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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. https://imgur.com/a/y5Wav Was soll das Sternchen hinter den Zahlen bedeuten? Das ist in der englischen Version auch so. Wegen dem Text davor: Ich kann leider nicht nachsehen ob das auf englisch auch so ist. Wenn ich das Spiel auf englisch umstelle bleibt der Text der Ereignisse in der Burg auf deutsch. Ist auch beim combat log so, leider.
  2. https://imgur.com/a/yCJOs Wenn ein Gast in der Festung erscheint wird sein Name korrekt dargestellt. Wenn er seine Mission beendet hat fehlt sein Name.
  3. I hope that they keep bonusses and penalties the way they are now. Each order gains something and loses something else. This makes the choice between them more significant. I think that they should reduce the muliclassing restrictions between priests and paladins. Having different dispositions means that each choice will make one class stronger and the other class weaker. This would make some combinations weaker than others, but it is your choice if you want to play such a char or not. It does not feel good to me that every class can multi class with every other class and only between two classes are heavy restrictions.
  4. PoE on hard ( or lower difficulty, I have never played PotD ) and with a full party is so easy that you do not need an optimized char to finish it. An optimized char will make things easier and a not optimized char might have problems with some optional challenges, but even a player who is not very experienced should be able to finish the game if they put a few thoughts on how to build and equip their char. In Baldurs Gate this was much harder, because most stats gave no bonus or penalty in a wide range and extreme values gave an exponential bonus or penalty. Also, some stats were neccessary to use a class at all ( wizards without int could not learn spells) while the power of sorcerers was not dependent on any stat, only on the level. Players who try to solo the game on the hardest difficulty or even try to go for "the ultimate" achievement can do whatever they want. It is nice that you can do this but the game should not be designed around those people. While those elite players post a lot in the forums, they are not the majority of all players and obsidian will lose lots of potentional players if they make the game so hard that you need an optimized char to finish it. Personally I do not mind stat dumping, though usually I do not drop stats below 7 or 8. This is a single player game so no player is disturbing another player by creating his char this way or another. PoE is still better than the old DnD games in terms of stat dumping. In PoE you can build almost each class in a way that a stat has at least some value for this build. In games like Baldurs gate, int, wis and cha were complete useless for a fighter.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/qY1RX In the Iron Flail Fort. The shadows on the wood I am standing on is OK. But the shadows on the lower ground look like the chars are floating in the air. If the light comes from the upper part of the screen, you should see the shadow of the wood platform next to the shadow of the chars.
  6. https://imgur.com/a/ghNST Eder is equipped with 2 exceptional sabres (resolution + bittercut). In the character screen he has 98acc without savage attack and 93acc with savage attack on. ( thats correct ) When I look at the tooltip of an active ability, it shows 99,93 with savage attack and 99,98 without savage attack. expected behaviour: Accuracy of the tooltip should be the same as in the character screen. I am not sure if +1acc per level should be added or not. Is this for all abilities or only for spells?
  7. https://imgur.com/a/k8fzp Der ältere Keiler aktiviert "Verwundeter Bär-Schadensbonus" Ist das richtig oder hatte dort jemand bear und boar verwechselt?
  8. I left the area, rested in an inn and returned. The ogre bodies were gone and the object was a plant I could pick up. expected behaviour: Dead enemies ( I have already looted ) should not stop me from picking up plants.
  9. https://imgur.com/a/De88D I have defeated the ogres in front of the cave in elmshore. When I press tab an area under a dead ogre is highlighted, but when I put the mouse there nothing happens. Is there something or not?
  10. https://imgur.com/a/iuWAY Ich habe die weiße Esse aktiviert, in der Festung gespeichert und dann aufgehört zu spielen. Als ich das Spiel lud kam dieses Bild: Der Text unten ist eine Mischung aus "GAME PAUSED" uns einem kleiner geschriebenen Text den ich nicht entziffern kann. Könnte das ein Problem mit der Übersetzung sein oder kommt das von woanders?
  11. Eder has the highest Athletics in my party (10). Both Hiravias and Kana have zero athletics.
  12. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95115-37-wrong-person-is-injured-after-scripted-event/ Ich poste den Bug hier nochmal, aber ich glaube es ist ein Problem mit dem Event und nicht mit der Übersetzung. Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher.
  13. https://imgur.com/a/AM54F I use a rope to climp down at the rock in Pearlwood Bluff. According to the text, Hiravias falls and Kana catches him. When I am in the cave, Eder is injured, not Kana.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/kk40R I fight drakes and dryads in pearlwood bluff. The game paused because I killed an enemy (auto pause setting). I do not know what this white effect is. When I unpaused the game, the white things moved outwards fast until they disappeared. When combat was over I looked at the combat log, but I could not scroll back this much.
