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Everything posted by Madscientist

  1. https://imgur.com/a/QWRgY The corpse still has a vision cone. The engwithan saint´s vision cone looks strange. The currupted adra animat has no vision cone.
  2. https://imgur.com/a/wIaes When looking at the description of a weapon or comparing weapons, the description ignores the accuracy bonus from the weapon. In my image the description for both weapons shows 51, but this ignores the bonus from the fine enchantment (+4) on both weapons and the accurate bonus (+5) of the club. The number below the character portrait is correct. Weapon damage in the description is correct too, it includes the fine bonus (+15%). Edit: Maybe I wrote the last sentence above too early. The damage number in the description is different than the one under the portrait. But I guess the numbers under the portrait are wrong. I guess they include bonusses from sneak attack and/or biting whip which are conditional and not permanent.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/PSWBj The soulbound dagger has also lost his icon. It had an icon in beta version 1 and 2.
  4. I reloaded the game and this time I could beat the 2 imps without problem.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/udIKU Engwithan waystation level 2: I have killed the first group of imps without problems. Then I continued to the next room. There were 2 imps. I attacked them and got exp for killing both. The second imp got killed by crippling strike of my rogue/soul blade, but it continued to attack me. I cannot target the imp and so I am stuck in combat. PS: What do the cog wheels at the character portraits mean? When starting the game, in the main menu there are also movings cogs over the continue and load button for a second.
  6. Sorry, but what is an eoten anyway? - An avatar of eothas - A follower of eothas - An inhabitant of the world eora ( and do they call creatures from outer space or other dimensions extra-eorians?)
  7. https://imgur.com/a/gRuBl Before fighting the titan there was the scene with the ghosts. In the battle against the titan somebody is visible when I put an AoE indicator of a spell over the area of the stairs. This person is only visible when I put an AoE indicator over it, otherwise it is invisible. It is not a party member and I cannot select it.
  8. There was the ghost scene in front of the ruin entrance and the ghosts are much better visible now. Its hour 22 in the game, so maybe visibility of ghosts is very dependent on the time.
  9. https://imgur.com/a/4ZZNX https://imgur.com/a/icdqt I fight the xaurips in the desert. My main char has the pet equipped and one of my chars ( name "Miss Tank") has the "baubles of the fin" equipped. - The char who wears the "baubles of the fin" does not benefit from the +5%damage effect. All other chars get the +5% damage effect. expected behaviour: The effect should be applied to all members including the one who has it equipped. - The icon of baubles of the fin is not shown as active buff at the portraits. Maybe this is because the effect is missing an icon. I am sure there was an icon at the portraits in earlier versions. - The pet should give a bonus defense against ground attacks to the main char and 5% miss to graze with ranged weapons for everyone. There is no icon at the portraits but it was there in earlier version. I have no idea what ground attacks are and the game does not tell me. - The combat log says that the trollhide belt heals the corpse who is in my party. A party member has the belt equipped and when this party member gets damaged the combat log shows correctly the she is healed and her name is shown correctly. - My main char is a bleak walker/devoted who is dual wielding scepters. When I click on the sword icon (to attack things) and then I click on another party menber to attack him or her, sometimes he uses eternal devotion and the target gets fire and corrode damage and gets sickened. This happens sometimes but not always. I have the scepter modal on. expected behaviour: When using the sword icon to attack something it should be a normal attack, not a special attack that causes additional effects.
  10. Maybe this is related to this: I have defeated the sand worms and the desert wurms/delemgans in the desert. After the battle the glowing that indicates loot is very hard to see. I did not see it at all for the worms and I had to look carefully for a long time until I saw the glow of the other enemies. Both things (ghost scene and enemy loot) happened during daytime, not at night. Maybe this is importent for visibility.
  11. https://imgur.com/a/ITgKe In the ghost scene in the desert camp the ghosts are almost completely invisible. I remember that other players said this before. But in beta version 2 the ghost scenes looked fine for me. I was able to see the ghosts.
  12. https://imgur.com/a/GxLBP When I enter the desert there is another area without fog of war. I have never been in this area before.
