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Posts posted by tinysalamander

  1. In an ideal world, yes :p But I've been a programmer for long enough to know that things are never ideal. There are so many hacks and shortcuts that people often have to take not because they want to, but because they're forced to due to time/budget constraints or external factors.


    I remember in one of the companies I used to work for, well-meaning new guy fixed a spelling error in a bit of code that he was modifying. Turns out whoever wrote the code 5 years before that had consistently used the same spelling error across many things. So his tiny fix ended up breaking a whole bunch of things. He wanted to go through the code and fix everything, but his manager said no one's going to pay for the time needed to do it right, and he was forced to reintroduce the spelling error just to make sure things work again.

    I do programming as well. And, really, that's why I said planning right from the start. Not that you can plan for everything, but I'd expect this one was a known issue in the industry by know :) Which doesn't negate the fact that you still need time and money to actually do it, unfortunately… But I can still complain about it in hope of future changes :biggrin:




    For some people, it is better. At the end of the day, they can't please everyone.


    Actually, in this particular case they can. It's called options.



    I understand that you can have toggle options, but there's no way for them to know which ones players want a toggle for prior to releasing the game. For example, some people may like the narrator and most of the companions, but want to toggle specific companions off. Others may like the companions and the narrator but want to toggle the random NPCs etc


    There's too many possible permutations/preferences for them to make that kind of decisions before the product goes to the public. And depending on how it's coded, adding a toggle could be a very simple change in one location, or it could involve making 500 tiny changes all over the place.



    Or… you plan for it right from the start and then it will not require 500 changes all over the place. Like “tagging” voices or something. It isn't exactly rocket science. Well, since the game is long past that stage… who knows. I'd like to know whether it would be easy to do with Pillars codebase or not, though.

  3. Importing. Priestess of Eothas who thinks gods aren't needed. She has an “imaginary friend” who pierces her enemies with pointy things and sometimes blows them up in pieces, who also has a ghostly wolf called Shadow… As for development, that depends on what she learns in the process and what her options would be.

    Alignment, hmm, well, I guess it is chaotic good.
    There is a thread with a watercolor portraits tutorial: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97149-tutorial-watercolor-portraits-in-the-gimp/

  4. To be fair it's easier to come up with cool abilities for spell casting classes like Chanters, or even Paladins. By and large Rogues are supposed to be non-magical so you have to find some way to make attacking with your mundane weapons and/or stealthing as cool as summoning a Dragon.


    Or maybe that shouldn't be a thing in a setting where everything is soul-powered one way or another.


    “X is supposed to be mundane” is why we can't have nice things, IMO.



    The thing is, whether they're artificial beings or not does not change the fact that they're (almost) exactly as powerful as they claim to be.




    I don't think the point requires any further articulation. If something specific confuses you, let me know.


    That's not what I was talking about, though. You are the one confused here.

  6. Disappointing for a setting where one of the questions is whether the gods have divine mandate or should they. Especially since my protagonist is a priest of Eothas who thinks that gods are not needed. Now you are just kind of inverted Thaos… Maybe that was the intention but I don't like it either way. Waaay too railroady for my tastes. I'll try to ignore it as hard as possible, I guess.

  7. The problem with that as a comparison, IMO - and its a good point to make - is that isn't how its payed out in games (ie a soulmate kind of thing where the attraction is between to people regardless of anything else).  For example if NPC A and B were Single-Target Sexuality (thus appearing to the player to be player sexual), they should either come into conflict (because they both want the same thing) or they should agree to share a relationship (which, kind of happens I guess in the Jade Empire threesome, sorta).  But generally the game treats the players choice as an on-off switch for the NPC - ie they love the player if the Player wants them to and if the Player doesn't then they express no real romantic interest in the player beyond the first flirting to relationship decision point.  They can even express interest / pursue romances with other NPCs if they're not picked by the player, violating the single-target sexuality idea.


    But I guess if a player sexual character was to work, it'd be as a single-target sexuality.


    But it doesn't mean the characters will have no real character of their own. The devs certainly can make it that way (as with any other feature, really), but there is no law that states it is impossible to do it right (more or less, I guess).

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