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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. one more thing: After the fight, the 2 injured hunters and one winter wolf are in the cave. I can talk to the hunters, but when I click on the wolf my party walks to this position. The wolf has a green circle under him and I cannot interact with it. Not sure if this is a bug, but it looks strange that one wolf is still standing there peacefully. The camera moved when the druid wolf talked to me, but I was fighting in the position shown in the image and the position of the wolf who is still alive after combat was not visible during combat. After leaving and re entering the cave, the hunters and the wolf are gone. When the druid wolf talked to me, I looked at his soul and tried to talk to him, but there was no option to solve this peacefully so I chose the passionate option and saved the hunters by attacking the wolfes.
  2. https://imgur.com/a/bXzap I am fighting the wolfs in the cave west of stalwart. The last wolf dies, the quest updates and then a wolf hits Kana for 68 damage with frost breath and Hiravias for 23 damage. Then combat ends. None of the other enemies did something after their death. No enemy used this ability in this combat before. I know that some enemies explode upon death, but not wolfes. I play on hard difficulty. expected behaviour: No enemy should do anything after their death, exept it is stated that it is an effect that is triggered by death (like vengeful defeat or exploding elementals.)
  3. https://imgur.com/a/ssoYt I have entered stalwart for the first time and I am fighting the ogres. After fighting the ogres in front of this building, the villager in the circle is stuck. He makes a running animation, but he always stays in the same place.
  4. My personal point of view: I will restore Abydon without tempering him because "Those who are unable to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." As a scientist, I consider knowledge as good and ignorance as bad. In term of gods, I like Abydon and galawain (I am hunting for knowledge in some sense). Find out what you want and do it. If you fail, learn from your mistakes and try again. Obstacles are there in order to overcome them. I dislike Ondra ( why forget things? Accept the past and learn to deal with it) and Wael (obstuse nonsense, why would you hide knowledge). I somehow congradulate the devs for creating the leaden key as the most "evil" enemy ever. Most bad guys do what they do in order to gain power. The leaden key is committing crimes in oder to hide secrets they themselves do not know. I think you need really lots of fanatism to do this and consider it as something that is nessesscary or even "good". I think that nothing, not even the gods or their followers, can save people from their own stupidity.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/HE3ey I fight undead in Od Nua level 6. The game is paused and a strangely distorted ghost is rotating and moves downward. When the game is unpaused, the ghost disappears very fast. The ghost looks more like hiravias in his shapeshifted form than an undead. Hiravias is shapeshifted and is hit by a skelleton ranger, but he is alive and remained shapeshifted until the end of combat. I have reported the bug already in older versions of the game. In this playthrough it happened 3 times so far: This one, a wolf animal companion of a ranger at the front entrance of ciliag riban ( The group of people on a bridge in the area where Eder finishes his personal quest), and a dying slime monster (the ghost of the slime grew bigger until it filled the entire screen and then disappeared). The bug appears very rarely and maybe I see it because I have enabled auto pause on enemy death. (among other auto pauses). This "ghost bug" is the only time where something moves on the screen while the game is paused.
  6. https://imgur.com/a/B47Lj I fight Xaurips in the 5th level of Od Nua. The last enemy of this group is a Xaurip Master. My Paladin kills him with flames of devotion and activates strange mercy and inspiring triumph. Afterwards Eder hits him with "into the fray" and makes him dazed for 18 seconds. Then Kana hits *NameError* with dragon trashed. Finally Kana stops singing, because all enemies are dead and combat is over. expected behaviour: An attack should only hit living enemies unless stated otherwise (like a corpse explosion spell). When there is no living enemy around, attacks should hit nothing at all, not a *NameError*. It is normal that it can take a few seconds between the death of the last enemy and end of combat, but you should not hit dead enemies during this time.
  7. https://imgur.com/a/MUThb I am a paladin who uses flames of devotion against an enemy. I have Hours of St. Rumbalt equipped, with fire lash and the scion of flames talent. I see: 45.9 - DR10 = 35.9 slash (MIN) + 36.3 fire As fas as I know, the minimum damage is 20% of the initial damage and there is no minimum damage for lashes. 35.9 is more than 20% of 45.9 Is this a bug or do I misunderstand the concept of minimum damage. I have seen such a combat log several times, but I do not know how to reproduce it.
