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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. o rly?
  2. Yeah, don't worry about it. You've got a lot to deal with.
  4. 1440x900 right? " I'm currently using the default rolling hills picture from Windows XP after I recently reformatted and have yet to put all my settings back to normal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was late, and I was tired!
  5. "DOWN YOU GO!"
  6. 14 inches across. 9 inches up and down. the resolution is like 1140x900
  7. Is the puck system as innovative as EA made it sound?
  8. Maybe I'll buy it when I beat Dead Rising...I should be able to pick up a used copy by then.
  9. I know a guy that's 6ft 8in...He graduated from my school last year.
  10. Speaking of moniters/desktops... Did I mention that my new moniter is a W I D E S C R E E N, Bok?
  11. Oh right...You're one of those fancy computer people tain't ya?
  12. I thought Irish people were short and stocky?
  13. Dead Rising "
  14. Without that "annoyingh a$$ S.O.B." Star Wars wouldn't have done as well as it did.
  15. There's a senior at my highschool who's only 4'3. I'm 6ft. as a freshman.
  16. I got home and there was a Praying Mantis in my hockey bag. But my team got new jerseys, and we're officially sponsored by Sabrett (yeah, the hotdog company) and Ford (yeah, the car company), so that's pretty cool. This means we no longer have to pay as much for ice time, bumping up our practice time to four times a week...Which could possibly make this post a canidate for the "How Bad Was Your Day" thread...
  17. Hey Pixie, did you ever ask that girl to the dance?
  18. I'm still mashing Zombies on the new TV in the basement!
  19. When I was like 4, my dad worked for Newsweek.
  20. I haven't really done much with the story so far. I'm only level 5 at the moment, which means I get destroyed by Carlito everytime I try to take him on. The parking lot/garage is a lot of fun.
  21. I'd like to see the Luke-Era die. We've pretty much seen all there is to see about Luke and Han, and Chewie, and all the offspring.
  22. today was fun. Ran a good two or three miles in the morning, then I've got hockey practice tonight. Weekends are always fun though.
  23. thanks for all the nice stuff. Just got my new computer up and running.
  24. shouldn't we be listing genders too?
  25. I picked up Dead Rising after hockey last night. By the way, I'm still on a library computer right now, but my dad also picked up a new PC the same night, so I'll be back on slightly sooner than I had thought.
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