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Everything posted by Calax

  1. If you've ever met a young American who doesn't, they're either lying about their Americanosity or their age. Or they're mormons, who don't count. >.> never done drugs and don't particularly enjoy metal age 21
  2. watching gundam wing from ep 1 to the end, and I must say the engilsh version has mind cringingly bad voice acting
  3. his helm rocks for warriors.
  4. didn't the mythbusters already do this and find nothing changed?
  5. updating NWN2 Playing a warlock (I decided to do it easy mode.)
  6. Calax


    me and Interesting times by terry pratchet are leering at each other trying to decide if I'm going to read it and if its' going to let me read it
  7. when i saw this thread title I thought it had to do with ground water and its contaminants
  8. so, does this mean that EA, McDonalds and Gamestop are some sort of trifecta of evil corperate power that will eventually eat your souls? or do we need to include starbucks?
  9. :wonders who gets the mod slot:
  10. actually it doesn't kill the plot point as the reason luke was able to disern a difference between clones and normal humans had to do with the fact that the clones were grown without a connection to the force when grown by thrawn whereas the ones in the prequil trilogy were grown the normal way (well semi normal) and had the force affecting them the entire time. Admittedly this is one of those gaps of fact that requires me to go into full geek mode but hey (puts on dungeon master hat and really thick glasses, also begins to wheeze) it works.
  11. don't put words in my mouth. my god... READING COMPREHENSION!!! i put no words in your mouth. GD SAID that he and i are heretics, i was replying to you, not paraphrasing you... sheesh. why is it so hard to understand simple english? taks actually I was saying you were putting words in my mouth or rather giving my words a more.... Religious(?) overtone than I had placed upon them. You made it sound like I was saying that people like you and GD were unfit for civil discourse, and should be branded and or ostrasized for being idiots and other similar reactions to the word Heretic. I mean after all many people on this board play warhammer, a heretic in warhammer usually paints his body in blood with the symbols of his masters right before going off to war. Now I can't see you so I'm assuming you didn't paint any sort of symbol on your body and what we do can rarely be called wars so :shruggles:
  12. don't put words in my mouth.
  13. Well I can prove that temperature rise creates increases in CO2 (just burn a piece of charcoal). But no I can not prove the reverse which is what Gore assets to be true. Of course neither can he. But as Calax says you have to have faith! It's funny, this whole global warming thing is nearly becoming a religion. And it is a zealous one that hates pagans and heretics (thats you and me Taks). did I ever say that you had to be on one side or the other to be right? I'm just raised by an enviromentalist who bought the prius only buys organic and won't do certain things because it's bad for the environment. Are you saying I'm a heretic?
  14. Link to the rest:http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/gor...1696238792.html Dr Gray does not advocate the same theory I do, but once again this files in the face of the slogan spouting "Consensus formed" and "The science is settled" crowd that make up Gore's disciples. I don't think it files in the face of anything. Right now global warming is a minor unknown so half of what you believe takes an act of faith / belief to keep up with it. I've seen scientists who proclaim both things and while some are wrong off the bat (usually they get ostracized) others have proper points.
  15. so far the only thing we know is that it's cgi and based off the art direction from clone wars.
  16. >.> Gore won the prize HORRAY! (not that I saw the movie mind you, just know the basis and like it.)
  17. anything starwars based MUST ALWAYS go through LucasArts, simply because it's doubtful that LA would hand their cash cow over to anything other than a developer and always act as publisher thus netting lucas more money.
  18. He's not asking you to do that, just use solar energy and don't drive when you don't have to. Also don't use pesticide
  19. I loved Up is down Black is white.
  20. and there goes city 17
  21. as a IG lover. I cry at DOW
  22. There are plenty of EA titles that aren't multi-platform. The Battle for Middle Earth series for instance. So nothing is given. BFMEII was on XboX360
  23. well if Relic is working on DOW 2 (apparently Soulstorm is being developed by another THQ dev house The guys who did titan quest I believe) then we might see several races being implemented from the very start as compared to DOW which only had the four. Four is still quite a few especially given that they had very different ways of teching up.
  24. Finially got Kitchen Irish!? Jeez took you a while.
  25. I miss westwood the most.
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