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Posts posted by tinysalamander

  1. I think switching all casters to the same model is a bad idea. Ciphers are already damage to get mana. Chanters are wait to get mana. IMO, Druids, Clerics, and Wizards should be distinguished, not made more like Ciphers, but can start with high "mana" that is consumed over the course of the combat. You could give Clerics one spell set that increases in power with level, so they only cast from one set of spells, but always at the highest available power level. Wizards could retain a rest mechanic in the sense they have to choose a spell for each level when they rest, which could not be changed, and have a per-level number of spell castings available; you could spam rest to get more variation, but not more power. (Wizards should probably have many more spells to choose from than other classes.) Leave Druids as is.


    I'm not saying these are the "right" choices, but just they provide some variation. Different players will have different preferences.


    I agree on classes needing some identity, but this specific example makes priests into glorified supers, which might be fine for “battlemages” but feels weird for a pure caster.

  2. My issue with the reveal was they did not really set up the Gods as having a big background creation myth that got shattered that I was aware of. They are only ever interacted with as beings who have power now over material things. And they do.


    So the fact they are powerful immortal beings that have power over the things in their portfolio was not actually shaken by the realization they were made by the Engwithans. I mean they currently exist and Ondra really can mess with the seas so you probably should appease her before that voyage. I mean how is that different from the Olympian Gods? And with Eothas coming back it is pretty clear we have no idea how to get rid of them.


    So how are they fake gods? What exactly is a god? Thaos asked this question.

    They sat in Yama's chambers, having taken a light meal there. Yama leaned back in his chair, a glass of the Buddha's wine in his left hand, a half-filled decanter in his right.

    "Then the one called Raltariki is really a demon?" asked Tak.

    "Yes— and no," said Yama, "If by 'demon' you mean a malefic, supernatural creature, possessed of great powers, life span and the ability to temporarily assume virtually any shape— then the answer is no. This is the generally accepted definition, but it is untrue in one respect."

    "Oh? And what may that be?"

    "It is not a supernatural creature."

    "But it is all those other things?"


    "Then I fail to see what difference it makes whether it be supernatural or not— so long as it is malefic, possesses great powers and life span and has the ability to change its shape at will."

    "Ah, but it makes a great deal of difference, you see. It is the difference between the unknown and the unknowable, between science and fantasy— it is a matter of essence. The four points of the compass be logic, knowledge, wisdom and the unknown. Some do bow in that final direction. Others advance upon it. To bow before the one is to lose sight of the three. I may submit to the unknown, but never to the unknowable. The man who bows in that final direction is either a saint or a fool. I have no use for either."

    • Like 1
  3. Another alternative could be to make it into a feat that you could choose, for example:


    Spell Research I

    Gain access to level I spells that are normally restricted by your Wizard Specialist School.


    Spell Research II

    Gain access to level II spells... etc


    So, you pay a talent point to get access, then another to learn a spell, and then repeat the whole process. Sounds wasteful. Artifically inflates the number of talents without actually giving much. 1 talent that allows you to cast other school (your highest -1, or -2) is fine. This, eww…

  4. What if some Eoran “gods” such as I have described actually exist in Eora but the Engwithans could not detect them? What if there is some overlap in portfolio between the Engwithan gods and these Animate Ideals? Maybe some blending or merger might occur?

    I'm still wondering why the idea of “Eoran gods are man-made, but maybe there *are* real (for some values of real) gods too” is so popular. Especially since nothing really foreshadows that and it wouldn't really add anything to the story. More like it will replace the uncertainty and questions it brings with a divine mandate, which feels like is a loss to me story-wise.

    • Like 2
  5. At say $49.99 per game, if you played around 50 hours (which I more or less played on PoE 1) it would be $1 (rounded) per hour played… A cinema trip will cost you ten times as much per hour.


    If we are doing these kinds of calculations, imagine that there exist people with about $400 per month icome. Or less. Regional prices exist, though, fortunately, otherwise I probably wouldn't have played the game.

  6. All that numbers tweaks sounds attactive , however, lets take a look at roots.


    From the game world mechanic point of view.

    Spells are cast based on religion or high education (which is a science based religion).


    Not really. Spells are cast because soul power in PoE. What you are affects how you manifest this power. Gods and religion itself has no power over it.

    • Like 3
  7. Well... that's what hard-cc is for)


    Also you could try the following:

    - body or door block if possible

    - unstealthing your front and midline before your backline often makes shades teleport to someone of them, instead of going straight for your squishies. (note: enemy special abilities do have cooldowns)

    - designating a dedicated scape-goat. Take someone (usually a moon godlike), make sure that he has lowest deflection and freeze DR, and place him in midline. He'll serve as a magnet for those with LowestDamageThreshold and LowestDefense preferences (like shades and enemy barbarians). The idea is to disable them all via AoE cc effects, once they flock to the target. And you get bonus points if the goat has Swadling Sheet cloak, and Fenwalkers boots. Note: you could technically equip also stuff like: Malina's Boots, Gyrd Háewanes and Raiment of Wael's Eyes for the defensive procs, but you might need an additional disabler, since there is a high chance shades would switch to target with lower defenses.


    My hard CC is a sword inside soft kithmeat.


    These are very specific ways which I find… a pain to use. Well, maybe not door blocking, but you aren't always near a door. Edér notwithstanding. Maybe better control over your party formation when moving could help.

  8. Imo, unless mooks have some ability to discern "danger lever" at a glance, why would they run past the toon swinging a sword at their head for the toon in the process of casting a spell (and they wouldn't know what spell is being cast anyway)?


    Killing a guy in robes makes sense in the world where casters exist. The problem isn't that, but the fact that you can't really do anything about it.

  9. Dude, we get it. And your logic is sound. But the good doctor is right. It only takes one overblown "racism" scandal to mess up Deadfire's reputation. Remember that silly tombstone fiasco from Pillars?


    PS In Deadfire, there's a 4th type: Storm Folk :)

    Fixable with renaming racials feats into something else (specialization, training, whatever) and allow humans (or anyone really) to choose what they get instead of being stuck with race’s default. Default being dominant training regime in the region or something.

  10. Judging by what I’m reading long casting times should be used on something approaching party wipe levels of power.


    X is casting Berath’s gate…

    Run for your lives rush to kill him.


    Which will likely work fine for enemies, but I’m not sure it should be used for player side.

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