From my understanding, no. But if they punched you in the eye...You could say "He punched me in the eyeball and was smoking". But you can't sue them just for smoking. I think.
Did you get the PC version? Excellent Game!
360 version pwns all other versions, graphically anyways.
360 version pwns.
Going back to Blockbuster, again. Returning Madden 07 and Jurrasic Park: The Lost World . I was thinking about picking up A New Hope and Empire Stikes Back...But only if Dead Rising isn't in stock. I've been wondering weather Thin Red Line is anything in comparison to Saving Private Ryan...
Of course. Cause when you're stranded in a parking lot 84 miles away from your house, you can just waltz right over to the rock in your backyard, pick up the key, and waltz right on back!