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Posts posted by tinysalamander

  1. 1) Mercenaries should not be created by the player.


    So-o-o, step 1) create multi-class system; step 2) fordid free character creation. Sounds counter-productive. And some of us create custom characters and roleplay their parts as well.


    Какое такое не должны? Делать мультиклассовую систему и не давать создавать с помощью неё персов это бред. Тем более что некоторые из нас создают своих персонажей, которых сами же и отигрывают.

  2. i passed the 500 letter from her...

    the most annoying part - she left me without any reason!

    it started with a notice she wanna talk to me and since then i couldn't make her talk. i was pressing on her, removing and adding back - couldn't talk no matter what! 

    then i went to the ship and she suddenly left me =\ and now the spam!

    She really hates you but can't forget you at the same time. She is a very obsessive person.

    • Like 3
  3. K... but Maia might be portrayed as an autonomous agent with personal convictions and a sense of her surroundings. She might not want to break up someone's relation. That's her action. I don't see this in any way as assuming monogamy, but even if it was, society is overwhelmingly monogamous. Yes people like to sleep around, but nobody want's their partner to do so. Society overwhelming favors treating people how they want to be treated, and while people object to monogamy for the political sound-bite almost nobody actually behaves that way. So even if it was assumed, it would be somewhat justified. It's further perfectly okay to write characters who uphold that standard and aren't simply fantasy husks that are shaped at the player's discretion.


    Which doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to try. You just might not be successful.

    • Like 2
  4. I also would like it if the game came out pretty balanced. Sadly, this wasn't the case at all. Now you could discuss the following: is it better to leave it in that very unbalanced state and disappoint people or is it better to balance it with patches and disappoint people?


    I personally think that the later is preferable. That's because I play those games for a long time, multiple playtroughs.


    People who only play it once will prefer the first approach I guess.


    I will only play it once and I would prefer second option if possible.

    • Like 1
  5. 1. Separate classes from occupation.

    2. Take a look at Rule of cool's Legend and adapt their class structure (I don't think that would be an infringement of any sort? it uses OGL 1.0a license in any case). Basically, you have 3 groups of abilities (tracks) per character, which allows for easier “multi-classing” and higher customizability than pure class systems while remaining relatively less time-consuming than full classless. Tracks can be assigned different speeds of progression, if you think PoE needs that.

    3. A pure mana-based class that doesn't require you to hit things with pointy sticks. I wouldn't mind that being priest, but I suspect not everyone will agree with me here. I also had an idea for that where lower level (relative to you current maximum) spells would give you mana, while higher level will cost it, but I'm not sure if it's actually workable. Basically,

    cost = 0
    if highest_spell_level_you_can_cast > 1 {
        cost = spell_level - floor(highest_spell_level_you_can_cast / 2)

    This assumes that spells are free to cast when all you have is level 1 spells, although you might use the formula even if that's the case if that seems more reasonable. You'll have to have some starting mana each encounter, though (which isn't necessarily bad).


    Maybe multiply cost by 10 if you need more granularity in case you need to be able to restore mana via different means (taking damage or something).

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