  8. I am almost sure that PoE2 will have at least one status effect were you cannot control a party member and he shows one of the following behaviours: - confusion: Char acts randomly, like attacking friend or foe, walking around or doing nothing at all. (like in PoE) - berserk: The char attacks a random creature with his weapon, target can be friend, foe or neutral (there were some "cursed" weapons in BG1+2) - charm or dominate: The char attacks your party or supports the enemy with all the abilities he has (PoE and IE games) - fear or panic: The char will run away from the battle (BG1+2) I have no evidence, but almost every RPG had such effects. Enoch, do you have a link to Josh´s post? I know that a barbarien subclass will have a stronger frenzy that also hits party members, but the things you say are new to me.
  9. I play PoE and there is one thing that sometimes confuses me (the player) more than my char. When I confuse/charm/dominate an enemy, his circle becomes green, he profits from party buffs and you have to force your char to attack the enemy. When one of my chars is confused, his circle changes too and when I have another char selected and I click on the confused char the default choice is to attack the confused char. suggestion: When they are not under the influence of effects that change their behaviour, enemies are red and party members are green (as now). When they are under the influence of such an effect, both enemies and party members always change their colour. If confused enemies and party members change to the same colour or to different ones needs to be dicussed. The default interaction with confused enemies stays "attack" and while you cannot control confused chars, you do not attack them by just clicking on them. Non confused party members should not attack confused party members as default bahaviour of the AI. result: - You do not accidentally attack your party members any more. - You can easily attack enemies. You have to kill them anyway to end combat. - It is easier to see who is enemy and who is friend. When you fight a group of humanoids in full equipment, all chars can look very similar. Is the man in the plate armor a party member or a confused enemy? Of course, you are still able to attack a confused char if you want (e.g. paladin with aegis of loyalty) and you can chose not to attack a confused enemy.
  10. https://imgur.com/a/DvH1E I have defeated a group of enemies. One of them was a mage who had an protection buff active ( I think it was "Geisterschild" in german. That would be "ghost shield" or "spirit shield" if it is tranlated literally.) The mage was under the influence of a confusion spell when I killed her, so the circle under her was green and I had to force my party to attack her.
  11. Those who want to have everything in full 3D should consider 2 things: - Many 3D games have a problem with the camera. Some people complained about the camera in D:OS2 (not me, but I wish you could zoom out more). NWN2 was a good game, but sometimes the camera was terrible. I remember a cutscene where the king talks to me and the camera was inside the wall and all I see is the backside of the carpet on the wall. - Modeling and animation of each object is much more complicated. It can be done, but it requires time and money. Time and money could also be spend on other things, like more and better content. OK, Larian did manage to make a big game in full 3D where you can move or destroy almost every object and the game has full voice acting, so it is possible. PS: I play computer/console RPGs since the mid 90s and I also enjoy pixel art games today. So I am one of the people who care very little about graphics.
  12. OK, this is my suggestion for a FF7 party: Cloud: fighter with a 2h sword Barret: hunter with a gun, XIII is his cat pet Tifa: monk with fists Aerith: priest with staff Cid: barbarian with pike Vincent: druid with pistols (shapeshift) sorry Yuffie, no throwing weapons in this game
  13. my 2 cents about this quest: I play now as a kind wayfarer paladin and you are screwed somehow. I chose the benelovent answer to the looters ( You can keep the stuff ) and so the only way to end this quest was a deceptive answer ( There was nothing to be found). An option to pay the merchant for her lost goods would be welcome. Or you tell her that you have given it to them [honest], she is angry at me, I lose reputation but the quest is over. I had the same problem with the quest for the merchant of house domoel. She wants me to punish somebody. I chose the only nice answer (She is after you and you should better run). The only way to finish the quest then was to lie to her ( tell her he is dead [deceptive]). Maybe I should be able to tell her the truth, even if it means that I lose reputation and she does not sell me items.
  14. Soul energy cannot be constant because the population is rising. Gods do not create souls because they were created as "soul constructs" by people with souls. This leads to my wild speculation: There is some kind of "latent spiritual energy" that is constantly created by an unknown process (e.g. cosmic radiation, photosynthesis, . . . whatever). At some point in the past some of this energy condensed into an object we now call soul and the evolution of life as we know it started. Souls constantly absorb this latent spiritual energy around them to maintain or repair themselves. They can also give away that energy when they are ill and die that way. So when a soul is split or a new soul condenses from that energy, the parts collect energy around them to become complete souls. Sometimes the process can grow wrong. A soul could not split completely and then 2 people are somehow connected (see Hiravias) or a soul does not absorb latent spiritual energy but energy from the souls around them, leading to some kind of soul vampirism.
