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Posts posted by tinysalamander

  1. Though to reiterate, I wouldn't want a confrontation with Eothas to be a simple matter of walking up to him and hacking away at his adra ankles until he tips over: a lot should go into setting the stage for an in-game battle and stacking the odds in your favor enough for the prospect of fighting Eothas, however weakened he may be at this point, to be less than totally insane. Further, the preparation for such an event might quite reasonably require the Watcher to kill, enslave, or imprison both Xoti and/or Eder if either of them has been recruited (though perhaps not, depending on character development opportunities that may be available for them).


    Well, https://imgur.com/a/rjQ8x (PoE1 ending spoilers, obviously).


    I wouldn't want the choice of killing Eothas to necessarily be limited to 'evil' characters, but taking steps to do so should force a Watcher to consider how far they're willing to go for revenge (or justice, if this is about punishing Eothas for thousands of other souls he consumed when he awakened under your keep) and it's also hard to ignore the likelihood/inevitability of conflict between faithful Eothasian companions and a Watcher who has persistently demonstrated that they are set on killing the god that these companions worship.


    Which assumes I am

    as a priestess of Eothas

    not planning a great deicide for the reason of thou shalt have no gods. Although if he is a somewhat of a good guy after all starting with him might be problematic as I’d remove the force that stands in the way of divine maniacs (besides the usual fact that killing a good guy is problematic). Removing them from positions of power without killing might be an option as well, but I’m not sure how it should be done. Or maybe some killed, some removed from power.

  2. What I'd prefer to see is something that gives both Per and Resolve distinct, opposing "roles", like they had previously with interrupt/concentration  (i.e., "bonus critical hits" vs "incoming critical hit reduction" etc).


    I don’t think symmetry is required, personally. A different effect for Resolve will give it more identity than anti-Perception.



    The easiest fix for Perception is to give it the deflection that Resolve used to have. There is no reason as to why Resolve should have both spell damage, healing and deflection, so move the deflection over to Perception.


    Governing both accuracy and deflection looks kind of weird.



    Easily explained in that your better perception lets you hit enemies while it also lets you see the attacks coming a little faster allowing you to gain deflection.


    Makes a lot more sense than the new Resolve being stronger spell casting and deflection because deflection used to be part of Resolve when it was all about concentration and stopping interrupts.


    I'd go the extra mile and then swap Intellect and the new Resolve. Intellect would cover spell damage and Resolve would cover duration and AoE.



    Nah, I mean mechanically. It might sound logical (for some values of “logical”), but gameplay-wise making a stat both offensive and defensive. So, you deal more damage and take less damage. Either it’s going to be too good or so weak it wouldn’t matter, IMO.

  4. I doesn't seem bad, but I don't see a benefit of suggested change either.


    Less pauses needed, that’s about it.


    The only abuse I could think of is "preparing" spells far away from the fight and than running in and casting it with no recovery and no danger of being interupted. I think that you can't retarget spells beyond your range for a reason. Maybe a massive walking slowdown when "carrying" a ready spell (like in Magica) would prohibit possible casting-outside-battlefield: abuse.

    Sounds reasonable. Or outright set movement speed to 0 until spell is released if even slow movement is dangerous for some reason.

  5. What if retargetting was instead done this way:

    1. Start casting (subject to interrupting).
    2. When casting ends a character holds a charge of this spell. Not subject to interrupts now. Character portrait should indicate somehow, that spell is ready. If you start casting another spell (or use whatever else ability you have) the charge is lost.
    3. You switch to the character, chose your target and released the spell. Time, spent between steps 2 and 3 is subtracted from recovery time (to a minimum of 0).

    At least it could be useful for spells with long casting times that target something other that self, I think.


    (At the very least it was my impression it’s not how it works currently from the way people are posting about it)

  6. The main downside is that it then forces Priests to split their stats between offense and healing. Relative to the current setup it's a priest nerf. Maybe a tolerable one, I dunno, I'd let people who play priests speak to that.

    Works for me, personally. Although I generally play PoE priest support first, damage is more or less a bonus.


    And it won’t cause splitting if Res affects healing received instead, but then everyone else might want it (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, IMO).

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  7. you can target your pet with all the "target ally" specific spells and works well at least I find it fun. In general casting is broken all around so it will be pretty dang good once its all tweaked and fine tuned.


    Oh, right. Interesting :cat:

  8. In the fallout games, you can find books that bump various skills. That could utilized here— especially with an overland map and more passage of time. (Book takes two weeks in game to read)

    Some cap on it, of course— ex. not all books can raise a skill passes a certain threshold. Like how reading high school history text books don’t provide the same amount of knowledge as more focused works of scholarship...and also, some books couldn’t be read without already having a certain skill level already.


    Which leads to megaming, though. And you have to do something about respeccing.

  9. In the first PoE I didn’t really played much with Ciphers (reading class description felt kind of weird with its “powers requried people to activate” or something to that effect… which in reality wasn’t really what I was imagining) even though I generally like playing psionic characters. Made a few GM quests and that’s it.


    However, since we get this not yet dead wonderful multiclassing thing I thought of making my custom supporting ranger a Ranger/Cipher. She is a projection of protagonist’s mind so that should be fine RP-wise. (Current mass muscular atrophy aside) is there anything interesting cipher can add to ranger in battle who is primarily ranged specialist with her wolf knocking down dragons on the side?


    // I don’t have beta access.



    What if Resolve gave ±5% healing received instead of/in addition to deflection? Str/Mig will not give healing boost here, which makes it so that healer himself isn’t the one who wants Resolve.


    I prefer this to the current change. It fits well with Fighter's Constant Recovery, since a tankier fighter will both want more Deflection and to maximise their self healing; and it avoids Ciphers being screwed by needing too many attributes.


    Sure, Resolve remains a dump stat for most Wizards and a lot of other classes, but no moreso than with the current proposed change, and at least Might remains useful for spell casters who want to do damage. If Resolve also affects healing done by Athletics and drinking potions then Resolve might even become useful for other classes too.


    If you wanna keep it logical with this description wise then you'll have to rename Resolve into...hmm...Attunement?



    It kind of works if you read Resolve as “will to live” as well, IMO.

  11. If anti-dump system is necessary it could be made that going below 10 penalizes you more than bonuses for going above. Example:

    Strength above 10: +weapon damage +fortitude
    Strength below 10: -weapon damage -fortitude +duration of Strength afflictions on the character

    Resolve above 10: +healing, +spell damage, +will (let's kick deflection from here or something)
    Resolve below 10: -healing, -spell damage, -will, -deflection


    Although I don’t think this is necessarily a good thing to do.

  12. That notwithstanding, it doesn't seem like an NPC encounter that triggers the first time you approach dungeon X telling you that a party meaner than yours was killed in dungeon X should be an insurmountable obfuscation.  It probably would be though: games have gotten to a point where players are no longer expected to observe the game world or consider in-world hints. Everything has to be spelled out.  It's kind of sad for those of us who grew up playing games that weren't so hand-holdy and designed to appease that "wtf game is broken!!!one!" crowd.


    It’s not about hand-holding per se, I think. It’s just you, as a player, is expected to do things others cannot. Which means that “it’s dangerous here, they are all dead” might as well say “adventurers are welcomed, please come right this moment”.

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