking him up long term, but they have a pretty terrible habit of giving the wrong contracts to the wrong players
  19. damn, devils have actually played really well lately. 7 points out of a possible 8 in the last 4 games. Only loss came in a SO to San Jose who is pretty dirty. Beat the Rangers, Coyotes, and then pulled back to tie the game/win in SO after being down 4-2 with 6 minutes left. we're probably not going to the playoffs but I'm glad to see we aren't getting absolutely wrecked every night. could be a fun season if we're at least in the wildcard conversation for most of it.
  20. Went to see Devils/Rangers at MSG today. 3v3 OT is gimmicky, but it certainly is exciting. Nice to see the Devils pick up their first win against a rival. Also very strange/awesome to see Kyle Palmieri scrapping at center ice of the Garden. I played on a team with him when I was 13 or 14.
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