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Dark Moth

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Everything posted by Dark Moth

  1. Even the most tolerant people snap if enough pressure is applied, and my day provided that pressure. Also, how are your belifes any more well founded than my own? Don't ask me, I'm not the one who went around ranting about how all atheists are intolerant, stereotyping, and edgy. " I'll tell you what though, next time I have bad day, I'll go on rant bashing all atheists, how about that? Keep this in mind too: the moment you become the thing you're fighting, you lose the battle. Also, I think Ravenskya is right (again). I think it's best I left this discussion as well. Buena suerte, everyone. Adios.
  2. Here's the thing. Those who seek to dilute the teaching of science with religion should first give up the fruits of that teaching. With enough faith in God, religious people should have no need for sinful technologies - antibiotics, gene therapy, insulin, microwave ovens, etc. Is it not an affront to God to forsake His Love for the fruits of Godless science? You didn't answer the question. Answer it, or don't answer at all. Also, what you've said is simply untrue, and it seems you really don't know what you're talking about. You're speaking as if every religious person is an lunatic nutjob. And I personally find it appalling that you're spouting off such unjustified nonsense. When you say things like that, I take it as a direct insult, because you're stereotyping me as well. Please, either be civil about this, or keep your mouth shut.
  3. I think you've summed it up perfectly.
  4. I pretty much agree with everything you said. Though atheists can be just as 'fundamental' as many religious folk, which is why it's unfair and untrue to say that the most heinous things have been done in the name of religion. Many of the worst acts in history have also been done without religion. You don't even have to look very far. Hitler, anyone? How about Nero? Maybe Stalin? *Just a a note, Hitler did not target Jews as a religion, but as an ethnic group. He had no Christian motivation for what he did, it was all mostly out of his hatred and extreme sense of nationalism.
  5. We are chickens with our heads cut off. I do not ignore religion, very much the opposite. I think about religion everyday. I denounce it with putrid hatred. It is very hard for me to be civil about theology. What you said is one of the things I hate the most about religion. It is a cop-out when you* are backed in a corner. When someone provides evidence against your god you respond with the weathered expression, "It is all according to god's will." I refuse to accept that as a rational explanation. Provide me with the tiniest piece of solid evidence then I will give it some consideration. There is no way to back religion other than with unfounded ideology. I'm not sure you even know what I was talking about. " I was referring to the crucifixion concept, not religion in general. Also, I have never been backed into a corner, so please don't try to make it sound like i was. Also, given your statement already, I'm going to say this: be civil about discussing it, or we simply won't discuss at all. I really can't take time out for people who can't even be civil. And please don't put words into my mouth, since that's obviously what you are doing. Also, you want evidence, here's a question: Where did energy come from? It can't be created, or destroyed. How did it get here? Same goes for matter. Where did matter come from? And don't say 'the big bang'. Where did the matter before the big bang come from? You can't have something from nothing, so where did it come from? Here, for you. Clicky! http://www.albertmohler.com/commentary_rea...date=2006-11-21 Also, no offense, but it's clear you've got some personal gripe against religion, and most of what you're spouting is BS and your own unfounded opinion. You've already stereotyped an entire group and call yourself tolerant. Also, what video?
  6. That's my Dad's take on the world, not mine. But apparently Ben Franklin and a few others thought the same way. It's got a name, I just don't know what it is. The thinking is that God created the world and now he sits back and watches like and experiment, and one day he will be done with it and the end will come. I don't believe it, but my Dad had to suffer through Catholic school where he was beaten by nuns and such, so the fact that he believes in God at all makes me feel a little better. Actually I was referring to Grom's quote. I believe also the term you're looking for is deism, as I said in this below post (which you might have missed). A deist, maybe? Other than that...wow. Very deep and at the same time touching. Very true, too. Props to ya.
  7. That I disagree with. It just seems unlikely to me that a deity would just create humanity and forget about it. But that's just my humble Christian opinion.
  8. A deist, maybe? Other than that...wow. Very deep and at the same time touching. Very true, too. Props to ya.
  9. :wallbash: First off, that was something that only happened with HUMAN INTERVENTION, genius (or should I say, empirical rationalist), and even then has a high failure rate. It does not occur naturally in mammals. Unless you're saying they had that kind of technology 2,000 years ago, which is perfectly plausible. " Mammals are not reptiles or birds or fish. It's not a viable theory at all, and it's obvious that biology is not one of your strong points. You want a viable theory, then simply say she wasn't a virgin, but trying to do what you're doing is just beyond absurd. Thank you, come again.
