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Everything posted by Calax

  1. *shrugs* daily show ran a piece on this. And they raised a funny point. Why did she need to write "raise american spirits" on her hand? Then there was the whole "retard" thing, where she asked somebody to resign from his senate position because he called liberals F'n retards. Then when Limbaugh (of all people) said that it was stupid to argue over the word retard (of course he did this by saying that you're calling liberals what they are, retards, which they aren't), she instantly changed her stance towards it because Limbaugh said it. With every passing month I think Palins hopes of being president die faster and faster (of course they were probably already dead after her VP run). And currently the republican party doesn't really have a standout for the 2012 race.
  2. He made a few good points, but I think that the comments were more interesting than the article itself. Honestly, the companies are loosing a MASSIVE amount of money to gamestop because of the used system there. For 10 bucks cheaper you get the same game, and you get a return on it if you don't like it. Except that you aren't helping the producers of the game, all that money goes straight to Gamestop (which is why they have such a large profit margin, and order us to push the used versions, they literally make money hand over fist with that stuff).
  3. White Knight chronicles and Champions Online. Champions honestly feels like a single player game that randomly has people in it. Of course it doesn't help that most of the characters you make will ultimately feel the same if they have the same overall attack style (Ranged or melee) because they had to make most of the attacks EXTREMELY similar simply because of the fact you can mix and match power pools. I picked it up because it was 20 bucks and I got a free month. I'd honestly probably have gotten City of heroes again over this. White knight is a trip. If you get it you HAVE to be a fan of deep jrpgs to enjoy it. You can take any character and send them in a 'direction' in terms of attacks and magic. You also can make "you" in the game as a character. Yes, you get a personalized avatar. And they do it correctly (In my opinion) so that when you're making his face and body, they have several presets that you can look at and zip through, then manipulate the sliders if you feel the urge to (unlike a few where you just have a standard face, sliders, and a random button). The story is basically that you're a hired hand at a wine seller and you're sent to pick up the wine for a celebration at the castle. You pick it up and come back to the castle and the main character (who's not you, your character is really just a member of the part who doesn't talk) slips into the castle and ends up getting caught up in an attack on the place. Eventually he runs off trying to save the princess dragging her with him into the catacombs. Down there they fight their way further and further down into the depths until they hit the treasure vaults where Leonard (the main character) ends up having to make a pact with a creature that gives him the ability to control the titular white knight. It's makes for an escaflowne esque combat system and seems good currently. There's also a multiplayer component where you take your avatar into somebody elses game. Haven't tried it but I'll probably be doing it with coworkers.
  4. btw: http://kotaku.com/5469024/starcraft-ii-clo...ches-this-month
  5. You do gotta have somebody who can lead actually lead... if that made sense. Somebody who has led before will probably do well (I'd guess the only two who really fit that would be Garrus and the chick who's name just disappeared from my head. When she lead the team on the second split, she appeared to get shot and just looked up saying "I'm ok" after the door closed... seems kinda stupid to me but *shrugs*
  6. I didn't like grunt. The Krogan in general are interesting in that they breed like crazy but are somehow able to develop scientifically to the point of gunpowder. I find it odd to think that they could transfer and gain knowledge fast enough to figure out nuclear fusion when their lives are basically fighting to survive. The Krogans are more than just one dimentional "WAR!" types. Wrex shows this, as does the shaman and the female leader wrex mentions. Honestly my favorite characters were tali and Legion. I just love legion and want to see a LOT more of him in ME3
  7. what about the religious whackjobs who put a cross in a holster while working with the tea party?
  8. >.> My final group was Jack and Legion and both survived. I don't know about Mordin.
  9. http://kotaku.com/5467039/cerberus-ups-you...rsenal-tomorrow new DLC shotgun and armor
  10. Since actual Tokamak reactors are huge, this wouldn't happen. Further, fusion materials are not actually explosive, so would actually happen (if somebody miniaturized a Tokamak and stuck it in a car) would be the car melting as the heat escapes. You need to watch more Hollywood movies, everybody knows that cars explode violently half a second before impact BEFORE impact? Or when they're tapped with another car
  11. eh, I always swapped between rifle, pistol, and smg. if I ran out of those my heavy weap and my incin would punch out enough damage to save me while my allies went nuts.
  12. Hey Calax, what difficulty were you playing at? Also, what rifle were you using? it was on medium I admit (or nomral or whatever) and the weapon I was using was a sniper you get for effectively prestiege class (instead of getting either AR or shotgun proficiency). Does extra damage to synthetics. That said, I just went onto youtube and found out something... WTF TRINITY PLAYED ARIA!? I know, right? I am definitely trying that sniper as soon as I can. The assault rifle or the shotgun you can get just don't seem good enough. It's slightly more powerful than the basic one on most stuff but it's MURDEROUS on tech enemies.
  13. Hey Calax, what difficulty were you playing at? Also, what rifle were you using? it was on medium I admit (or nomral or whatever) and the weapon I was using was a sniper you get for effectively prestiege class (instead of getting either AR or shotgun proficiency). Does extra damage to synthetics. That said, I just went onto youtube and found out something... WTF TRINITY PLAYED ARIA!?
  14. Honestly I think that infiltrator might actually be one of the better classes this game due to the incinerate ability and it's sheer power. A tracking power that wipes out armor? yes please! (when I was running around at the end I was killing harbinger avatars or with two sniper bullets and an incin)
  15. I just finished it... the term anti-climax is applicable. Like the others said it suffered mainly from having a short primary story and thus you spent most of your time either grinding for resources or friendship missions.
  16. I think that the only way for the viewing media to not be pirated would either an extreme, either extreme limits, or extreme freedoms. Either way it'd make the pirates jobs either to hard (of course some do it to feel like freedom fighters), or useless. The question is how would they get around the funding problem. My guess would be that if things became "free" you'd have more adds on the 'net versions than you would on the TV version.
  17. Calax


    It's the sienfeld isn't funny effect.
  18. I've officially decided that Mordin is the BEST character in there, between singing, and giving "inter-species mating" advice I just can't stop laughing. Of course i have yet to talk to Legion so *shrugs* That said, do you get sent to the crash site automatically or do you have to find it?
  19. I think the reasoning behind the the beth forums is because it's technically an expansion for Bethsofts game.
  20. does this mean I'll know who I am soon?
  21. Well, I guess I'll give that a shot (was kinda looking for a new mecha anime, or guys turning into giant monsters to slaughter each other). But does anyone have a suggestion for something similar to Gundam (00 or chars counter attack are my favorite) and Full Metal Panic! ?
  22. Calax


    Thing is I don't exactly see a hulking space marine zipping around with a standard bolter pistol, they use the average bolter (as in the AR verison). FYI Sandy Mitchell=Commissar Cain's author.
  23. Calax


    Well the way it's described in the Wolves vs any other is that in wolves it's more like they're running around with .358 cannons rather than an AR. Most other books I've read describe the Bolters as rifles that are best used with two hands. Yes, Abnett is an AWESOME writer (he does the Ghosts books, as well as a few comic books), other suggestions would be James Swallow, Ghram McNeal, and Sandy Mitchel.
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