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About leo1984

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. hello to everyone, I'm looking for a spare key of iron danger, if anyone has it from the Humble Daedalic Bundle 2020 ... thanks in advance!
  2. i've a couple of games: marooners Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy Epistory - The Typing Chronicles
  3. thanks for the key! it worked perfectly.. now i have to face a sleepless night! :D
  4. If it is still available, i'd be really grateful for one of those (gog version)!!! feel free to say no!
  5. flame in the flood is for free on humble. don't miss it!
  6. really cool update! I like this system design!
  7. Stasis is in my wish list since long time. If no one else is interested I will for sure enjoy in playing it!
  8. thank you obsidian for the italian localization! we will reach the stretch goal for sure! hopefully next will be portuguese and chinese
  9. i saw your question.. it's sad the no answer... i really hope the italian will come as stretch goal around 2.2-2.6 M$, but this time brazilian and chinese may come first of italian. a dev on fig told a chinese guy who proposed himself for PoE and PoE II chinese translation to contact them and gave him the email, so they are for sure considering chinese.
  10. If someone lost the giveaway on gog, I've got a spare key for Neverwinter Night Diamond i've also got from humble bundle: Coin Crypt Freedom Planet Bit Dungeon II EDIT stefan92awp took Neverwinter Night Diamond
  11. i really appreciate your generosity. thanks in advance.
  12. has already been announced when probably will be released part II of the white march?
  13. has anyone got a spare GOG key of PoE: the white march to gift/sell?
  14. sipli you need the game to play the dlc, so redeem it on steam OT: has anyone got a spare GOG key of the white march to gift/sell?
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