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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. two more things: - Do you think the raw damage from the modal + aegis of loyalty would heal a paladin from confusion or is it really unarmed attacks ( fists ? ) only? Did it work for dangerous implements or sacred immolation for the paladin himself in PoE1? - Unlike the talent in PoE1, you can turn the modal on and off if you take too much damage.
  2. I had an idea for an unusual ranger: class: kind wayfarer/sharpshooter You dual wield sceptres and use the modal that increases damage but you take raw damage yourself. Sceptres are 1handed, so you can dual wield them. Their range is only 4m, but they count as ranged weapon. Kind wayfarers get retribution (+damage done when you take damage) and they heal themselves with FoD (a full attack, means you attack with both weapons). Later you take eternal devotion so you continue to have a fire lash after using FoD. From the ranger you take wounding shot, another full attack dealing extra raw damage to the enemy. Most other ranger talents go into boosting your pets damage. Paladin could take (greater) LoH and his aura (either +acc or the (improved) defensive one for regeneration) You can skip marksman because you will never be further away from the enemy than 4m. - Do you think that such a char could be effective (cause good damage and stay alive)? - Do sworn enemy and marked prey suppress each other? - If it works, which race, stats, pet would be best?
  3. The Dr. before me said: "I think the case for doing so is fairly simple: the first game had an open free-form character creation system, the new system without open proficiencies puts characters on rails. Without some kind of open proficiency, if you want a character to be good at ranged weapons, you're gonna need to multiclass ranger; if you want to be good at twoweapon fighting, you'll need to multiclass fighter. That ends up leading to more homogeneity, not less." I want to say that you do not need the fighter class to make a good dual wielder ( look at the paladin/monk from dunehunter) and you can surely create a useful char who uses mostly ranged weapons without using the ranger class. Of course, using those classes seem to be the most obvious choice when you want to create such a char. But it is definitely not the only choice and in some cases it may not even be the best.
  4. By the way, can psychic + brutal backlash still perma stunn some enemies? Or is there a per encounter limit? At the moment, there are no dragons or banshees in the beta, but some enemies use will attacks (e.g. confusion). If the charm spell hits, does it hit a party member instead of the enemy? back on topic:Can you use the soul blade special attack from invisibility for the maximum overkill backstab?
  5. Thats right. I think my priest casted it directly on a party member when the enemy that was targeted initially died before finishing the spell. The spell also jumped from one char to another after it missed when trying to jump to another char. Right now, it is more likely to harm your group than the enemy with this spell.
  6. The description says that it should work with melee and ranged weapons, but only when you are not more than 2 m away from the target. ( same as PoE1)
  7. After reading all of this I think the current system is not so bad. Giving all passive abilities (weapon style, weapon focus, . . . ) to every class would make these talents feel like a must have. In PoE1 every char (except pure casters) had them. And you are correct when you say that this is not perfect. In the current system, every class can give something useful to the other classes. Thats how it should be. e.g. multiclassing with fighter surely makes another class fight better with weapons, but you cannot select sneak attack, animal companion, spells, . . . instead and you cannot get the top abilities of the single class. While I like to keep the general system, I agree with Boeroer that single classes should be made more interesting, especially casters. You should be able to select something else than one spell at every level up.
  8. My main char is a corpse eater/skald. During the final battle inside of the adra pillar I ordered her to eat a fallen enemy. While she was eating the last enemy died and the dialogue text showed up. While the dialogue window was there my char was kneeing on the ground, moving her head up and down. It looked like some kind of prayer. When dialogue was over she finished eating and everything returned to normal. expected behaviour: Chars should not move while the dialogue window is shown.
  9. https://imgur.com/a/ZR9Az I have finished the quest with the adra pillar and walked around town. I entered the chiefs hut and talked to him. When I left the hut, the mouse cursor looked like the talk symbol, no matter where I put it on the screen. When I left click, I talk to the warrior at the upper part of the screen, independent of the position of the cursor. I started looking to find a way to make a screenshot with the mouse cursor visible. When I found it, I made the screenshot and when I pressed space to unpause it, the cursor was normal again. It did not return to normal when I pressed space before. Maybe changing from the game to another program and back did the trick.
  10. I have finished the quest with the adra pillar, restoring it. When I return to town, I have the talk with all the people at the harbor. When I walk around in town then, I can take everything and it is not considered stealing any more. expected behaviour: Even if I solve the big quest, people should still not like it when I go to their house and take everything from their chests while they are looking.
