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Everything posted by Dark_Lord_Revan

  1. (w00t) I had forgotten about that one.
  2. Yeah I had a female exile when I heard it. Edit: He says some other funny things if you're female, like: "Not that your whole naked interrogation isn't my fantasy or anything..."
  3. Go Here I beat you to it a few days ago...
  4. I think to get that Atton line you must have beaten the game once on LS and once on DS. That's what I did anyways.
  5. Hey thanks for the info, it helped!
  6. Heh...saying I need an upgrade is an understatement. I need 1000Mhz? I have three-hundred twenty-something Mhz and about 1/5 of the amount of ram... "
  7. Have you heard Atton's line where he says something like: "Actually I'm a recycled character from Jedi Knight. I wasn't even supposed to be in this game. Blame that on my agent." (Extreme Paraphrasing, because I can't remember the exact words.)
  8. I have a decision to make, and I would like to know your opinions. I have played Kotor 1 on Xbox and beaten it many times, but I have yet to buy it. So, my question is: Should I stick with the Xbox and buy that version, or is it worth it to get the PC version for the extra content(except more glitches.) P.S. Not sure if this matters, but my computer is kind of old, from '99 or 2000 I think. Windows <_<
  9. I hope this isn't in the wrong forum :"> There is lots of dialogue in the game, list some of your favorite lines! Anyways I have a few, I'll list one to start- Exile: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  10. Oh yeah, I also liked the ending sequence for Halo, the final run. I hadn't played anything like it before. :cool:
  11. What was your unforgettable gaming moment? This doesn't have to be actually a moment in the game, it could be the first time you ever played a certain game/system, too. Mine was probably finding out that And yeah there are probably better twists than that but I don't play a lot of RPGS...
  12. Kotor 1 Halo 1 Goldeneye 64
  13. 1.) Finish up the storyline from the previous 2 games. If they just started this next one in the Mandalorian Wars, for example, so much would be left unanswered, and people would be mad at not having any type of closure. 2.)Make it for Xbox 360.(of course) 3.) I agree also with more customization for character (body type, face, etc.) 4.) Make the story riveting, and one that will be talked about for years to come(even if it's not happy.) 4.) I liked the influence system, but it wasn't developed to it's full potential. I could see it becoming something excellent. 5.) KotOR 3 should be the standard for which all console RPG's are compared to. Anyways, that's all I can think of off the top of my head... Oh yeah, and I want a LONGER game! Not as long as Elder Scrolls maybe, but every moment should be enjoyable.
  14. Kreia: I think that anti-aging stuff had a reverse effect on me... <_<
  15. So, because those are YOUR opinions on all those games, it makes them right...and that any SMART person should agree with you?
  16. KotOR 1 Revan: Hey, Canderous, have you ever been called "Candy?" Canderous:(glares) No. KotOr 2 Exile: Hey, Mandalore, do you mind if I called you...Mandy? Mandalore: (shoots exile) Blah im tired, i just thought it would be funny to here someone call Manderous/Candalore a feminine name.
  17. It unlocks some funny things, like "HK-47 Unhinged" where HK is saying all of these lines that were cut from the game. He said something to Atton along the lines of: "I had a dream last night. In it I killed every single meatbag. I think you were in it." It also has videos of cut content, like the HK droid factory.
  18. heh ok I got 2 different codes, I'll have to go try them both.
  19. Actually I think its because we are all a bunch of smart asses around here... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol ok :cool:
  20. You would be correct!! Here's a hint, try finding the answers for yourself instead of waiting for them to come to you, trust me it will be many times more rewarding. WHile you're at it, don't spam other threads with your whining m'kay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, I was poilitely asking for help, there's a difference. Also, what do you mean by "spamming OTHER threads?" I created this thread, so I'm not sure what you mean. And finally, if you don't know the answer, then just don't post! What is the point of making a childish remark just to spite another poster? *Assuming you are actually an adult* that doesn't sound very mature.
  21. I don't know why I buy them I just do, even though I have beaten the game long before I get it. I am curious and like to read?
  22. Well, to get back to the topic of KOTOR 3, I believe that both Xbox Magazine and EGM Mag both stated that Kotor 3 was indevelopment in their last issues, but I can't remember if they said by WHO, they just said that it was being develpoed and that it follows Revan's story.
  23. wow...125 views...no answers :'(
  24. Nobody has actually answered my question yet.... <_<
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