  15. https://imgur.com/a/vy3R7 I went to the duke palace for Eder quest "fragments of a shattered faith" and found out that his brother died in those ruins. The quest log remained visible, even when I go to another area. Saving and loading removed the image. Fast mode was on when this happened and maybe I left the area before the message disappeared. This is the first bug in my new playthrough, it does no harm and can easily be removed. A huge progress compared to the game at release, where I had to quit because tons of bugs.
  16. Actually, he's not undead - there are no "classic" fantasy undead in PoE - he's a vessel. The philosophy of PoE is a bit weird, but it's quite simple. In fact, it's a cartensianism of 80th level. In PoE, your body (Descartes' "res extensa") is just a vessel for your soul (Descartes' "res cogitans"), and souls can be easily separated from the bodies, 'cause both res cogitans and res extensa are different and mutually independent plains of reality, according to Descartes' philosophy. Moreover, in PoE lore, souls can be bound to other bodies. So, vessels are just soulless bodies and thus mere automatons, although there are some "privileged" vessels who retained certain forms of self-consciousness. Vessels are not " soulless bodies", they are creatures that have a soul, but they should not have a soul naturally. Vessels are created by: - you move a soul into a body, this creates animats, wichts, talking statues or undead via necromancy. - "natural undead" where the soul does not leave the body after the body dies. completely off topic: I was thinking about this: If somebody in Eora invents a normal robot, that means something that is powered by some kind of engine but not by inserting a soul, ciphers could not use their powers in any way but all other classes can still use their powers for or against it. Ciphers manipulate the soul of their target while all other classes use the power of their own soul to create an effect. Soon we will get the invasion of the soulless killer robots
  17. Nice Yesterday I was fighting a group of druids. They cast some lasting AoE on the ground ( I do not know the name, the ground turned dark green) and they were standing in it while I was attacking them in melee. What now? I could walk away, taking disengagement attacks and attack them with ranged weapons while they cast all the time or I could just stand there and continue to bash them. I stayed there and took lots of damage, but I prevented them from casting more and could finally defeat them. That was on hard, not PotD. Its bad (or good) enough when enemies damage themselves with their spells, but I don´t want to kill myself the same way, especially not with an (un)lucky weapon proc. About Readric, he is undead and it is hard to think when your brain is rotten. He does talk to me, but the real world is full of people who can talk without using their brain, so this should work in a fantasy game too.
  18. Thanks a lot One more question: I never used the gray sleeper, because it has a chance to proc twin stones so I am afraid that I do more damage to my party than to the enemy. There are some other weapons that can proc AoE effects and I never used them too. In BG2 there is a weapon that can cause fireball and I never used it. Do all these weapons procs really hit party members? I remember several times where e.g. undead readric and maybe some other enemies killed themselves or some of their allies with AoE attacks.
  19. Soulbound weapons and summoned weapons are considered as universial type, that means that they benefit from any weapon focus. What else do they benefit from? - weapon specialisation and mastery of a fighter? - priest talents that give 2 weapon types +10acc - you select several weapon focus/specialisaton/mastery talents - flick of a wrist - Are there any other talents that work only for some weapon types? And most importantly: What of these things can be stacked? In my current game I have Eder as dual wielder who uses sabres and stilettos. I was asking myself if it makes sense to give him a soulbound weapon of another category or if this would be a damage loss because of specialisation. I might also give durance a soulbound weapon, but his talent is for swords and akebuses.
  20. One more question: All lashes are 25% of the damage including all damage modifiers and before it is reduced by DR ? The elemental talents raise the lash from 25% to 30%. Elemental lashes do not profit from mig or int directly, it just that more mig increases the number where the 25% is taken from. Wounding has 25% of the original value as base damage, but it is influenced by mig and int directly. So a char with high mig will cause more than 25% of the original damage with wounding. What about draining? is the healing you get influenced by anything or is it flat 20% of damage (with or without lashes/wounding/other effects, before or after DR)?