  13. https://imgur.com/a/u4nd7 I went to the shrine near poko korara. My priest identified it with relegion skill. I chose to pray at the shrine and rest. My main char is bleak walker/devoted, so I could not meditate. I had monks and ciphers in my party. When resting, there were three bugs: - I get the message that your party members get injured. This is false. I got the resting bonus Rikuhu´s Blessing, as it should be. I do not get any injuries. expected behaviour: Instead of telling me that I got injured the game should tell me that I got a resting bonus. - One of my chars has the name "Miss Tank". She is a skald/barbarien and she is the tank of the party. I called my hirelings after their role in combat and my main char is called AAA because I had no idea for a good name. The "Miss" of Miss Tank is written in blue color and it is a link to miss ( = When I attack something and do not hit it ). expected behaviour: The name of my characters, their pets, my ship or any other name I can enter myself should not create a link to something else in the game world. When creating a char or giving names to something I cannot know which people, places or game mechanics I will meet and which of them will get a link. Worst thing could be that I accidentally give my char the name of the big bad boss at the end of the game and the link spoils the entire story. (note to myself: call your next chars Eothas, Thaos and Neketaka, maybe I learn something ) - After I identified and rested at the shrine I returned to it to rest again. I got the same options as the first time (search the area (survival), identify (religion) and leave.) expected behaviour: It makes no sense to identify the shrine again. It is very unlikely that it suddenly belongs to a different god while I investigate the ruins and I guess the game will inform me if something importent has changed. Searching the area again makes more sense, maybe some monsters chose to rest there too.
  14. - I agree with the OP that I like the world map from SoZ more than the current one of PoE2. It was more interactive. Your moving speed in depended on the area and your survival skill ( you walk faster on a road than in the jungle. Hidden things could be found with the spot skill (maybe it was another skill) and other things than yourself were moving around. Actually, watching this made me like to play NWN2 again, but I have lots of other things to do. - The game now (beta version 3) looks much better than in the E3 video, including the world map. If things continue to get better like this PoE2 might become fantastic.
  15. I think that beta version 3 is more balanced than the ones before. I could live with the current speed if can speed up or slow down things with a slider. Is this slider for combat only or does it change the speed in general? I still think it is a bug that armor does not influence reload speed. I also still think that many spells are too slow ( * looking at summoned weapons, but not only those *). I never learn spells with more than 3 sec casting time, unless the effect of the spell is really powerful.
  16. It happened several times that crippling strike missed because "out of range". My rogue was dual wielding melee weapons. I think ( but I am not 100% sure) that the enemy did not move when it happened because he was engaged by (at least) one of my chars. I did not use LoH (or other buffs/heals) on moving friends, so I did not have out of range on friendly abilities.
  17. Maybe we had the same problem. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95968-beta-version-3-buggy-spore-combat/ When this bug happened, I think I had auto pause at combat start and I selected my chars and abilies and the rogue/soul blade should use crippling strike with fine sabre + unique hatchet (from the chest with scripted event in the area with the broodmother) and the bleak walker/devoted should use FoD when dual wielding fine scepters. I think I was unable to select chars or activate abilities after combat started, but I could order commands during the auto pause at combat start. I think when the bug happened I ordered the other chars to move or to auto attack. This bug happened only once so far. I could reload and next time there was no bug and there were several other fights without this bug.
  18. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0cqkvbktc7wyxh/Watcher%20%28ba31aa56-dc3e-4b27-8db5-1ad37f4c83d8%29%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 It should be this save. After this I have created a new char with a new name and I had no problems with saving and loading.
  19. In Beta version 3 the corpse has changed its name, but it is still in my party and wants to level up. https://imgur.com/a/ZL86W
  20. I went to the forest north of the village. My main char (bleak walker/devoted) used successfully the intimidate dialogue option on the delemgan and I started fighting the spores. In combat I could not give commands to any chars. Sometimes I could not even select the chars. I could not select enemies too but I could move the mouse and it always looked like the normal finger, also above enemies. Clicking a mouse button did nothing, but I could pause and unpause the game with space. My main char ( dual wielding scepters) used an attack animation all the time, but there was no enemy around. The chars were fighting with the AI behaviour I have set and they defeated all enemies. The combat log worked normally and also auto pause when killing an enemy worked normally. When all enemies were dead, my main char continued to perform the attack animation. When all enemies were dead I could select my party. I ordered them to move and they did so, my main char stopped the attack animation and walked to the place I pointed. I could also loot the dead enemies. So after combat ended everything seemed normal. I reloaded the game and used the same dialogue again. This time the combat worked normally, there was no bug and I could defeat the enemies much easier since I could control my party.
  21. https://imgur.com/a/K7QNC The unique hatchet misses not only an icon, but also several strings. At least when enchanting. You cannot select the upgrades with the missing string.
  22. https://imgur.com/a/uN3lB I am sure that the unique hatchet and the cloth had an icon in the earlier versions.
  23. In PoE1 the power of some talents of priests and paladins depended on their dispositions. e.g. kind wayfarers liked benelovent and passionate while they disliked cruel and deceptive. In all versions of the beta I did not find any information about this, e.g. during character creation or in the character screen.
  24. https://imgur.com/a/fW98W When I put my mouse over the focus of my rogue/soul blade, there are different numbers in the portrait and in the tooltip. I do not know which of these numbers (if any) are correct. Monk and chanter abililies still show "not enough focus" when they do not have enough wounds/phrases.
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