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Everything posted by dffgmmj

  1. I agree with op. There should be animation for death or unsummoning.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion! i was thinking the same!
  3. yeah i want to ask this too,i ordered royal edition,it contained Digital Strategy Guide Are they the same thing?
  4. disappointed i wait till 4pm just nothing.
  5. The expansion?really? to be honest ,we dont KNOW what this poes storyline really is.
  6. level 12 is too high,8 or 9 is enough.i always like bg1 that player has a very long road to grow into a good fighter,that kind of feeling.
  7. I dont think that "Wizard can do anything" or handled most situation in their own way is a real problem,Mages power come from 1.Multiple-buff ablitliy such as Chain Contingency (not SpellRevision mod version) 2.They can use items to reduce spell casting time (i usually use mod to delete them) 3,They have Improved Alacrity. When a player got familiar with mages mechanics,they can combine 1 2 3 and other powerful spell in their own way.My point is that "can do anything" contains two meanings,1 powerful,2 useful/fun and of course more players brain work,i partly disagree with 1 but not 2. If give them more school (not just more spells) like old BG series or even like that Skyrim game, and find a way to re-tweak those powerful staff,mages can do better in poe. And sir Bronn from Game of Thrones,i always think he is a fighter/thief, if thats the idea of poes rogue i wont complain,i like his style.
  8. Morrowinds main theme is one of my favorite,its ups and downs like a complicated plot that want to tell you many things even beyond a story,i also like NWN1s main theme,It can bring back so many memorys,hopefully poe can do the same.i like OPs music,but it feels like lack of something,i dont know,maybe i just need to hear it a few times.Thanks for your hard work,Mr.Bell.
  9. thanks for responding,i only can see that was a ambiguity that leading to misunderstanding, but i think i missed some fun here(due to the exact meaning of this word or the origins still no clue,perhaps).
  10. Only worried the storyline,if its bad,the game means nothing to me.Other things i believe devs/backers already did their best.
  11. I have the same problem,especially when those slang words appeared,for example what does "ye coxfither" means? i saw it in some games and i cant get it.
  12. wow you guys said a lot of words......sorry i need some time to read Meanwhile i want write a few thoughts here.Rogue need more unique staff,such as:(just for example) *Focus on shadows- ONLY thiefs stealth will not automatically deactivate when combat started.(unless they expose themself in enemys sight) *Study traps- when a rogue encounter a trap that they cant disarm,their mechanics skill will have a chance(depending on some attribute) to automatically temporary +1,and they can try it again.In other words,ONLY them have more chances/times to challenge a high level trap.Lock is same. *Seize the moment- In combat when a rogue stand behind a fighter, meanwhile the fighter encounter an enemy ahead of him(enemy ,fighter, rogue 3 person become a straight line),and out of other enemys sight,a rogue can activate stealth mode(has a chance failure depending on distance etc.). As for the wizard,actually i dont need some super power spell such as "stop the worlds time" or "trap that guy beneath earth forever", they r learner/scholar. I think they alway (will) know a way to learn more stuff,at least a part of other class' spell,or some deep hiding staff.i am not talking about the balancing/distinguishing to other classes,its just for fun,from my personal opinion,its also important compared to balanced tactic.
  13. In old ie games: (not very big fan but like it) Wizard- Symbol of knowledge,ONLY THEM can access ALL arcane spells (not bard not sorcerer not other mod class).Every level up increase their spell-casting level and adaptation to more complex situation which is a big deal. Rogue- Master of shadows,they know staff that OTHER CLASSES DONT,they know how to survive,and more importantly they can hide themself when others cant. These features not just make them unique,also make them unforgettable/role-playing fun. Forgive my poor english,i just played this game in my friends home and i admit its amazing(thanks for your hard work),and i just find out the wizard already "balanced" many their spells/schools(e.g summoning/conjuration spells) to other spell-casting class and the rouge EVEN DONT HAVE INDIVIDUAL STEALTH (even their fighting style has changed). From my opinion, fighter/wizard/rogue, these 3 very very traditional class,their behavior model shouldnt be changed but only improve them. i know this is too late to mention something like this(maybe not appropriate), but i just want to say it.i think the devs focused on tactic balancing stuff but ignored some old games design ideas. Maybe more playable?we ll see. ps FIghter is good I relied on machine translation. Thx for reading.
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