  21. Stilettos are great for rogues. They belong to the ruffian group, so you can use exactly the same things as in the first post (without vulnerable attack and shadow step). There are many good stilettos and some of them can be found early. Dagger are not so great (low base damage and no DR penetration), but they should work too. Early in the game you find the march steel dagger (+speed bonus, you have to enchant the rest yourself) There are some very good daggers late in the game: drawn in spring (superb, wounding) and the unlabored blade (mystic, speed and firebug proc at max level) At the end of the game with the unlabored blade and the fully enchanted march steel dagger plus the gauntlets of swift action (hard to get because random loot), you will have zero recovery even with vulnerable attack on. Then you can respec and take vulnerable attack and skip frenzy (you get no speed bonus from it and it takes time to activate it, not sure if a minor mig and con bonus are worth it) The unlabored blade is a soulbound weapon, so it can be used with any weapon focus and the stiletto user can have it too (mystic+speed+proc does sound good). I hope there are enough enemies left when you get it so you can do damage to upgrade it.
  22. I have started D:OS2 on normal, but I have quit it out of frustration and started PoE again. But I will try it again on easy at some point. Larian was always good in exploration (big maps with lots of things to find), interactivity (take, move or combine everything) and humor ( I can understand if some people find it too silly). D:OS2 improved also in terms of story and characters compared to the previous games, but it is still not among the best games in this regards. Now come the big downsides that I don´t really like: - The game is unbalanced as hell. Absolute freedom in character creation and very simple stat system mean, that some builds are complete OP and others are completely useless. If you know the good combos the game is super easy, else it can be very hard. PoE is much better in this field. - All items are completely random. You want a 2h sword with a bonus in dual wielding, you can have it. A combo of random gear and high gear dependence is not good. I think the problem is that their first game was a "diablo clone" (sorry for that term), at least regarding combat. Random loot may be OK in a single character game with fast combat, but if you want to equip a full party with useful things that have your current level, it is very bad. But for whatever reasons, they sticked with the random "system" of the first game. - The increase in power per level is too high. This leads to an insane stat inflation later and it increases the gear dependency a lot. So you find epic equipment with lots of random stat and skill bonusses, but a generic weapon 2 levels later does still twice the damage of it.
  23. Even if you assume that carnage does not work with most other class specific talents, a barbarian/mage sounds very powerful. level1: concelhauts drainigs staff + carnage (hit all enemies around you with an exceptional draining weapon) endgame: heart of fury + combusting flames (or wounds? not sure about the name, the spell where the target gets fire damage when it gets hit) Even if you assume that you have only a few spells and barbaric abilities and only low level spells, this sounds still nice. If you have lv6 spells, citadels martial power sounds nice (+acc, +def and +stats but you cannot cast spells, not a big downside if you do not have many spells anyway but you have a good weapon and carnage.
  24. MaxQuest, you have written that carnage does not generate focus, but blast does. Does carnage+blast work? This would create a permanent heart of fury. Well, this combination sounds so OP that it will most likely not work in PoE2, even if it works in PoE1. EDIT: I just realized that carnage works only for melee attacks and blast works only for implements (ranged). So no need to worry here.
  25. I had a great idea, but it does not work. I made a "holy warrior of fire" for PoE1 and want to make an improved version for PoE2. A fire godlike who is a priest of magram/dracozzi paladini paladin (forbidden combo unfortunatly) Imagine a char with fire spells, flames of devotion, sacred immolation and lay on hands gives fireshield. Of course firebrand as weapon and scion of flames talent. It may not be the best choice in terms of power gaming, but I like it as RP concept. But priest of magram is only compatible with bleak walker paladin and they deal corrode damage, what a pity. --------------------------------------------------------------- About the insane char with corpse eater: I like to have an corpse eater/skald. He eats flesh to absorb the memories of the fallen. Then he sings songs about the things he has experianced that way. Unfortuanatly his only song so far is: "I have been killed and eaten by a madman" This song is not very popular and he cannot make money as singer, so he has to rob and kill others to survive which means he will continue to sing this song for a long time. Maybe I really make such a char, but for other reasons. It should be a rather low maintenance AoE damage dealer. You have carnage and your chants. In theory you have infinite spells and abilities, but you need to build them up over time (by corpse eating and collecting phrases via cits). Imagine a char with both, hearts of fury and dragon trashed.
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