  15. https://imgur.com/a/etMiX Aloth wears "Shoed in Faith" and Eder wears the cap. Aloth gets crit by an enemy attack which causes Shoed in Faith trigger Consegrated Ground. Combat ends but the effect of Consegrated Grounds continues. Eder gets healed by Aloths Consegrated Grounds and the cap causes confusion on Aloth. This starts combat and combat ends when the confusion effect ends a few seconds later. expected behaviour: The cap should not cast confusion on party members when they heal you. update: confusion can also trigger when Eder is hit by "strange mercy" when my kind wayfarer kills an enemy. Looks like it works with any healing, maybe also other effects. I am surprized it took so long until it happened because I use those skills (iconic projection, strange mercy) every combat.
  16. https://imgur.com/a/HeOgp I was fighting Xaurips at searing falls. One of the priests cast Iconic projection on my group. I have a freeze DR of 16, but the damage I get is only reduced by 4. I also have the feeling that the spell causes too much damage when Durance casts it on enemies, but I do not know the exact enemy DR values. The description of the spell does not mention that it ignores DR. Since the DR used is 25% of the actual DR, It could be that the game consideres the spell damage as lash or dot for some reason.
  17. https://imgur.com/a/z6QNI Durance is equipped with the Borresaine (warbow with stun on crit) and he has mastered Iconic Projection. When I casted Iconic projection during combat, it had 2 effects on an enemy: First it caused damage (as intended) and second it caused stunned for 4.1 seconds. This was the last enemy of this group and he died because of this spell, so the stunn had no effect. Only one enemy got a critical hit with the spell, other enemies where only hit and there was no second effect, just damage. I was fighting assassins that attacked me in first fires. expected behaviour: Iconic Projection should never cause stunn on crit, even when you are equipped with a ranged weapon that causes stunn on crit.
  18. https://imgur.com/a/EZvet Beim Händler der mit dem neuesten Patch dazu gekommen ist fehlt die erste Antwort.
  19. https://imgur.com/a/2nFL0 I fight an adra beetle with the redeemer and I get a proc of destroy vessel. Does the description mean: " There is a 25% chance that the target gets destroyed if it is a vessel or it takes 30 raw damage if it is not a vessel"? The english description says exactly the same. If the ability does what I wrote above, that the description is very unclear. Otherwise I consider it a bug that the ability "destroy vessel" works on something that is not a vessel.
  20. wow, this is impressive. I helped to improve the german translation by posting lots of errors. But most things were improving grammar and spelling of an existing translation. ( Which was lots of work, many thanks to the ones who did most of this). I do not speak chinese, but I think the translation is much more difficult than english->german.
  21. Ich habe das Spiel auf 3.07 upgedated (wie heißt das richtig auf deutsch?), aber die Übersetzung war noch die alte Version. Beim starten des Spiels kam das: https://imgur.com/a/oO3R4 Ich klickte auf das X damit der Kasten weg geht, dann installierte ich die neueste version. Die Nachricht kam nie wieder. Was genau hätte ich da auswählen können? ------------------------------------------ https://imgur.com/a/8Ex7s Nicht sicher ob das ein Fehler ist, aber es sieht falsch für mich aus ( bonus +1 oder +2 ?) Nicht das ich jemals diese Schuhe anziehen würde.
  22. After playing the PoE2 beta for some time and reporting tons of bugs I went back to have a finished game with the char and outcome I want. some feedback on my holy knight: I play with a full party on hard. In the beginning it was nice and strange mercy triggered quite often. Later ( I guess after lv10 ) the char is not bad, but others are much better. Now I am lv13 and Eder (dual wielding resolution and bittercut, taking all damage+ talents) and shapeshifted Hiravias ( with greater wildstrike ) do much more damage and kill stuff very fast. Kana stands there with a hatchet, suras plate and heavy armor and kills things with dragon trashed. Durance and Aloth use their per encounter abilities and autoattack, casting spells only during harder battles. I get the feeling that dual wielding does much more damage than any other weapon style. When trying to level up the redeemer, causing 1000 damage was super easy. But killing 10 vessels or 50 enemies took forever. Eder and Hiravias kill everything super fast. Durgans battery is full of vessels, but even there it took many fights until I could finish 10 of them. I have also the feeling that dual wielding is the best way to kill things in PoE2 too.
  23. - I assume that you do more damage with the sceptres in your images because the modal is on. How much damage do you take yourself when you attack? (PoE1 was 3 damage to oneself per attack I think. I never used that talent) - My biggest problem when trying to build some dual wielding chars is to find 2 weapons of the right type. You get one fine weapon when you create the char but finding a second fine weapon can be hard for some types.
  24. about good skald invocations: - The one that reduces enemy AR, upgraded that the effect lasts longer when they get hit - The one that paralyzes enemies - One that causes damage. You will have so many crits against paralysed enemies that you will swim in phrases. I never had the desire to have more invocations, those 3 already dealt with everything in your way.
  25. Just to make this clear: I did not suggest to make trap detection easier or even remove traps. I just wanted to know what you think about dealing with traps the same way as PoE1. There were just two things bothering me when I played: - In my first playthrough I ran into some traps because I did not create a char with very high per. With the current injury mechanic I had to save scum my way through some parts of the dungeon. - Later I used a char with high per. It felt strange that I need one char to detect traps and another char to disarm them.
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