  10. I know all about the Komodo dragon story, thanks. Some birds have even gone through it too, FYI, but it's not a human thing. Some higher vertebrates also change sexes. That does not mean it's something humans can do. Unless you can think of a time it's happened naturally among humans, then think of something else for an explanation. Birds and humans are all genetically different and have different means of conception than mammals. Trying to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.
  11. Unless you're a plant or an invertebrate, Sand, then no. " And no, Mary did not conceive Jesus, speaking from the Christian perspective. She merely carried him.
  12. First off, this may have been better handled through PM, but hey these boards don't get enough religion threads anyway!
  13. From what I've read, generally if the computer's older than 18 months, chances are it won't be able to run Vista. Anything younger than that should be able, albeit likely needing an upgrade.
  14. Vista's too expensive and too big a program right now to really even be worth getting. Most computers over 18 months old probably wouldn't even be able to run it. THIS OS is looking really sexy, though.
  15. It's the HINDUISM thread, so let's keep it about Hinduism for once. We get our fill of Christianity-discussing enough already. "
  16. I'm curious, what exactly don't you get? I promise I won't go "Crusader" on you. By the way, it's "son of God", not "sun of God". One thing I do not get with Christianity, and one of the reasons I am against it, is that how can a "loving" God be willing to eternally torture a person, a soul, in Hell if they decide not to tow the line and fall in behind Jesus. Any god that uses torture as a means of motivation to worship him is not a "good" or "loving" god. That is just my lil' opinion on the bugger. This thread is about Hinduism, not Christianity. For once, kindly show some courtesy and don't troll about something you've already done ad nauseum. One more post that's off-topic, and it will be reported. Just so you know.
  17. I heartily concur. We all know how those discussions turn out, anyway.
  18. I'm curious, what exactly don't you get? I promise I won't go "Crusader" on you. By the way, it's "son of God", not "sun of God".
  19. But it's not a fact. It's an opinion that you're making based on very poor (or no) reasoning. You can't be serious. First of all, you're making it seem like native populations aren't having babies at all. Secondly, you claim that immigrants are 'more fertile' than the natives. What, are you trying to say they can have babies more easily? No, I see you're point. You're just running on the assumption that eastern people naturally have more babies than western people. As I already pointed out, this has nothing to do with eastern or western. Also, you fail to realize that western culture is influencing every part of the globe, it's not something that's going to just die out. It's common knowledge that poorer countries tend to have much more children than developed countries. Look at the Hispanic population. Granted, we're seeing an incorporation of eastern culture into the west, but it's not something that's going to overrun western culture entirely. And as for materialism driving western culture down the drain, well that's just BS. We're not just going to simply collapse, as you seem to think. As for labor, many of those people work for much less than the natives would because of their poor conditions, not just because they're a "more stable" pool of labor. No offense, but you really don't know what you're talking about, and you may want to hold your tongue before running your mouth off about these things.
  20. Hinduism is a religion, hence the belief in a god or gods. To be an atheist is not Hindu. I would not describe you as a Hindu, more like an atheist who just shares Hindu philosophies. Case in point: if I were to say I was an atheist Christian, it would not make any sense since I'd be contradicting myself. Oh no, you don't want to see any civilizations overrun. You just feel free to make ignorant and highly offensive comments like that. The western civilization as we know it has existed for many millenia, to say it's simply going to be 'overrun' by eastern culture in the near future is just absurd. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I just don't feel as if you know what you're talking about. Yes, we are seeing a decline in birth rates, but it's more for the reasons meta stated above, not simply because of hedonism or materialism. Also, hedonism is not something localized to the west, it affects eastern culture, too. Having more children is a common thing among poorer countries, it doesn't have to do with one just being eastern or western. It also is why you're comment about a "huge portion" of our population not being able to afford children doesn't make sense. Many poor countries can do it, we can, too. Many of us just choose not too.
  21. Not for a long time, especially with only 512 megs of RAM on my computer. My Mac could probably handle it, but I like fast gaming.
  22. That's because we are a such a popular pastry.. What can we say, you Danish taste great.
  23. I was aiming for a 5 .. but I hit a 4 .. :'( that star looked lonely when I came by Thanks. My ego feels a little better now. Yes, I confess. Cause you know how much I love you. I see you care about me enough to have visited my profile, too.
  24. Might as well post this here too: ^_^ And this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl1lxp0ya4o Not very appropriate for young audiences. ^^ Hmm, maybe I shouldn't post this here. But it does bring back fond memories of the X-Men series.
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