  11. https://imgur.com/a/XJwH2 as title, and it has a temp description.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/TPhsK I have rested ans prayed at the shrine and obtained Rikuhus blessing. Neither the character screen nor the portrait tells me what this effect does. wild guessing: There are several items or effects that do not describe what they do. Maybe these effect are combat only, thats why you do not see an effect when you are outside of combat. All passive effects given by items or talents should be there all the time, not just during combat. (looking at weapon focus, for example)
  13. I press quicksave, then I enter another area. If I press quickload then, The game tells me that there is no quicksave. I can load the quicksave using the main menu. I can use quickload when I have saved in the same area. I have the quicksave with the missing string name still there. I think this bug ( missing string qucksave) happened, when I pressed quickload after area transition.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/QWK8k The item description for the sabre does not show any damage numbers. The hatchet shows how the description of a unique weapon should look. by the way: The hatched still has a temp description. Edit: The sabre has no attack time, recovery time and penetration shown either. I must be blind that I did not see it at once.
  15. https://imgur.com/a/M3MJn as title
  16. https://imgur.com/a/Obxcd - I cast "expose vulnerabilities" on the adra animats. One gets crit for for 35,4sec and one gets grazes for 14,2sec. (so far, so good) When you put your mouse over it, for both (crit and graze) the tooltip shows 28,4sec, the base time. expected behaviour: The tooltip should show the effect that is applied, not the base value. one the pro side: I have the evedence that grazes cause 50% duration and crits have 125% duration. - My chanter stops chanting when both animats are dead. (I assume the game considers it as end of combat) But the sigil of nightmares is still alive. Since it fires a harmful effect on me, I consider it an enemy. I think that combat should end when all enemies are dead.
  17. https://imgur.com/a/zpq31 I fight the skeletons in the temple. At this point, there is only one undead warrior alive (well, as alive as undead can be ) The skelleton attacks himself, kills himself and this triggers cleaving stance which causes zero damage to my fighter. (At least if I understand the tooltip correctly that is shown on the left side.) During this fight, the enemies attacked themselves quite a lot. My wizards casted bewildering spectacle, but I cannot see if it hit the enemy by looking at the combat log. Edit: You can see that a skelletal sorcerer was also killed at that time. But he was standing far away from the warrior and has nothing to do with the strange behaviour of the warrior.
  18. https://imgur.com/a/aE5JH The description of knock down does not show a duration. When I use mule kick, the enemy is kicked into the air for 1.7sec, but not prone afterwards. I suppose that knock down is supposed to, well knock down an enemy for some time. I also assume that when using mule kick, the enemy is supposed to stay prone for the duration of knock down after being kicked into the air.
  19. https://imgur.com/a/0DkOL I have collected 18 repair supplies outside the temple but they have no icon and do not appear in my inventory. When my stealthed mercenary fighter moves towards those beetles, a -1repair message appears in the upper part of the screen. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. I do not know if it has something to do with those repair supplies I have collected earlier (or maybe not collected ??? )
  20. https://imgur.com/a/sTqpe According to the description, the item should give me resistance to dex afflictions. My rogue has it equipped, but no effect is shown in the character or portrait screen. Once again: How much resistence am I supposed to get?
      • 1
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  21. https://imgur.com/a/ETb3n Several food items show "accuracy vs deflection" in their description. What is that supposed to mean? When I drag them to the character, only the effect is shown.
  22. https://imgur.com/a/eCHKs see thread name
  23. https://imgur.com/a/J9UR9 These repair supplies have no icon. On top of that, I cannot find them in my inventory. I do find the rice wine in my inventory.
  24. https://imgur.com/a/CXUWO I was approaching the entrance of the temple from the right side. While the scene happened, the image changed several times between the way it is shown in this image and a state where the whole oval area looked like the right side of this image. Everything in the oval was pink, there was no blue area.
  25. I have found another strange behaviour: At the beach, some lagufaeth priests and some sand blights in another group are quite far away from each other. I am in stealth and the game pauses when an enemy becomes visible. (that is correct). I move stealthed forward towards the enemy. When another enemy of this group becomes visible, the game pauses again although the first enemy was visible all the time. The game paused because enemy sighted, combat did not start at this point.
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